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alopen Arc User



  • Couldn't agree more. What's worse is some of these overpowered traits come from lockboxes (kemocite). OP is right, mindlessly grinding pve for pve just isnt entertaining. Pre-DR you could makeshift a build fairly quickly for PvP now that is gone and every time i get bored of sto for a month or two, its an bigger pain to…
    in Popcorn Trek Comment by alopen May 2015
  • Just to add, and I can't remember which DS9 episode it was in but when asked about Klingon tactics and honor in war, Worf answered in war there is only honor in winning. Besides, if using Samurai honor, bear in mind trickeration, deceit and betrayal abounded in the Sengoku Jidai (look up the death of Oda Nobunaga) and its…
  • See this is where I'm at a loss. The concept of a pilot ship sort of makes sense (DS9 + Voyager gave certain aspects of space combat a fighter like feel at times) but then their process of which ships to choose makes none whatsoever. Instead of even considering for a moment that the BOP was the ship deep behind enemy lines…
  • Agreed. The Qib is really ugly though. When the released the iconic pack and the Neghvar had almost an identical boff layout I kinda figured we'd never see a tier 6 Ktinga. The logical upgrade for the Ktinga would be to upgrade the LT tac to a LCDR. For some reason Cryptic thinks a Neghvar is iconic but the Ktinga isn't .…
  • Love the K'tinga and have the tier 5 fleet version. Sadly, if they upgraded its in its current rendition, I'm afraid players would be disappointed. It only has 3 tac consoles and a LT and ens Tac slots. If they gave it a LCDR tac slot over the LT it would mirror the boff layout of the Neghvar and if they gave it a second…
  • For me what sucks is I started the grind on a few toons and lost interest in the ships. So I have 280 pearls spent on the corvette on one toon for instance, I'd love to have the pearls and buy a spec point. But they are locked up already. That's what sucks, because now I have no choice but to finish the grind or kiss my…
  • As an engie your good with beams. I like that your going disruptors. I went plasma with my D'D and throw in the rommi 3 piece to get hyperflux for a bit of an alpha. IF you want you can make a DHCs build but its really not worth it. The base turn is so low it you have to give up nearly evertyhgin to get higher turn rates…
  • Game started a downward spiral since DR. The same people jumping up and down on everyone wanting to leave are the same people celebrating the death of PvP. The game is not getting better by any stretech of the imagination. This is an MMO where scimitars are better off firing beams instead of cannons, Fed beam boats fire…
  • Fair point, I quit tryin to min max everything to death and just went with solid cannon torp combo. PvP has so many isues that min maxing just to kill HP sponges just doesn't keep me logged in that much unless it feels like Star Trek and that means KDF with cannons and torps ;). So the universal ensign has ts1 and the 2…
  • Qib is a good ship. I don't care for the visuals but they are growing on me. By far the biggest disappointment for me in season 10 was the Aehal. I was really looking forward to using that with my roms but a 3rd sci console slot with that boff layout is so useless. But back to the Qib, atb that thing with SS3 and OSS3 and…
  • Aelahl getting a 3rd science console slot is just plain dumb. You gave it the turn rate to fly like a BC and then stick a 3rd science console on it like it has sci boff slots. Roms just got the tier 6 D'D with a LCDR sci station, and the turn radius of a beach whale. That was the Romulan cruiser with sci powers. Oh and…
  • IF they want people to log in, they need to scale back the grind by giving us other things to do by making XP better for all activities and breathe life into PvP. Because balancing all the garbage consoles out there is an exercise in frustration, they just need to make a PvP map that locks out universal consoles that…
  • While true for cannon builds, for faw spam it does have some usefulness. I agree that the 2.5% chance of proc is really low to be worth a mod, but you can run a tet build with nukara set and get unstable tetryon lattice to stack on the tetyron cascade with faw spamming and a little boost from the refracting beams does…
  • Queues dont pay out enough xp for the time they take, they take forever to actually run since they're usually empty, and some of us liked to pvp to break up the the pve cycle with some pvp on the side pre-DR. Without grinding most of the spec points and upgrading every doodad on the ship, you aren't competitive these days.…
  • I agree with most others on here the story arc was pretty good. Admittedly, it never answered how on earth the Vaadwaur in 30 years go from a few guys released in cyro to dominating the quadrant with fleets of OP ships using technology that was 700-900 years old. Having said that, the devs definetly took a different…
  • Uhm, I hate to be that guy that screams ltp at you but you should have zero problems moving a BC around to lay waste to tgts. I have gotten the turn on this thing to 40 on one toon and 32-35 on another. Either way, you just have ot use the old KDF sliding tricks to keep your nose on the tgt. Don't forget to use…
  • Having leveled a bit, the increase in difficulty is probably warranted. However, why did they mess with the rewards? If elite leads to lots of failures then a dil increase would be warranted. However, right now because they scaled the rewards back for everything else with elites make the same amount they did when they were…
  • For RP purposes, I have use a DCs in conjunction with DHCs for looks and it probably is not min/maxed out but in PvE you should be ok. However, ditch the torp. You have 5 Tac consoles. 5 tac consoles!!!! BO3 is hitting for at least 15-25K even without tac buffs. Grab a beam bank and ditch the torp. Use the plasma lance…
  • Tried out both ships yesterday and the aehal was disappointing. Im probably used to fully specced out kdf BCs with 4 tac consoles but damage was underwhelming. To top it off, even with AtB it didn't have full power in all non aux systems. Now the Faeht was dream. Initially, I was concerned with so few eng boff powers but…
  • Wasn't worried about the nuances. His whole attitude was laziness. NPCs do not have or use skills very well at all. Rather than try to improve on the experience, they just upped the HP to ludicrous amounts. As someone else pointed out, fleet alert is not just lvl 60s or even 50s. There are lowbies in there and the sheer…
  • Piling more HP onto the same NPCs as before is not a challenge. Its pure laziness. PUGs are going to die when they fail to accomplish anything in the face of 650K HP BoPs on CSA. I remember one of the developers saying in an interview he could actually put some thought into missions and give mobs abilities like TT, but…
  • ◦Upgrading a ship which has a Fleet version will upgrade the Fleet version for free. •Similarly, upgrading a Fleet ship will upgrade its corresponding standard version for free. I haven't been following along but this appears to be a new development.
  • I'll just point out that the Dhelan's sabotage probe was limited solely to the Dehlan refit until it was thrown into the lockbox and now all roms ships can use it. I would expect that train of thought to carry over. However, when the mirror mogai and Dhelan came out before, neither of those consoles carried over to their…
  • Auxilliary battery FTW. Just hot key with your taser and when the taser is supercharged burn the aux battery right before the taser . . .
  • Boff abilities that drain every power bonus to your warp core. Yeah, try get out of jail cards. Also, trying to cloak with a fully charged singularity core is not helpful. I can be just as survivable in a BoP by just using the impulse burst console. Only that doesn't cost me 40 power. Calm down. I simply was stating one…
  • While true, romulan warbirds outside of the Tvaro cannot turn with fed or even kdf escorts. Singularity powers have two of five that are useful and if used then the power bonuses are lost bcause unlike warp cores roms have to build up their singularity charge to get the singularity cores benefits. The crit chance bonus is…
  • Yes, a sci rommy works in both a scimi or a Derpidex. On the beamitard, the sci powers help boost your durability some with the shield dmge resistance bonuses. Now I would strongly advise you to stay away from AtB though since it kills your Captain's sci abilities. You will not put out the kind of damage that a tac will,…
  • I hear what your saying. However, your argument is lacking. I'll use an in game example here. Look at the BoP line of ships. There are many variants of the BoP at tier 5 level. However, the best 3 BoPs break down into the B'rel, Hoh'sus, and Norgh. Assuming all are fleet level, the differences are the B'rel has a useless…
  • At $5 per ship he only needs 26 different ships to reach $130. If I had been playing since launch and had invested in all three factions I probably could find 26 ships in my inventory. Especially if Cryptic continues to think Fleet ships are another ship from their c-store version. Which does anyone know if they clarified…
  • Well I suppose that is one way of looking at it. However, more importantly, Cryptic has admitted that the new upgrades and tier 6 ships are not necessary to complete the new content which means the game is still way to easy. However, for those of us that PvP we will be obligated to upgrade to remain competitive.…