Varzec, Hey add me to your friendslist and please let me know when this next roundtable will be. I would like to include my fleet and an ally fleet. We are also rp and would like to connect with some of the other rp fleets. Errant@alesiam1
I know exactly what you mean. That is why we created our fleet. To make something smaller, more family, play together and enjoy the game again. Hit me up in game, we might be the fleet you are looking for. All of us are older players who created our own place to Play again. hit me up in game. Errant@alesiam1
People who enjoy other aspects of the game are those that will be here because they have more to do. You don't understand why people enjoy role playing in this game? Well it is because we have far more to do than grind until we are sick of it and then leave. This is why this part of the community is the longevity and…
Never presume to know the mental attitude of another you don't know. I am by far the only role player in this game, this is also not just about the role players, this happens to new players joininng the game, social interactive players and yes I will be you have run into players that just cause you grief in stf's, fa and…
An additional to this, it is slowly being learned that these griefers are causing players to quit the game. I know of quite a few now that have left over this idiocy and have returned to other games or have found new ones to play. So is it worth the cost of losing players that would be here for the long term of the game,…
I think it a better idea that any gold member who has paid for 24 months over their time, just receive the Lifetime benefits, including the playable race. At 24 months you have well payed the amount of the lifetime membership and then a bit, offers an incentive to continue to remain on Gold Month after Month or Just…
I agree, that the idea that works out how to effectively not team ignored players with each others is something that would not doubt be addressed, but should be addressed by the Dev Team if this idea is something they wish to work with. However I think it is reasonable to say since this system is based on a Database…
I have to say that the explanation of this is getting very repetitive, so I will refrain from answering anymore on this. I think the arguments, explanations and Pros and Cons have all been very well weighed out. I think we should really redirect this back towards the community and ask that all the post be read and the…
@bluegeek; Your post above in my opinion is way over complicating the solution, the idea is not to make it more work, but to extend the existing Ignore system so players can police themselves. What you are saying here is exactly the same as saying "Just go to a private bridge or location." That idea defeats the purpose…
All very good arguments, however as somewhat of a programmer and with a lot of experience working with scripting in games such as Neverwinter Nights 2 persistent worlds. I can say that this can be done with not nearly as much programming and resources as it may sound. Essentially, this solution can be arrived at by Not…
aelfwin1 this is not Directed at you, this is directed at the general statement. I would like to address this, as this is something I have seen come up in this post already. The idea of a Community is to meet people, help new players, and enjoy your gaming experience. This idea is no different than saying "Go to a Ship and…
By the way, I never claimed that this post was Endorsed by any of the Staff. I was informed to place my post in this section. The fact I said it is backed by more than one person refers to those that have posted to voice their opinion that they agree with this post. Just want that cleared up.
I would like that the first post be read and looked at as it was intended. It has been derailed and I think we should bring it back on the proper track. I am offering a solution that does not punish anyone, nor does it require GM Micromanagement of silly disagreements and problems. It simply offers you as a player and…
Aetsu I am going to ask you to refrain from anymore of your derailing, you are trolling post and nothing more. And though it may end up killing the point I am making I am going to put it to you this way. I was asked to place my suggestion here, you have been derailing and insulting to every player. You make examinations of…
I will say that I was given instruction by the Community Leader pwebranflakes to make my suggestion here, as you can see it is backed by more than one person, therfore; I will not even begin to justify or quote any of the above statements regardless of how eloquent they were to sound. To justify it would be a waste of…
To answer the Lifetime deal, Yes I will retain my gold for now however I do not for see myself buying a lifetime membership to a game that I will tire of seeing such things take place. My time and money are a precious commodity, when either are spent you never get them back. As I stated in the original post, this would not…
I would like to add, I am no longer new to the game I have been here for a little while now, I am actually anticipating getting my lifetime now rather than just being gold. However this is a concern to me, and one I feel affects the community and staff as a whole. And thank you for the welcome.
I have to agree, there has been a large number of players doing nothing in events such as STF and Fleet Actions. I don't know if it is a matter of the players do not know what to do, or just plain do not care if they are of any assistance. For those actions we need all 5 players to be actively involved in the battles, the…