Thank you for this message. Although I blew my top at first due to anger with the situation, I was going to leave this up to document my experiences. Unless this spirals further, I would like it left up in case someone else runs into this. For anyone who cares; Support finally got back to me requesting verification of my…
I won't engage in arguing with you. Because of my line of work my phone requires a certain level of encryption. I work 13 hour shifts and connect to the work WIFI which is behind some heavy-duty security due to the nature of our work (government regulation- I know - I'm not running for president of the US though). Because…
I will take it as a good thing. Not looking for sympathy. Not going to explain anything more. Not arguing with anyone on this board anymore. Will update when I hear something from support.
Just tried to log on and NOW I'm locked out. Whoops! It looks like there may be a problem with your account. It is possible you have been banned or you are attempting to log in from an unsupported region. If you believe this is an error, please contact support. WTF????
It's frustrating when you're the victim of crime to be told in any way "it's probably your fault". No, it's not my fault some waste of space committed theft. The undertones of the previous comments were "you bought gold/items from gold sellers", "you had an easy password...your fault", "you had been on questionable…
I did no unsafe thing. WIFI is secure (has to be for work). As far as the hacker...well I don't know where/how he/she got the info...but they did. My username is NOT my email (nothing close to my email), and passwords for windows/arc/email are all different. I have since changed ALL my passwords, changed the email on the…
Thank you so much for giving me this information. I wish the chat rep would have said this so I didn't blow my top. If they can restore everything that would be great.
I resent the undertone. I did not 'buy items or currency from an outside party' - but DID buy zen on 5/1 through ARC. I was using NO third party program other than Chrome and NVidida control panel running in the background while playing last. They did access my account and DID change the password. They initiated a trade…
I'm not sure HOW they did it, but they did. I went to log in and my password didn't work. I thought I was having a geriatric moment. I tried multiple times thinking I was typing too fast. NOPE. My password didn't work. Clicked the forgot password link and went through the steps to reset. When I reset my password, it did…
I've been running the Invasion on my alts and moving the reward pack to my account bank, then moving the packs onto my main. 1 gingerbread man out of 30 reward packs. opened 1 on one of my alts and immediately got a gingerbread vulcan. wtf?
I think what the OP is referring to is the "cap" on ship slots (which I believe I've hit on one toon 38). And I believe he is correct. With the number of "LE" ships and shuttles, collectors such as myself that don't want to spread them out over 20 toons wouldn't mind spending some zen to increase our number of slots even…
I'm really glad I came across this thread. I thought I was the only one who'd noticed this during the mission. I had to turn back around at one point and go... "was that...?" LOL
It's a shame the Klingons didn't have more of these ships at Narendra III... can't see how an Ambassador class ship with those stats would've been any help at all.... except as a distraction for the Romulan disruptors...
I'm guessing we'll see a half-hearted push to fill out the Klingon faction before Season 8 in order to dampen fan outrage at another half-done faction being added (Romulan). There will be initial fan excitement, then more complaining about how the Klingons are STILL not a complete faction/playable race and of course…