1. A DHC option for the Nausicaan Entoiled set. I don't use beam arrays. But the set is nice. 2. Vanity slot for energy weapon colors. Whenever I see the red terran disruptor against the green I rage a little. 3. Expand Qonos space dock to have a bank.
null I would imagine that this change has less to do about tactical captains and more to do with escorts and raiders. Escorts have not really been the meta for a while. The distinction of power has often gone to ships like the science scim. I don't see this being a return to escorts online of years ago. But it does like…
I was away for a while but in that time it sense that there had been a reversal of the Fed ship monopoly. Are there gaps in the line up? Yeah. But it's better than the past. I'm happy with my D4x and the pilot raptor. A new vorcha and voquv are needed. Not for me personally but I think there are battlecruiser and carrier…
What sort of numerical change is being seen with cannon weaponry? Traditionally, if I understood this correctly, the cycle time of the DHC in particular made over capping less advantageous in comparison to beams but had a benefit of how the energy returned. What are we seeing now?
Factor in changes being made to cannon cycle time as well as Rapid Fire and scatter volley, things are going to be shaken up a little for my BoP. Changes to my cannons are very interesting. I never quite got into the FaW/ embassy meta, so nothing changes in that front.
Long have I awaited the return of the great DHC.... On a more serious note, I do wonder what the changes will mean for me. DHCs did not benefit as much from over capping and EPS as beams did. I don't see much hurting me on the notes with the way I play. I don't really see anything benefiting me either. I suppose I will…
I managed to get a hold of a D4x. While everyone wants to buy big whales and disco ball away, I'm focusing my efforts on dog fighting. All guns all the time! Though it would be nice if the Nausicaan entoiled set had cannons, because I would certainly use the three piece. But alas.... Perhaps it's better to be able to just…
I think the J is hideous. I don't even like seeing it. Now that I've seen them in game. But if it makes the person happy.... Then let them have their cake. That said, the other two are more appealing.
I REALLY want the D4x... But it's so expensive. I'm space poor. That said, I think I may be one of the crazy ones. I dabble in big heavy beam boats in occasion with my alt. But at the end of the day I love nimble ships with cannons. I am glad there are others that are spearheading the glorious path. If I ever get that ship…
The KDF one is beautiful. Everything I wanted, except the price tag. If it was only in the store.... I've always comforted myself in the idea that it was enemy alien ships in the gamble packs. The idea that a faction ship is in one doesn't sit well with me. Am I being a baby? Perhaps to some i suppose. I'll try not to…
I'm unsure how to feel about this... Aesthetically, the KDF dreadnought is what I always pictured Klink battleships should be. I think it's gorgeous and I really want one no matter the stats. If it was in the store, I would get one for a certainty. However, gambling is detestable to me. And I don't like supporting it. I…
I am not sure about what needs should be implemented or not. But I do think certain play styles could be rewarded more. I just came back after a long hiatus, but I was pleased that cannon drop-off damage was normalized. But I think something could be done to reward good piloting and positioning. Narrow arc weaponry could…
Yes I do belive customization is a cash cow worth milking. This much is true to me at least. That said, not knowing the details of specific sales we cannot conclusively say something sold specifically for a certain reason. I can only speculate using anecdotal evidence. As far as the game meta is concerned, there are some…
I certainly see what you mean, ships are probably the bread and butter for Cryptic. The issue I wonder about regarding pricing is that lower tiers are cheaper. That leads me to believe that cost isn't just for modeling. They are selling power. People look at the layout of the ship, the usefulness of the console and the…
I feel compelled to post. I have dabbled in various ships, mostly to support the KDF. Very rarely does anything truly grab me with both stats and visuals. And I was determined to not purchase anything... However, the new KDF ships seem like something I REALLLLLLLLY want. I feel my determination melting away. The love the…
I am fond of this idea and I do recall mentioning it personally. Immersion has vanished in this game a long time ago. That being said...I can a degree of limitation should be appropriate. There should be a class, weight or size limit. Big cruisers could swap hulls or parts among themselves for example. And then you can…
I will say I am not particularly inclined to the KDF ships. That being said I really appreciate the fact that the ships have several customization options. I feel that customization was a strength of this game and having it show up again, especially for the KDF makes me feel optimistic. I will hold my judgement of the KDF…
My main is a Klink tac captain. I play him almost exclusively. He used to fly the bortasqu but then the mogh. Now he flys the matha raptor. I have a lower level fed aligned Romulan science captain. My fleet is very small but we are t4 for our base and 3 for the other stuff. I've only ever been in this one fleet.
More ships are fun, but I still think there could be a niche for older ones. It would be nice to use the stats of ship we have mastered and be able to apply it to the visuals of another ship of the same class that we have mastered. More customization of ships would please me greatly. As would customization of certain BOFFs…
Whether you like the expansion or not, whether you agree with the hardpoint placement, I think this ship is probably one of the best things that had been made.
I am greatly pleased that the raptor is doing well. I have not flown a raptor in so long. I think i may get popped at the start. As soon as i get back i will buy one.
I am really interested in the raptor. But you make a good point. I am sure something absurd is going to be released. Though I won't hold my breath for another KDF ship.
I think there is something to be said about the fact that after two years the ship still generates so much interest or ire. So many ships fall into obscurity and yet not this one. Only the galaxy class has evoked stronger sentiment. I think cryptic would go well to tap into this somehow. Or ask themselves why.