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What is the Arc Client?
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PhaserReign77 Arc User



  • its not? its not kick back, it being paid to promote a cause. the charities worker is non profit which means they get paid just enough except for the guys in charge, they get paid more usually for “travel expenses”. If big companies like thr NFL does it, you think a small company like Cryptic or whoever own cryptic then is…
  • > @davefenestrator said: > This is the first I've heard even a whisper about Cryptic charging a charity to promote it. > > I'm going to need some Cryptic-specific evidence to take that claim seriously. > > My understanding is the opposite: Cryptic spends its money running their promotion, and gets at most a tax write-off…
  • > @davefenestrator said: > Good idea. Add it to the c-store for x weeks (or forever), track sales (which they do anyway), donate sales to the charity. > > Cryptic even gets the tax deduction. > @davefenestrator said: > Good idea. Add it to the c-store for x weeks (or forever), track sales (which they do anyway), donate…
  • Well, wasn't it because to explore the Gamma Quadrant we had to brush up against the dominon and really, WHo the hell wanna brush up against the dominon anymore? They could start a war at any time and not really gives two ****s. Not only that they also now have 2800 WARSHIP of theirs returned. Considering the Jem Hadar…
  • Maybe the Hurq and Gargari is next. Gargari owned the borg in a novel whichi s what STO is really base off heavily. While the Hurq did this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6waVj5W1H0w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyc9Zmc2PYY Look at the size of that Hruq ship...
  • How intresting. You went with with Arrarys for a war ship and not a DHC or DBB no torpedos that I could see either.
  • I would like to fight the Gagari, they are in the Delta Quadrant and the races by the Galatic Core, Oh and he Asendancy. Oh and War against the First Federation also.
  • I can see it. All our dance instructor and quest givers are replaced by Iconians, failure = death. Dance Portion T'Ket: <disembodied voice> Wave your hands~~~~ Player 1: <does so> Player 2: <Does so> Player 3: <hit the wrong button> T'Ket: Failure would not be tolerated! <Fire beam t dancer and kills Player 3> Power Surf:…
  • As Great as that is... I think I like this speech and imagery better. This to me represent the federation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjlXH2I2Mes