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acidbuk#5004 Arc User



  • First of all, that's a lot, so, lets me summarise. A) The Maelstrom torpedo was too powerful after its release, and it was necessary to nerf it in order to balance the game. - Yeah, I agree for the most part anyway. I generally agree with the reasoning it was done, and how its been nerfed, then re-buffed and their…
  • I deeply disagree with this change. Not because of the changes it makes in and of itself, but the precedent it sets going forward. People, a lot of people bought this bundle specifically for the Maelstrom Torpedo. Now Yes, you can argue that technically that "you were buying the bundle not one specific item in the bundle",…
  • Just want to say thank you to the devs that almost certainly pulled a lot of overtime through the last few nights fixing this by a combination of screamed profanity, caffeine, chanting to the Omnissiah and praising its machine spirit. Possibly even some percussive maintenance to a server rack. or two just to be sure. but…
  • And Yet, that does seem to be the path they are taking right now, making it harder to 'get dilithium' vs, putting in time to develop a sink to make existing dilithium desirable, which ultimately , will make it much, much harder or new players to get a foot on the ladder. I've been playing STO for nearly 5 years now, and…
  • This - Any new Dil Sink has to be seen as a value added positive to the player base (Dilithium goes in, something cool and useful comes out), not as a punishment or seen as taking away something,
  • That's not an entirely unreasonable idea, while I don't think it should replace the existing fleet systems, adding some kind of new universal hub/resource drive that everyone playing can contribute too could be interesting both in how it might solve the DilEx and add interesting story content, Elite Dangerous does a…
  • . I am aware that all of those console are now very expensive starship purchases due to changes on KDF and FED Cross-Faction chicanary. the Pack in my invotory was spawned before those changes took place there was no reason then I should not have been able to trade it to my account bank, I recall they said in the big…
  • Yes. I am aware of the changes. But that does not negate the point that I have one, which I would very much like to either move to my account back OR be able to pick the KDF Console listed as avalable on the box. so I can move that boxed-up trait/console box to my KDF toon to unpack and use it. which is stuck on a FED…
  • So its not a bug, its a feature. If I had known they were going to be character-bound. I would have opened the Boxes on my KDF Character just-in-case, I just figured everything out of the Infinity boxes were account bound because its an Infinity box and not everything that comes out of it will be useful for every…
  • They are doing away with those equipment packs entirely. Now if you want that trait you have to buy that Billion EC Starsihp. For the most part I am generally passive with changes, it is what is. but..I really hate this.
  • I can tell you right now, that prices on the exchange for KDF Trait. Console, Equipment, Skill Packs etc have spiked from 15 Million EC to 80 Million EC since this was announced. and once those are gone. they are gone. so what used to be a 15Mil EC investement on the KDF for say...the Dynamic Power Regulator Module,…
  • Someone mentioned earlier, things have "Soft Value", usually design features that you can't put a money value on in and of itself because they don't make revenue by themselves but, are features or capabilities that may not be requirementsbut make users/Customers happy. it Breeds Customer Good will and happy Customers are…
  • Jumping RNGesus on a Pogo stick. That's your standard?. "if its not making us all-the=money! it has to go!. to go! and is fat to be trimmed!". Do you work for EA by any chance? Because it sounds like you would fit in perfectly on its executive board with that mentality. Overaggressive monetization is major problem in the…
  • Oh I don't think it would be easy, far from it, but then nothing worthwhile is ever easy, the only easy day, is yesterday and all that. but the point still stands the foundry deserved better, it still deserves better and the creators who used it deserve better. I don't think anyone has accused Cryptic of laziness, and I…
  • Given everything that's been said and having some time to marinate more on it from my knee-jerk reaction, a few things have struck me. Firstly, when Cryptic claim "We don't have the resources for man hours on this" does seem a bit...disingenuous when I've seen the lock-box ticker roll over "Someone hat a T6 Ship!" so often…
  • Apology Accepted and that's fair. I've never been one for "doom saying". Conspiracy theories can be a good thing overall though, a little Paranoia is healthy and a healthy distrust of authority keeps them honest, for the most part. To Quote another great Sci-Fi Icon - "No one here is exactly who they appear to be. Not…
  • With all due respect, Bit uncalled for yeah? I don't see how you can make that judgement about my character I've rarely ever said anything here about anything. Plus I never said I agreed with the people that are claiming some ulterior motive or that they are right. My Comment was more Tongue in cheek than anything serious,…
  • Dude, the fact that we have two Community Moderators trying to dismiss the idea of 'ulterior motives' by PW/Cryptic as mere "Conspiracy Theory" is in and of itself highly suspicions and means people might not be as far off. In all honesty You guys probably arn't any more privy to the Machiavellian Moustache twirling of the…
  • I don't post much, mostly because I don't like to complain but this is..I can't say Short Sighted because I can almost guarantee that a great deal of thought was put into it, but lets be real this was a decision made by the Cake Eaters and Bean-Counters who want to push more Gamble Lock-Boxes because they are easier and…
  • +1 Also since you fellows seem to be in the mood for UI tweaking ATM, with AOD Part 2 launching Could we have a Tick box or Flag to Sort our Admiralty by Single Use or Permanent please? As my Admiralty has expanded over the last year its getting increasingly difficult to quickly pick out cards I own that are permanent and…
  • Ah, I probably missed an announcement or something about it then, I even checked the Wiki to make sure I wasn't going bonkers before posting. :) Thanks for the prompt explanation chrian#9670. Tis' Appreciated.
  • Exactly. I had no trouble claiming my Specialization Point Pack today from the C-Store. Even though I can't unlock that until much later so just dropped it into the Bank immediately. I managed to get to my Feddie to Level 18, but I'm terrible at power levelling so I missed out on the T5's entirely sadly.
  • Usually in the C-Store, under the "Promotions" Tab. they are only available for a day each though so you missed a few (I did too), unless they decide to do a reissue of all the ones you missed at the end of the event but that seems unlikely.
  • That is...Ridiculously stupid. Not you, I'm sure your swell and all but that reasoning, from Cryptic or Perfect or Arc or whoever is actually in charge this week is just ridiculous if that is the case and I got no reason to doubt you. They didn't seem to have a problem listing all of the other Anniversary week rewards as…
  • But that is not what is happening. I cannot claim the Free T5 ships at all. I absolutely understand not being able to use those ships and keep them was Reward Packs or account unlocks until I reach Level 50, that makes sense, I can stick them in a bank and ignore them until then but the C-Store won't even let me claim…
  • This. As a newb I looked at the news post and was stoked to get a T5 ship to use later, now I'm annoyed and disappointed that I can't claim any of the free ships to keep on my account to unlock when I get my character to a higher level. Thanks for nothing Cryptic.