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anelk Arc User



  • I see a few referals to Star Trek here and there in this thread. I have to ask same thing as the original title of this topic actually, Why DPS? I been wondering that as well for all the years I've gone to and away from this game. I love Star Trek series and movies. I love them for the stories, the characters and the…
    in Why DPS? Comment by anelk February 2014
  • 2 months and Bridge Officers in away team are still getting ruined by the melee bug/glitch. I'm not playing this game again untl that is fixed and reported in release notes. Any BO equipped with melee weapon will stop using primary and secondary attacks. Even when re-equipped with energy weapons of any kind, primary attack…
  • I have 5 outfit slots on all my KDF toons. For the longest time, only one worked until someone gave me the tip to completely re-make them. Following that suggestion, I went to tailor, deleted all outfits and re.made them from scratch. I still could not save/load outfits for Bridge Officers or my orion toon, but the re-made…
  • I have been reporting exact same glitch with the fleet scourge destroyer since season 6. I had the original C-store scourge and it has never ever been able to customize. I also see the Draguas as only available model, I also see the 1500 zen charge, and I also want to change the surface paint as well as bridge I have…
  • Sadly, I can confirm this as of Dec 28 2013. I just ruined my 2 Orion BO's by wanting them to do melee against the voth spec-ops... But as soon as I equipped bat'leth and falchions on them, they simply quit fighting. They only use attack nr 3 and Lounge. They do not use Sweeping Strikes or even regular melee. To my huge…
  • For what it's worth to you all, this is a world wide issue that so many players have it's not even funny. Sadly, after Perfect World took ownership of STO it meant we got the entire gameworld transfered to their already overloaded host servers. I've been with STO since way before it went Free-to-play and got moved to PW…
  • That must be a rather random thing to happen... I as well did some Elite STF's today and even if not many, they seemed to be working as usual, invisible one-shot-super-torps included.
  • Fleet Scourge Destroyer - Can not change appearance on it. Ship customisation NPC is delusional and thinks it's a Draguas ship, demands I pay 1500 ZEN for NO changes what so ever. I've had this KDF Fleet ship for a year now and sent in a dozen or more tickets about it. nothing... as usual... Craptic... :mad: Oh and one…
  • ... my KDF toon became highest rank in diplomacy before season 6. I went to Qonos to get my federation deflector BO and the NPC supposed to give them to us on KDF side is just asking me "What do you want?" or some such... I find out it's a bug that has been in existance since the very earliest days of STO and never been…
  • ... because I live in timezone GMT +2 and my characters dill refine limit is reset somewhere around 6 in the morning. But it appears to be working at least. I have not bumped into the problem described here... yet... Lots of other bugs and issues with STO annoying me enough that I don't even log on for a week or two every…
  • The entire torpedo mechanics is screwed up if that is how it works (read the previous 3 pages). Using my own romy torp launcher, it appears the heavy slow moving torps have their own range. While you travel the distance from 8 km out to 20 km away from the ship launching, the torp will still move. The 10 km range should be…
  • Same problem here. Power settings not saving properly. other "old" bugs have also returned apparantly, mouse over HUD info not working - Again :( Autofire "maintain" not working properly either. Keybinding "set target focus" or "pinning" as they call it now, not working. Borg heavy plasma torps in STF's are STILL INVISIBLE…
  • March 13 and the mouse over HUD info is still broken... :(
  • Wonder if I'm buged then because I can't turn those dang plasm and trico names off no matter what I try. *grr* - I do'nt mind seeing hostile ones, but all the friendly Omega Plasma blobs with names are hideously annoying, my own ones included. :confused: EDIT: Found it... Plasma torps are not considered "mines and…
  • Diversity and variations are the key for any MMO game to succeed. I used to be a big fan of tric mining in my KDf B'rel. Thanks to this pointless and down right stupid nerfing, my 2000 C investment just got rendered useless. The Br'el I had was a torpedo and mine stealthbomber. No cannons or lasers at all since with a mere…
  • Quite simple really... Any game at all has one single purpose, be it MMO's or offline single player games. Their one and only purpose is to entertain, to be fun. I would welcome a level 50 button, especially after already doing the leveling on both fed and KDF side a couple of times since there is no variety, there is no…
  • As of todays date Oct 30 2012, I can confirm same observation. Tested one of these consoles with several different types of mines. Damage specific projectile damage consoles work on mines and torps, but these do not work at all. Variable Geometry Detonators are indeed broken. Lt General Oona - KDF
  • I can't file a ticket because there is something wrong with the ticket system. Nor can I do it from website, I'm getting a message saying the site is trying to redirect me in a way that is not possible... Nice going there PW... :mad: As for the bridge issue, I never bought the belfast bridge to my feds retrofit defiant so…
  • Actually... as of late the set rally point does not work in RPG mode either... I use it all the time on my SCI characters because they are healers and let the away team do all the fighting. It -used- to work just fine, but now it isn't. The little white symbol pops up on mouse cursor, but klicking on the desired location…
  • After oogling through all flippin 40 pages, I can not find this keybind: Team Mate says: Target is $target Purpose: He wants the rest of us to shoot at what he is targeting. Now, there are focus in STO, and there is a way to get the focus as your target. But I'll be damned if I can find a way to get his target as my target…
  • You guys must be federation... I have 2 fed char also but I don't play them very much. I have seen the federation starbase tho and I can see your point. To me, the federation starbase feels like a hospital. Not at all cosy and definately doesn't feel like a meeting hub the way you would expect. What I find most odd with…
  • 80 EDC for a MK XII piece? Yah. I could go with that. Optionals a requirement? Noway. Some of us have to rely on PuGs (Timezone and RL preventing non-stop farm/grind with skilled people online at same time) and the simple truth is that PuG's nearly ever complete the optionals even on Normal mode, not to mention the Elite.…
  • Hmm... There are several good points with this threads posts. The one I see that is missing is that Elite STF's is not only demanding on actually knowing what to do. They also require fairly good gear. Indeed, Cryptic can not force people to learn the strategy of the STF's and even if they could, there is this little…
  • I get alot of server not responding as well. However, there is no point in blaming Cryptic for it. Nowadays, with the new order of things, it's actually Perfect World hosting. Not Cryptic. Cryptic still do the development of the game, but PW is the bad guys for server as well as login hosts and account handling. That's…
  • Mixed feelings about this. I'm a casual player and to this day I have yet to even complete any MK XII of the Borg sets. The droprates are so stupid low that for those of us that can't spend 40 hours / week grinding same stuff without getting either burned out on the entire game (boredom repeating same stuff over and over)…
  • There is a function for this but only in Ground. If you go to Options - Key Binds, at least for the RPG controls, there are settings for "Follow target" as well as "Toggle Follow target". Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, this does not exist in space controls any more, for that, we now have to right-klick on a team…
  • Kind of like a cockpit view. Yes, I'd like that to. The third person view with camera floating behind a space ship isn't very Star Trek, is it? Most of the time, the captains in TV series as well as the motion pictures, were issuing orders from the captains chair on the bridge. I would also enjoy this, especially with the…
  • That's the idea, yes - altho not quite that elitist as the MK XII but close enough. I'm sick of trying Elite STF missions with people (mostly feds) - who have about 1200 accolade points, green quality (?) gear and no clue why they get one shotted by a Worker Drone in Elite Cure Ground... If no Inspect option is made…
  • That's what the "Maintain" mode is supposed to do. Unfortunately, like so many other things in this game, I think it's broken. Maintain is supposed to work in the way that you hold the fire key pressed to maintain autofire. You shouldn't need to tap-tap-tap (kill the button) but as mentioned, I think the Maintain mode is…
  • I also find it annoying that fightercrafts insists in attacking same thing I do. and if I'm working on a team mate, trying to heal his beat up ship, the fighters just sit aroundpicking their noses instead of doing something useful... like shooting the one I told them to shoot before I switched target. Not much point with…