I've noticed this too, not sure if it is linked to the player being a reviewer. I'll give it another go tonight and see if it makes a difference. Hope they haven't done a silent nerf on loot drops!
I would like to see more of them, after all they released two with the T6 Intrepid class (Pathway). However these were required for some of the FE's, so to have more Iconic bridges and interiors there would have to be some need for them in game. To produce these for just the player base to 'maybe' purchase would be a waste…
I am having trouble with the mission 'heading out' as stated above it crashes to desk top every time i try to beam to the station, however I am able to complete the patrol mission of the same system which includes beaming to the station.
FATAL ERROR: DIRECT3DDRIVER RETURNED ERROR CODE (DGXI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)WHILE CHECKING SYNC QUERY. REASON: 0x887a0006(DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG) Game is almost unplayable, it doesn't matter what settings i have on or off. :'(
After this patch it seems I can no longer beam up from TOS ESD. Edit: Was not able to pick up the 'explore esd' mission. Deleted toon and started again, which solved the issue.
How about a Mirror faction that follows the current plot/episodes but from the Mirror universe perspective? with ships, uniforms and alot of the base work done (as it is already used by the prime universe), is it plausible? IMO - this is the one I want to see the most.