I agree, though near the end of the video the big T-rex stomping was awsome! ps I hate T-rexs, they're freaking scary... ever since the big eye thing in Jurassic park, I still have nightmare about that...
I see it to, but if they for instance make it that you only receive your reward if you do over a limit of damage, some where over a few phasers and torpedos but not so high that new players with not that great a gear can still get theirs, but not so low that the the AFKer will turn into "one hitter" and then go AFKers..
I CAN'T WAIT FOR 'Sphere of Influence' YAY! I like many others have been waiting along time for a new FE series, the waiting is soon over. YOU ALL ROCK, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK DEVS!!!
Ingame @handle: Bom@USS_Aries Faction (You may indicate both if you have no preference. If you do this, then we will place you in a faction): FED Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Science/Heavy Escort Carrier Languages (e.g., English, German, French, etc.): English Interested mainly in space or ground?: Space…