I am also seeing this on Windows 10. I've been manually ending the tasks through the task manager to resolve it but it is quite annoying to do after every daily log in.
I love that it does Weapon Criticals now, but the mod on Tribble is still listed as [Melee] despite its current effect (melee boost was the old one). This is from copying my character over from Holodeck, so I would imagine it's similar to what would happen when the patch arrives.
Basically they just made all modules that scale all scale with the same skill, Kit Performance, and that's it. Anything that doesn't scale already, like Universal Modules, Specialization Modules, and some Lockbox Modules (such as Piercing Strikes) doesn't scale with the new system since there was nothing to replace at all.…
Ah, okay, wasn't sure as in the skill tree Warp Core Efficiency is not shown to have a sliding scale that scales with points, but instead seems more like Full Impulse Energy Shunt which is either on or off. I think that species innate traits may need some buffs overall though. Pretty much nothing compares to the extra…
Don't forget to check innate racial traits as well when you do that. It looks like Joined Trill hasn't been updated yet, and while I haven't checked after today's patch before it Liberated Borg hadn't been either.
What about poor Venta Theta Radiation from the Theta Radiation Vents? It seemed like the crew killing was intended to be a noticeable part of the ability, and now it's lost it and gotten absolutely nothing in return.
It still feels really bad for most Fed characters in general, as they don't have cloak or pets all over the place. Same thing with the Torpedo/Energy crit bonus choice (how about changing it to 1% crit chance for energy or torp at one tier, and crit damage for one or the other at the higher tier instead?).
Agreed OP, I was annoyed when I had to take skills that actually did nothing at all for my character, as opposed to very little. Considering their strength and their fixed CD values down the line I just don't see getting an ultimate (or at least the Tactical one) as worth it. Engineering one just seems to have bad stats in…
You realize this is how the skills were when the game first came out right? It was god awful and everyone hated. It even had the same terrible idea you have of having different energy types at different tiers. Please no on all fronts.
The Joined Trill trait might just be a tooltip bug, but it's hard for me to tell right now. Liberated Borg trait tooltip still says +30 Warp Core Efficiency as well for instance, even though that is not a skill that scales in that way anymore, it's merely on or off.
But I thought some sort of mod transferring/choosing capability was always the plan eventually for crafting? I could have sworn I saw dev posts to that effect back in the day.
I don't suppose this means that the Charged Particle Burst from Overwhelming Force will now work with Deteriorating Secondary Deflectors or the Multi-Spectral Particle Generator 3 piece bonus of the Tal Shiar Adapted Borg Technology set as well?
So that's why we've gotten so many improvements to XP gain in other areas after "inaccurate data" has been "fixed" in places like Japori/Argala/Gerren/patrols in general/Red Alerts right? Then why do I feel like queues are a waste of my time except for marks/materials? Or that I can't be assed to do Episode Replays even…
Can confirm, reward gives a Rare instead of Very Rare Kit Reward. Pretty disappointing too, this was one of the episodes worth replaying in the past because of the Very Rare reward, and I would have done so for the delta event this week, but now I won't bother at all.
Just did it on Tribble, the Omega Force Personal Shield gets [Ene], which is the mod that gives a chance for +10% energy damage when you take damage. Omega Force Antiproton Autocarbine gets [DMG]. Also, the Adapted KHG should have the same mods as regular MACO, and the Adapted MACO should have the same mods as regular KHG,…
Ah, didn't really have the time to see if the heal bonuses were the proper amount, I just managed to see that they were at least affected to some degree.
It seems like someone made a typo while creating the stats for the reputation (from the store) antiproton weapons. The innate crit severity bonus on the space weapons is only +10 (-10 from the normal +20 for antiproton), while the innate crit severity bonus on the ground weapons is +30 (+10 from the normal +20 for…
Until the Pilot ships come out, then pay up to use Reroute Reserves to Weapons and do this dance all over again until Pilot ship sales go down and a new space specialization with a cool damage ability replaces RRtW. Planned obsolescence is one of the worst things in modern day capitalism.
Disagree, I think trying to make incentive for the classic Star Trek energy/torp mix setup is laudable. If the numbers aren't enough to make it viable compared to mono-setups, all they have to do is increase those numbers.
Did you try actually testing it to see if it reduced damage before saying it was broken? Just because it doesn't display anything doesn't mean it doesn't work, just that it doesn't communicate when it's active well.
Of course he was considering skill points from kills as well, the much larger number he cited for an Argala run compared to the end reward you listed should have tipped you off. If old Argala normal gave 944 skill points like you say that means that roughly 75-80% of the experience was from said kills, not from the reward.…