From what I have seen of Borticus, he is interested in Maths. Cryptic Spartan is interested in details. Of course I am not sure if Borticus is interested in details or if Cryptic Spartan is interested in math. Other devs also seem to be interested in at least one of the two. I mean it can be very rewarding to go down those… Was on tribble for a while. I saw it myself on tribble, though I never played it. But not on holodeck, so I don't know what happened.
Yeah I definately agree that the whales are not the only group to be served, Cryptic definitely cares about causals the most in fact. Which is the correct mindset. Even if it does not benefit us PvPers.
PvE would definately benefit from a balance pass. Though doing so would make the whales unhappy if done incorrectly and probably even still if done correctly. Also not really worth Cryptics effort unfortunately. Once a game is broke, fixing it doesn't really work too well to bring those old people back unfortunately.…
Yeah there are abusive glitches like that present. Even with a powerful GPU. I haven't had too many issues with them though. But of course the effectiveness of everything gets reduced the higher your kill/death ratio. I am sure a few abilities like that can be fixed. If not, I would like to hear the extent to which the…
Should just be pure kill death ratio, with all damage multiplier to rank to tier and if the population is high also map tiering. Healing can overcome dps, incoming damage reduction can also etc... People who want to advance will see their efforts based on who they vs etc. People who just want to have fun and use whatever…
That is a resonable solution. Though best to use kill/death ratio than dps. And if someone suffers heavily losses lets say twice serverely downgrade their "rank".
Artists probably have a sRGB calibrated monitor with ~100% sRGB gamut (not oversaturating (e.g. so their monitors are not more colorful than sRGB specifies)). I don't think they work in dark conditions because well that would be weird, perhaps they do though. They would almost certainly be following the sRGB specified…
Mostly Agreed. We also would benefit greatly from sets that make ships that are currently weak stronger (WITHOUT making the strong ships in both PvE and PvP stronger). I was also wrong about borg (engine shield) set peices being as strongish as kobali (engine shield) set earlier (although kobali deflector and core are…
Actually, that would be quite nice I suppose. Though it would need a decent space trait for me to use it in space. Though for such a boff its on the ground that matters, and well PvE and PvP high end content is solely or mostly ground boff less so ground traits on boffs aren't to important. Though players without many boff…
I like the triangle tip edges at the back of the 4th design (nearer to the bottom of the webpage). I like elements of the third designs top, however the 3rd designs rear looks a little too circular, but I still wouldn't mind that. I like the 6th design, although the top seems more like a space station or other orbital…
I as a primarily KDF player am a bit concerned everything will get a lot more orange. I prefer red and black. Orange can look really good at times and in this latest before/after makes a lot of things that are sources of light look a lot better. Though I would definitely prefer it if orange did not appear on things like…
I have error checked all my feedback posts for anything coming with AOY (no errors that haven't be corrected by some other forum post later in the same forum thread (well I suppose my comment about torp procs being less effective then energy procs may be wrong in certain contexts)) and uploaded the combatlog of my mine…
Combatlog Link for my mine test (just mines and exotic vs borg red alert on redshirt). Sorry I took so long to upload it. The Chroniton Lance seems to have not done much, I must have fired it at a bad time:
It would be really nice if the shield penetration for feedback pulse was removed (if it hasn't already, which would be a really really really really really nice change for PvP), so feedback pulse acted like a normal energy attack in that regard. This would result in RSP (reverse shield polarity) etc being an effective…
a) I will do a lot more thinking about this proc thing later. b) Sorry, silversera. And sorry anybody else I may have ... c) Which reminds me: Sorry Borticus about prior feedback I gave about skill trees affecting ship builds. I did see twitter post which was probably due to me. And for saying things that were ...
I might have exaggerated self modulating fires role in the hull down before shields down behaviour. I am not sure. I think a lot of it might be due to extreme damage resistance debuff as well. Sorry about that. I still have not done proper calculations/thinking to determine if warp core efficiency is worth it etc either.…