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adaephondelat Arc User



  • No, I don't know him but I do know that he's very effective with his Avenger.
  • You can ask @alendiak ("orondis" in this forum I believe). He's a beast in his Avenger. He can line up his 5 DHC's whenever he wants utilizing backwards flying. And If you come close killing him he uses an Aux2Batt-fueled 18sec RSP to escape... :rolleyes:
  • I'm not sure about the turnrate advantage the bug has anymore. Every escort pilot runs EptE and Aux2D these days. The turnrate advantage doesn't really matter anymore, imho.
  • I spit my coffee on that one, damn you!^^ No wonder they removed cutscene skipping with spacebar. All the Kirks eager to unleash their Aux2Batt-FAW madness couldn't enjoy them anymore while their autohotkeys were on work...
  • Welcome to the light side! How would you compare the 2 playstyles? Which needs more work to get a kill? Would you say they are both balanced?
  • After watching your vids, I want to recomission my own Defiant again. It's in spacedock for over a year now :(. It really needs a buff imo.
  • The game's mechanics and graphics are great, but MWO suffers from bad management decisions and a poor coding and design department. You have a community ****storm every month. Everyone's waiting on some long-term content since a year or so (yeah, I mean CW). In April, they will *finally* add a lobby system. But at least it…
  • There is still a huge amount of time to invest to be succesfull in this game. You can't buy rep powers or fleet marks with your wallet. You have the content of a game like Farmville, but you need time like in a fully fleshed-out MMO. It's not fish nor meat, as we say in Germany.
  • Oh my, how have times changed. These days, everyone is zipping around at uber speed. I'm not against fast-paced combat, but right now there is so much going on simultanly at the screen that you can't tell anymore what happens, or what was it that killed you. Even your vids from a year ago show a two times better pvp than…
  • Great idea. How about a 5 percent Acc buff per Boff? You could drop the [acc] mods on weapons and instead take [CrtD] [CrtH]x2 DHCs.
  • I'm always back at the spot I logged out when directly logging back to Kerrat.
  • Regarding the "cloak": Maybe he just logged out and in.
  • You do know that your beam arrays still crit without faw? If you leave a gap between 2 Faw copies I'm pretty sure your beams will crit instantly, placating that evul escorts at least once every 10 sec or so.
  • So, which passive to pick now? I fear if I pick the self-res one I'm not going to be able to pop a cruiser anymore. If I pick the res-reducing one I fear I'm too fragile in my escort... :(
  • The Temp. Destroyer is worth it. Of course, it's not as good as a JHAS, but you need several hundred million ec to get one of these. I prefer an Aux2Batt Setup on my Temp. Destroyer with 3 DHCs and 1 DBB front. The uni. boffslots are alle Engineers. To make up for the lost sci-abilities I use a cleanse Doff.
  • It still would have a miserable 15 Turn, slightly too low for an escort of my taste. To the OP: Fleet Somraw is imho the best KDF Escort besides lockbox-ships. The cloak is a nice tactical advantage, but in longer battles you definitly feel the 0.88 shield-mod.
  • Almost never seen it. Sometimes the whole team is called "noobs" by one team-member after it got rolled. I only see chat-fights in que's when someone who is, or thinks he is superior in skill to others and still loses, gets jealous. I always roll my eyes when I see someone complaining that the problem of pvp is the…
  • Put Elachi-Disruptors to that list. Ships equipped with those do huge amounts of damage on the scoreboard simply by bypassing shields, without being particulary effective most of the time.
  • You are sure with that stats? I always thought my Fleet Defiant has a miserable 0.9 shield-mod... http://sto.gamepedia.com/Fleet_Tactical_Escort_Retrofit
  • When I joined OPvP about a year ago I thought there would be matchmaking like this similar to the STF-channels out there. Well, that almost (I remember seeing it once) never happend, usually there's only some team forming a couple of times a day for pug-stomping. I like the idea for the new channel and have allready…
  • Signed. /10char.
  • I have the same problem. You have to do some trial and error to find the correct zone for VAs. Most of the zones are much lower level.
  • Allready seen that one. JHAS with EptE flying circles with 10 kms diameter. Uncatchable even with a tractor beam when Ap:O was on cooldown. You shoot it near death and it literally warps out of your weapons range. If the pilot would have been a little more skilled he could have easily dominated the c&h and could have…
  • I too didn't get an additional character slot. I am Silver Member and purchased character slots 2 times. Before LoR launch i had 5 characters and one free slot. This free slot was consumed by the Romulan i created shortly after the update went live. Since then the create new character button is greyed out. I believe i have…
  • I was fighting the same guy and it was ridiculous. Everything was on heavy CD, even my KCB had like 13s before fireing again. You just sat there and could do nothing. I used tac team after SNB was gone to no effect. Glad this major bug will be fixed.
  • in short: play as Romulan or Reman Warbirds ("unleash their singularity-cores") play from 1 to 50 with every faction Sela back new Tholian rep new enemy new abilities and skills for captain and crew better ui Edith: How do they plan to implement the Romulans to pvp? Or is it a pve only faction at launch?
  • Base Turn Rate: 20 degrees per second Impulse Modifier: 0.22 ^ This makes the JHAS vastly superior to any other escort in the game. Fleet Defiant and Kumari may have the same firepower (or even more in case of kumari), but the difference in speed is just ridiculus. Everyone who faced a Bug in PvP will agree to that.
  • Really annoying bug. Was stalked by one of these ghosts in Kerrat, trying to transphase me to death. He didn't do much damage, but it was annoying as hell. There is nothing you can do, just sit and watch torps spamming out of nowhere.
  • The KDF allready has an answer to the Kumari: the Guramba Siege Destroyer! It just needs to be buffed. In comparision, both have similar hull and shield stats, but at least the Khyzon/Charal-Kumari gains +1 turn, +1 console, +1 front weapon and a universal Lt. And here is the best: the Guramba costs 2500 Zen, as much as a…
  • You have to switch it off for every single toon if I remember correctly.