> @elemberq333 said: > alissalenoir wrote: » > > > @elemberq333 said: > > alissalenoir wrote: » > > > > Time to go back to Elite Dangerous, Where all ships can be earned, none is over priced, isnt cash grabbing, isnt over priced, land on planets, drive rovers, multi-crew single ships, and better graphics than…
> @elemberq333 said: > alissalenoir wrote: » > > Time to go back to Elite Dangerous, Where all ships can be earned, none is over priced, isnt cash grabbing, isnt over priced, land on planets, drive rovers, multi-crew single ships, and better graphics than STO..... >.> I enjoy STO but the non stop maint extending ****…
> @queefman said: > I wish they would put estimated GMT on the launcher too, is that too much to ask? Why update that ? in a few hours it will be extended again anyways as it has been the last 7 times. lol
Time to go back to Elite Dangerous, Where all ships can be earned, none is over priced, isnt cash grabbing, isnt over priced, land on planets, drive rovers, multi-crew single ships, and better graphics than STO..... >.> I enjoy STO but the non stop maint extending TRIBBLE EVERYTIME you do maint... Its just old now..... Out…
extended a hour hours again -.- The "start" button is super hard to push.... Time to find a new game to go spend my money on that has devs actually doing maint, and starting their business back up...
> @reyan01 said: > alissalenoir wrote: » > > Love how the simple maint time that doesnt require notes, keeps being extended over and over and over and over -.- start it up already......... > > > > > Why does "Server Maintenance across all games" require notes? They posted they didnt post news on it because it was a simple…