I use it for exactly one thing: doing my Risa daily. Set auto-forward on and enable shooter mode, and you pretty much just point where you want to fly. I've been playing FPS for 25 years. STO's shooter controls aren't the worst I've ever used. But it's up there. And that's sad, because I would LOVE to play away missions as…
Just ditch Flores. Seriously. It's not that she's a bad boff. There's just nothing particularly outstanding about her that makes her hard to replace with another purple human tac.
Side note: these novels are widely available for download in a variety of electronic formats. I have all of them in ebook. :3 Also, if there is ever a T6 Sovereign/Regent with any hybrid Intel seating, it would very seriously tempt me to leave my beloved Eclipse.
Eh, I don't really play Engs myself, but personally I kind of want to applaud the guy who did that. It's a pretty clever use of a defensive ability for a non-combat purpose. If someone threw that up in front of me and I spilled, I'd probably be loling. And then thinking of ways to avoid it next time. Seriously folks, this…
I don't really think there is a lack of content so much... but I agree that Risa is a huge, fantastic map that could stand to be filled with more things to do. It'd just be better if they were standalone and player-driven rather than timed. The problem with packing in more scheduled events is that you either have to…
That strikes me as a bug that should be filed against the logging. Identical terminology should not be used to describe two mechanically different elements.
This suggestion might fall into the category of "blisteringly obvious", and perhaps I've misunderstood something about the mechanics of this bug... but nonetheless, here it is. Since there is no combat on Risa anyway, and floaters have to be in a device slot... perhaps swap the floater device for the gambling device when…
This. I'm sure her voice is perfectly fine, but there's something about this role that makes my ears bleed. I switch instances until I find one with the male dance instructor. Also, wow, the Sand Castle guy is obnoxiously loud. Like, way louder than any of the others. Also too, how about we not engage in fat shaming.
If you have them, sure, but I would generally encourage people to use Advisors. They are of limited use otherwise and therefore tend to be much cheaper than Diplomats on the Exchange, even with appropriate crit traits. You can outfit yourself with a good stable of them on the cheap.
It is a welcome addition, I just really wish that the notifications weren't inexplicably hardcoded to only appear on the left side of the minimap. If the UI was static I'd understand, but the minimap is a movable item and some of us have layouts we've worked very hard on which put the minimap on the left side of the…
Be aware that this is not a great solution for people with RSIs. Any control scheme that requires me to continually keep both mouse buttons pressed for lengths of time while still doing everything else starts making my arm and wrist hurt. Mouse-aiming also does not really address the OP's inquiry. Vertical descent…
And you know all of this how? Oh, right--you don't. You're speculating based on as little information as everyone else in this thread who hasn't witnessed it firsthand, and taking a Ready-Fire-Aim approach to your white knighting. You might want to review the OP. Specifically the part where they had similar gibberish…
Or, rather than this blatantly loaded paraphrase, a more straightforward reading is: yes, I am well aware that we are now seeing failed doff assignments in the Completed window rather than the log, and this increased visibility is not the phenomenon to which I am referring, so please do not waste everyone's time by…
You keep crowing about this point as if your stance makes you better than others, and it's getting tedious. Near as I can tell, you seem to be under the impression that everyone who expends money--virtual or otherwise--to acquire a ship is doing so because they are under the illusion that their virtual goods will go with…
Astonishing. It's almost as if the OP didn't specifically address this in the first line of his post to ward off people dismissing it with this observation. I guess that only works if they read it. Some of us kept a very close eye on our assignment log before the update, thanks.
Dropped 150 mil on my D'Kora literally a few weeks before we found out about the Nandi. Did it pretty much solely for the bridge, and to play with the console a bit. Gonna try the Nandi once I unlock it, especially since there's now a set bonus with the old console. But console set aside, given that I could've had the…
There is a fairly straightforward way of identifying any and all accounts involved in this activity even if they're not directly reported, but whether or not it is feasible depends on what information is exposed to the forensic researcher. 1. Identify a rough rectangular area to search--the bounding box should enclose that…
Can't speak for the OP, but personally? I like to explore. There are plenty of accolades that you get for doing exactly that, and sometimes you find great spots for unique screenshots.
I still run A2B on my Eclipse. I tried OSS and didn't really care for having to either put up with the random disable or cure it every time, nor do I like the way the power boost decays over the life of the buff. OSS basically runs afoul of two pieces of design that I despise and hate playing: abilities that hurt the user,…
This statement implies that the "splitter" league has some control over how CLR works, if they can force it to honor only specific channels. And from my reading of this, they are now locking out the original DPS channels from automatic parse uploading? Pardon me if this is a noobish observation, because this is a…
I saved up the 150 mil to buy my D'Kora right before the Nandi announcement. Thing is, I mainly bought it for the amenities (especially my own personal Dabo table), and because I wanted one. Now I find out that the Nandi has all of those things without the turning radius of a large planetoid. I'm not cheesed, just amused…
That's not quite true. Of all the Ferengi ships we've seen--D'Kora, the Soodii transport, the shuttlecraft, even Eaves' concept art--the one consistent aspect I see are a pair of forward-facing "prongs", with the body or "head" of the ship protruding forward from the base of those prongs. The Nandi's a great ship, but…