You forgot about doing fleet things with fleet stuff while fleet is fleeting off somewhere without other fleet and wanting to do fleet things but can't so they fleet sadly alone. Until fleet do what fleet does and fleet with fleet. LONG LIVE FLEET!
We're getting a higher cap but we're not ACTUALLY getting more points to spend, just a special skill tree to play with. And less Exp but we're getting boosts to keep it at the level of 50. So does that mean T6 ships are going to be just T5 ships with a special ability? Ummmmmmm..........................*scratches head*…
You guys.....the feels......*sniffles* Wait....WAIT WAIT WAIT.....the chiefs not been on? Are you telling me the leader of this fleet is taking a furlough? Weren't you all just on vacation on Risa all summer and getting bikini's and all that? Money means nothing in the future. What is wrong with you chief. You bloody…
Forgive my serious post here but I'd like to let everyone know...for any that give a ****.... My treatments are done and all in all I have beat the **** out of cancer. Still have minor side effects that will last another week or two but now with no more driving and treatments, yes I shall be on quite soon. I plan VERY…
Well compared to the Harlem Shake we HAD to do last time and I was only the camera man...I'd rather not scar my psyche again with that horrible pain again. And I can only handle so much SFM hassle. I have not tried that canadian beverage. Would this happen? Or would this happen?
It's called.....AUTO CORRECT. It wanted either "bunghole" or "gun hoe" and I didn't notice it was wrong UNTIL YOU BROUGHT IT UP. THANK YOU. See now...the more you talk.......
Chief...remember long ago when we were all gun hoe over making a trailer/recruit video for the fleet? Would you be opposed to that even though we're not T5 SB yet? Chief is Fearless Leader, Darth is the bouncer at the gate, and I'm the lowly movie maker that gets the people excited so that Darth can kick them out. Unless…
Oh my............... I......but.......I...... Okay seriously......just for a moment Darth for super serious......WHAT THE HELL IS THAT PIC? What are they doing? I don't understand. But I'm pretty sure whatever the hell they're doing....I'd rather have that done to me than thank you. Haha
*super sad face* But...I wasn't whining...I was just asking. Did the devs say "Andorians are our go-to species from now on?" Very nice ship. Photo almost looks like a professionally done job.
And I must ask again.....WHY is Clara/Andorians front and center on ALL the updates on FB or anything else related to ST:O? Not that I'm complaining...Andorians kick TRIBBLE.
O_O Um...chief...if this is what Canadian's do...I.....I just...... I am at a loss for words. I can't tell if this is a "wtf, this is awesome" or "wtf is wrong with you people?"
Ha ha...haha.....ha....hahahaha....bite me. It was called fasting for a damn scan I had today. No caffeine, and later no food whatsoever kept me from giving a **** about anything really. I was just trying to get enough marks so I could go to sleep or something, I hate being energy-less and hungry. So excuse me as taking…
I know all that goes with Cryptic season launches...has plenty of bugs but I gotta ask overall, how y'all liking it? The kits, new ESD, new PVE, and of course the lock box/lock box ships? I expect NOTHING less than Sarah to complain about something I see as "eh," chief either going "SUPER YAY" or "SUPER GRRRR,"…
*see's signature on bottom of post* O_O Why do I suddenly want to play ME3 again after reading that? And why do I have the urge to write "We'll bang, okay?" ???