You are too nice Hilbert. My I quit thread is going to contain a massive tell all and many many many swear words when it comes! I actually miss the days of pugging against a 5 man Tsi premade back in season 3. The game was much cleaner and simpler back then. But not necessarily easier. But good luck with whatever you do.…
I think the guy is pretty much suming up what a major joke pvp has become. Honestly next to cheesus this is the best I have seen to date:) I think we are all beyond the point of shock value and pretty much white noise out anything these moron devs do to mess up pvp more.
To Semondo: Successes in this game is defined as anything that does not illicit QQ in game or here on the forums. That being said the fixed space pug q's are successful! Okay with a few small adjustments to accommodate the different needs of ground pvp as opposed to space in this game. 1. Assault/Shanty is widely regarded…
Let's do a 1 on 1 and I won't use lunge or cloak :) And to zerat yes lunge 3 with melee doff's that have been out for years now are all of the sudden worse then before? Tacts can rarely pulsewave or sniper one shot other good players anymore. Yet sci can fire crit one shot. So are tacts no longer allowed to have any viable…
Nah I have just had my fill of dealing with someone clearly beneath me in every aspect of life. I already busted a nut off your friend and you did a good job of reminding me how much bigger of a di-k I have than you! In any case I have an overtime job to get back too. Gotta pay my bills instead of living off mommy and…
Omfg listen to yourself. Get a life you little ***-ot. If you acted like this in person out here you would get your TRIBBLE beat around these parts LOL! Protip don't drop the soap otherwise you will end up some big black mans bit-h
I don't care anymore you may not realize this but season 9 is going to turn ground into full on p2w you may not see it on tribble yet but trust me it's coming. So far we have been mostly immune unlike space. Games over! Besides premades who don't have the balls to fight other balanced premades IN PRIVATE are the ones who…
Not mad at all ****** boy just shoving your bs right back in your face actually. Like I told you before moron I know you are not interested in ground cause you could never hack it without cheese battle cloak and a 60 k hull. Your macros and scripts would not do **** for you on ground. You are just another punk TRIBBLE 15…
You don't care really? LMFAO then why a few pages ago in this thread did you shoot your mouth off for your friend about biting my head off LOL. STFU little kid your nothing but a common cheese using troll and when this games original pvpers say so I tend to take their word for it. Grow up get a job and lose your virginity…
I am looking forward to that video you were going to have your friend take during our private match we had a few hours ago! Since he was cool about it afterwards I told him how to survive lunge **** even though I wasn't using that doff or kit that match. But Dius you will be saddened to know my head is still attached :0
Don't sweat it Rose Fs knows what's coming next season especially if they split the q's. How much do you want to bet that fs will never be 5 deep in the arena premade? This would mean they would be forced to take on another 5 man premade which would most likely be another balanced premade. In all likelyhood they will just…
Like I said space people can't do ground pvp period which is how I ended up in this thread. I never once said i was better than everyone at ground in this thread I just know how this 1 on 1 with your Gorn friend is going to play out just based on his comments about engy and lunge. And all this bs coming from a 15 year old…
Lol I used to be good at space when I had maxed out toons with options but nowadays the grind the level of cheese I would have to carry isn't going to be fun and frankly pride fulfilling to use. But thanks for the vote of confidence Rose but I admit I would not be near the top so much in space anymore. Too much BS to…
Wrong cupcake I was with Hammer and during that time we beat fs and fes on the regular even while fs ran 4 fail cloaker teams. That was comical. Lack of a current team due to a low playerbase is out of my control. if you want to try me 1 on 1 put up or shut up! You think 1 on 1 ground is just a dps race? LOL you think we…
Listen cupcake all you have ever done is hide behind your premade both in fs and fleet command germany. You never once have been able to dent me without any form of help. You wanna go 1 on 1 cupcake or hide behind your premade? Until you can reach my level keep your mouth shut noob end of story! Everyone not in fs knows…
GEEZ I sent it twice now and even tried a pm to catch you online. But you know how cyptic is I don't know when the last time I tried to send in game mail was though. Trust me no ego my friend just been playing ground long enough to know how these things play out. @uwedog is the handle
Not really I am basically just calling it exactly as it is. Certain things that are labeled as op in reality are very counter able. Most of the QQ comes from tacts cause they fail to adapt to the game and are pissed that they can't one shot anything anymore. This is coming from a heavy tact player here too!
HMMM One shot lunge still very doable but still easy to counter with the proper gear and a good roll. Glad it's not me I have been known to q on tier zero rep with TRIBBLE gear while everyone else holds their toons till they are fully repped up and geared up But the ability to stack foods is not broken. The easy solution…
LOL my crystal ball shows two players jaw about to drop. Please by all means record the match and link it here! This is going to be seriously sweet when the butthurttitis kicks in here :) I can already tell how this match is going to end just based on what he said about lunge with doffs being instant opness and engy's in…
What kits are considered cheese on ground by themselves? If you mean operative I have no plans to use operative or even my tact for that matter. The stasis pistol remains on most cheese list. And to Duis if your issue is it's boring as hell and you are still good at it then logically you would want to come down and do…
Yes there is plenty of ground pvp and it's something space guys can't handle cause it's on a whole different level. I don't have any space built or geared toons to the max and I don't have the time or in game resources to build one. You can hide behind macros, a 60k hull, enough heals, cheese consoles in space but if you…
He does a hell of a lot more than you do in ground pvp. When is the last time you q'd up without hiding behind a premade cupcake! Don't start showing your balls now just because you are in fs kid! know your place! And yes apparently this thread was meant to be derailed since thats what the previous poster did with a troll…
Noobs that can't hack it in the ignore aggro lines method on IGE. Cmon noobs step up your game. Ige has been easy for 2 years. I can kill one group on any class myself easy why can't you other 4 noobs handle 2 workers on the other side? :(
I wouldn't sweat this kid. I have seen way better pilots back in the old days. I have some ground toons available for a 1 on 1 wanna go? You won't be able to macro or script a ground 1 on 1 so I doubt this will get any response! And if you play a tact and want to use operative go for it you will be dead before you can run…
Bullssssshiiiii excuse me I sneezed! Medic kits main spec is all low tier skill points You don't need any points at all in physician as that only specs the willpower portion of sci aptitude not the hot . An engy can very easily spec into enemy neut and equip tech kits. Just don't put any points in generators and turrets.…
I will say this again like I've said years ago space guys won't do ground for 3 reasons. 1. Their scripts and macros won't work for them in ground pvp. 2. They don't have 4 other guys getting ready to jerk them off with heals to bail them out. 3. The game is so much faster paced than space and they don't have a 60k hull to…
Yes I have seen the ground gravity well again not an issue if you are aware fast and roll asap the instant you get hit with said effects. Like I said personally I am not having direct issues with the sci spam at least not from full health. Maybe it's just me but if i can do it you all can do it too! Guys it's very simple…