Red alerts and patrols, lots of patrols. I got level 5 master on all 3 of my pilot ships just doing red alerts and patrols in about 2-3 hours each, and that was 2-3 hours of taking breaks to chat here and there
Don't know if this matters or not but its two hunts worth of rewards, not three, since each hunt rewards you 75 favors just for completing it plus whatever you find along the way.
Ive seen people talking about that elachi critter thing and its used on Risa quite a bit but i cant find it, whats the name of this funny little item that makes a boom? Also ive seen these people too... walked in and i expected them all to turn to me slowly so i backed out... creepy
Lots of things are wrong with the race The scramble for the flag at the end is not the worst, personally find the broken boost system in need of a fix. Player A is in the lead and hits a ramp, no boost, player B in second place hits the same ramp and boosts past player A? Or the worse, A and B hit the same ramp, player A…
I see this in zone chat so much over the last few days its kinda sad that people either don't read the news or people arent explaining it very well in game. To get the ship you need 1000 prize vouchers, these vouchers are ONLY available via the "flying high" mission given by the lady next to the floater rental and via the…
Wouldn't mind an injury he has to fight through to finish the job, broken rib perhaps "sick-bay after the jobs done" sort of thing, nothing god-mod heroic levels (always hated that in stories), more too stubborn for his own good
Just as long as Valerian gets to show off his marksmanship skills im happy, traded Paris some romulan ale for a tr116b and he is a hell of a shot with it
Valerian Ship name: R.R.W. S'Harien Ship class: Okhala (tactical pilot warbird) but anything small and light with cannons and torps up the wazoo will work. Hit hard and run is the name of the game.
I'm going to be honest here, I had an incredibly (perhaps overly) detailed spreadsheet with the totals of the actual and your proposed requirements to back myself up when I realized something, who cares? (i was also working from out of date information, to my intense embarrassment). You obviously have a strong opinion to…
How is it educated? Spreading the xp more evenly may sound like a good idea but not everyone wants to spend time at those lower levels where you don't have access to the better abilities. Personally i hate those early levels where i cant chain my engineering abilities to keep myself alive and my tactical powers are far…
I learned from a very early age about homosexuality. I was maybe 10 years old when my uncle had a civil partnership. I remember clearly I walked outside to get some air and i saw a plaque on the wall which stated that this building was used for civil partnerships regularly and had the world "homosexual" written on it. I…
The war has hardened Valerian, he recently received word that the woman from his colony who... guided him into manhood... was stationed on starbase 234 working as a nurse. Suffice to say he has a personal score to settle with the heralds and their masters, and after the destruction of his old ship in the attack his new…
If you're too old for this TRIBBLE why did you bother posting an unpopular opinion in the first place? If you were expecting a rational debate over an opinion like this your obviously new to the forum
Ive checked on my toon that has ran through the previous winter and summer events, claimed the ships and discarded them since i ran out of room. That is not the problem Edit: I am a complete and total idiot, this is on tribble and not on holodeck, i invite the forum to insult me to their hearts content
I really doubt cryptic will listen to one persons viewpoint on an obviously polarizing topic, and i can't believe im actually explaining this but your character is not a full fledged fleet admiral, its something called a battlefield promotion to give people in dire circumstances abilities that they need. If the war was…
1) its bat'leth not bac'leth 2) i always use a bat'leth no matter the content, my KDF is specced for close quarters so anything up to those damn swarmers or drones taste the warriors blade
Runs like this make me wish thursday would come so i can buy my pilot warbird pack. Id rather do average dps in style with barrel rolls and fancy flying that would impress Captain Paris than an uber-dps run without any style or flair.