Now what is an easyer way to make EC since i end up spending so much on rep projects and other expences i never seem to have enought to afford good consoles and the fleet mods
Ive heard they have a shield bleedthrough problem. and although i probably wouldnt mind spending some money. the problem is i dont have it to simply spend on ships considering they are all at least 20 for lvl capped ones
I almost got a T'varo but just like the person above, i got the Arkif, and i actually kinda regret that decision. of course it wouldn't really matter since they are both glass cannons and i want a durable sci ship that can hold shields almost indefinitely.
I agree with the mirror Dehlan and the Arkif, considering i have both. and even though you want something similar to a carrier and escort, the mirror Haanom is a really good ship if the Boffs are set up correctly. It can be either a glass cannon with dual beams, or an almost invulnerable beam boat that can regen shields in…
I just got mine and although i wish that my scorps would live a bit longer, the amount of firepower on this thing is absolutely amaising. even though i didn't get the quad cannons that i was promised.
Well i may not have a fleet version of this ship. however i suggest haveing one science boff solely for shield repair. and one of ur eng abilities for emergency hull repair. im an engi so hull isnt my problem, however survivability is everything in ESTFs. The longer you're alive the more dmg you can do. As for weapons. i…
You guys should be happy you have those fancy ships. im working off of only what i was given by the game. i would love to have your dreadnought warbird. yet some how i manage with a simple science beam boat build on a hanom guardian warbird with Borg deflectors and shields, and anti proton beams. you guys need to just be…