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What's with the anti-Caitian sentiment?



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    wildknight wrote: »
    the anti catian sentiment can be easily summed up by two seperate phrases catians might say, which is indictive of their mindset.

    1. "cool, i am a cat! RaWr!" = good answer

    2. "cool, i am a SEXY cat! RaWr!" = bad answer and deserving of the full extent of bile hatred the internet can bring down upon you.

    Actually this can be added to.

    3. Cool, a game with a Star Trek setting that I can play as a wide array of aliens. Now including a cat like one. = good answer.

    4. Cool, a Star Trek game. But unless I can be a cat, Its not worth my time playing. = bad

    Any guesses where the OP fits in on this?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    OP, if you are actually interested in a real answer, here it is. I dont actually have a problem with Caitians or furry fans; after all, every fan base has some "weirdos" in it. However, that should answer your question as to why some people dont like Caitians/furry fans.

    If that's the reason for banning Caitians from this game, why haven't they banned tauren from World of Warcraft?

    I have no desire to start a caitian character, but I was an old fan of Larry Niven's Man-Kzin Wars series, and all this ZOMGFURRY!!!!!!!! talk is really starting to annoy me.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I don't get that at all, really.

    I'll break it down for you. The short version is that a forum war between the Caitian supporters and the Caitian haters have ruined their reputation.

    The long version looks something like this:
    1. At any given time, from release until the last patch, there were 3-5 threads a week asking when Caitians were going to arrive. This continued to occur even after the devs made it perfectly clear that they were delayed so that the character designers could work on things that are vastly more important to the player base, like Klingon content. This made it seem like all the Caitian fans wanted were Caitians, even if it came at the expense of the KDF.
    2. In many of these threads, the Caitian fans were just as whiny and histrionic as the Caitian haters, going so far as to brand anyone who didn't demand the immediate addition of Caitians as racists. These threads left a bad taste in many people's mouths, including mine. You're not a racist if you think that cartoon cats are non-canon, or are too silly to add to this game.
    3. There is seemingly zero rational explanation for this rabid demand. They are an utterly inconsequential blink-and-you'll-miss-it background race that don't even have a consistent canon appearance and who 95% of the Trek fanbase have never heard of, yet there are could easily be a Caitian subforum around here. The devs even released them early, without the hair, just so people would stop bothering them.
    4. There are still people going on about the friggin' things. Hey, let's add something to actually do in the Klingon faction before adding Caitians to it, okay? And maybe not every faction should have cats in it? Just a thought.
    5. The furry fandom has an extremely negative reputation with is both somewhat unfair, and someone deserved. It's broad enough to contain a lot of pretty innocent stuff, but if you value your sanity, don't go digging around Google Image Search.
    6. Many people have therefore determined that Caitian supporters are a mass of insane furry fandom types who will descend en mass upon our game and ruin it with their drama and bizarre sexual antics.

    And the worst part is, it's not true. I haven't seen a single Caitian causing trouble. The only bad thing I've encountered so far is a lot of truly awful cat-related humor.

    Frankly, if there'd never been fifty thousand terrible threads about them, this sort of response would probably be a lot more muted. Nobody's yelling at Tellarites for being midget lovers, after all.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Lysander_X wrote: »
    Nobody's yelling at Tellarites for being midget lovers, after all.
    I do. I so do.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Lysander_X wrote: »
    1. At any given time, from release until the last patch, there were 3-5 threads a week asking when Caitians were going to arrive. This continued to occur even after the devs made it perfectly clear that they were delayed so that the character designers could work on things that are vastly more important to the player base, like Klingon content. This made it seem like all the Caitian fans wanted were Caitians, even if it came at the expense of the KDF.
    2. In many of these threads, the Caitian fans were just as whiny and histrionic as the Caitian haters, going so far as to brand anyone who didn't demand the immediate addition of Caitians as racists. These threads left a bad taste in many people's mouths, including mine. You're not a racist if you think that cartoon cats are non-canon, or are too silly to add to this game.
    3. There is seemingly zero rational explanation for this rabid demand. They are an utterly inconsequential blink-and-you'll-miss-it background race that don't even have a consistent canon appearance and who 95% of the Trek fanbase have never heard of, yet there are could easily be a Caitian subforum around here. The devs even released them early, without the hair, just so people would stop bothering them.
    4. There are still people going on about the friggin' things. Hey, let's add something to actually do in the Klingon faction before adding Caitians to it, okay? And maybe not every faction should have cats in it? Just a thought.
    5. The furry fandom has an extremely negative reputation with is both somewhat unfair, and someone deserved. It's broad enough to contain a lot of pretty innocent stuff, but if you value your sanity, don't go digging around Google Image Search.
    6. Many people have therefore determined that Caitian supporters are a mass of insane furry fandom types who will descend en mass upon our game and ruin it with their drama and bizarre sexual antics.


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Lysander_X wrote: »
    I'll break it down for you. The short version is that a forum war between the Caitian supporters and the Caitian haters have ruined their reputation.

    The long version looks something like this:
    1. At any given time, from release until the last patch, there were 3-5 threads a week asking when Caitians were going to arrive. This continued to occur even after the devs made it perfectly clear that they were delayed so that the character designers could work on things that are vastly more important to the player base, like Klingon content. This made it seem like all the Caitian fans wanted were Caitians, even if it came at the expense of the KDF.
    2. In many of these threads, the Caitian fans were just as whiny and histrionic as the Caitian haters, going so far as to brand anyone who didn't demand the immediate addition of Caitians as racists. These threads left a bad taste in many people's mouths, including mine. You're not a racist if you think that cartoon cats are non-canon, or are too silly to add to this game.
    3. There is seemingly zero rational explanation for this rabid demand. They are an utterly inconsequential blink-and-you'll-miss-it background race that don't even have a consistent canon appearance and who 95% of the Trek fanbase have never heard of, yet there are could easily be a Caitian subforum around here. The devs even released them early, without the hair, just so people would stop bothering them.
    4. There are still people going on about the friggin' things. Hey, let's add something to actually do in the Klingon faction before adding Caitians to it, okay? And maybe not every faction should have cats in it? Just a thought.
    5. The furry fandom has an extremely negative reputation with is both somewhat unfair, and someone deserved. It's broad enough to contain a lot of pretty innocent stuff, but if you value your sanity, don't go digging around Google Image Search.
    6. Many people have therefore determined that Caitian supporters are a mass of insane furry fandom types who will descend en mass upon our game and ruin it with their drama and bizarre sexual antics.

    And the worst part is, it's not true. I haven't seen a single Caitian causing trouble. The only bad thing I've encountered so far is a lot of truly awful cat-related humor.

    Frankly, if there'd never been fifty thousand terrible threads about them, this sort of response would probably be a lot more muted. Nobody's yelling at Tellarites for being midget lovers, after all.

    Ocelot of good information right there. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of people who've shown the mental maturity of a tween.

    Speaking of discrimination.
    And you know, that's ironic. Whoever heard of a xenophobic Starfleet officer?

    Exactly what I was thinking, some officers may not like other species AS much, but they don't hate them outright. Nobody on DS9 actually hated Quark enough to kill him.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Blenda wrote:
    Most of the female cats I have seen are the product of pure male human fantasy

    Finally, someone points it out. Every time I see a female Caitian, it's using the Seductive posture, a maxed-out boob slider and the Mirror Universe midriff uniform.
    Lysander_X wrote:
    They are an utterly inconsequential blink-and-you'll-miss-it background race that don't even have a consistent canon appearance and who 95% of the Trek fanbase have never heard of

    Holy TRIBBLE, Shaani's on my side about something. Kind of.

    Let's face it, guys. Caitians are such a minor part of the Star Trek universe it's absolutely astounding that I still see seven or eight threads a week cooing over them. I wish I could get this many people behind adding Cardassians or Arkenites as playable Fed species. They showed up on screen for two seconds in one of the movies, but you'd think from all the hype they were a bigger part of the series than Kirk himself.

    The moral here is that if you nag and make a nuisance of yourself you will eventually get what you want just to get you to stop begging about it. But you'll rub a lot of people the wrong way in the process.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Finally, someone points it out. Every time I see a female Caitian, it's using the Seductive posture, a maxed-out boob slider and the Mirror Universe midriff uniform.
    My Caitian is male, and in the Original Series uniforms (because they were always my favourites).

    It's anecdotal really about how many Caitian players do this or that, it's like the anecdote about how everyone had a liberated borg bridge officer, or so I've read on the forums. The truth probably was that just a few did, and they stood out so much (being unique) that they stuck in the minds of people, and therefore it was assumed that they were ubiquitous.
    The moral here is that if you nag and make a nuisance of yourself you will eventually get what you want just to get you to stop begging about it. But you'll rub a lot of people the wrong way in the process.
    So, this is about people throwing their toys out of the pram? Cryptic is a business, they do what makes money. Being a good business is about meeting demand. What you have explained to me is that there was a lot of public demand for Caitians, therefore, as a business, Cryptic met the demand and made money off of it.

    If anyone believes that Cryptic is not or shouldn't behave like a business, then they perhaps need a reality check. The thing is, Caitians were there because the demand was greater than it was for other aliens, and having little hate parties about it doesn't exactly endear people to you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~GM Tiyshen"
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Benfea wrote: »
    If that's the reason for banning Caitians from this game,

    Caitians are NOT banned from the game. In fact, they were just ADDED.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Right, so... I have my answers. The anti-Caitian sentiment comes down to two things.

    1.) Fretting over furries.

    Some people get off on ripping on random subcultures because it makes them feel big or something? And that's carried over into Star Trek Online, despite it having no relation to Star Trek or Caitians. So someone just opting to play a Caitian because it's fun, interesting, and exotic will make themselves a target of overly sociopathic people who have nothing better to do with their time.

    2.) Brooding over business choices.

    There was a lot of public demand for Caitians, and Cryptic met that demand, as a business would, since meeting demand means that they make money. And a business exists to make money. However, smaller, more minority groups started throwing their toys out of the pram because they couldn't raise the same level of demand for their favourite additions. So they have a random, bitter hate war against anyone who picks a Caitian, which is completely childish.

    The conclusion I've drawn: The people from groups 1 and 2 are just being antisocial jerks. That's what I've drawn from all of the replies. I think it's unnecessary that they're acting like they are, I also think it's inexcusable, and kind of unethical, but I'm just one voice.

    I've got nothing to add to this thread, now, having drawn my conclusion, but what I do know is that there can be no reasonable, rational, and sensible agreement negotiated, the only thing to do is to put the people who are needlessly anti-Caitian on my ignore list and just get on with enjoying the game.

    I thank everyone who participated for their input.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I've got nothing to add to this thread, now, having drawn my conclusion, but what I do know is that there can be no reasonable, rational, and sensible agreement negotiated, the only thing to do is to put the people who are needlessly anti-Caitian on my ignore list and just get on with enjoying the game.

    I thank everyone who participated for their input.

    See post #13 of this thread...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Quoted for 100% truth.
    I left out two or so points that are not relevant for me personally but the above hits the nail on the head as to why I have, for myself, declared caitians to be what gnomes were in World of Warcraft: a species to focus all the ingame hate on that there is and to make their ingame lifes as miserable as humanly possible.

    Due to the above quoted reasons caitians deserve all the hatred they (seem to) get. They brought it upon themselves. Any pity for them would be misplaced.
    Yes there might be the one or the other truly innocent player that just comes across the race and might enjoy playing as it while never having joined the forum fanatism and entitlement-rage, but these are few and far between.

    Unfortunately I do not have access to the game at the moment so witnessing the anit-caitian sentiments ingame is what I am looking forward to the most for when logging back in.
    I can hardly wait to join the fray and pick on every single walking carpet that I come across.
    Make their lifes miserable fellow anti-caitians, soon I will be there to support the cause!

    (disclaimer: all my hate and actions remain(s) focused on the ingame cat chars, never the actual player behind it, even though this might be of little comfort to the targets/"victims")

    LOL The ignore feature works.

    I have a female caitian... two as a matter of fact. Neither of them have the MU uniform and none of them romp around the SB. So far I haven't seen anyone picking on Caitians in game and honestly I wouldn't recommend it. Harassing players for any reason is never a good idea. By the same token I haven't seen Caitains acting a fool either. Oh, I am sure someone might and if they are harassing players then needs some smack down just as much as anyone else.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I think there are plenty of reasons, some of them brought on by the Caitian fans themselves. But there are plenty of other reasons, too, some of them fairly legitimate.

    1. Let's face it, the non-stop "where are the Caitians?" threads were very annoying, and amounted to little more than whining. Cryptic promised that they would be delivered, and when (as if this should surprise anyone who's played an MMO) they were not delivered on time, some Caitian fans went so far as to claim that Cryptic was lying, that there was an anti-Caitian conspracy, and so on. As a result, they showed themselves to be petulant children.

    2. When the Caitians were finally introduced, many people were happy, but even then, some fans complained that the tail was wrong, or the legs were wrong or they didn't have a mane, etc. In other words, they whined, and after all of the doom and gloom, the final product was still not to their satisfaction. It's pretty easy to see why plenty of other players would see this as childish behavior, because it is.

    3. Of course, some people are merely jealous: being a teenage gamer generally indicates a fear that other people might be happy, and a need to ensure that this never happens.

    4. Others see Caitians as an example of Cryptic's emphasis on the wrong things: some people think that instead of fixing bugs, for example, or introducing more Klingon content, Cryptic spends all its time on costumes and kitties. It's not so simple as that, but it's easy to see why some might think so.

    5. Others just don't understand the whole attraction to what is, at best, a very minor, inconsequential race. The fact that people have to argue that Caitians are canon is in itself an indicatorof the problem- their canonicity has long been questionable, unlike many other races, including even Pakleds. And so some people argue that there are more iconic races, more important aspects of Trek, that should have been argued first.

    So, take your pick- as I said, some people have pretty good reasons to be annoyed when they see a Caitian- it doesn't mean that they are completely justified, but it doesn't mean they're wrong, either.

    And to the OP: lay off the psychobabble- you don't know what you're talking about when you call people xenophobic or sociopathic.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Right, so... I have my answers. The anti-Caitian sentiment comes down to two things.

    1.) Fretting over furries.

    2.) Brooding over business choices..
    Try rereading these posts- it's much more than these two oversimplifications.
    The conclusion I've drawn: The people from groups 1 and 2 are just being antisocial jerks. That's what I've drawn from all of the replies. I think it's unnecessary that they're acting like they are, I also think it's inexcusable, and kind of unethical, but I'm just one voice..
    This is not the conclusion you've drawn, it's the conclusion you started with: you want to call people who don't like Caitians jerks, so you've ignored anything that might indicate they could have a decent reason.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Contrary to perhaps your opinion and that of many, many others, the animated series is canon.

    As far as the original cast is concerned, since Roddenberry accepted cash for the animated series, and since almost the entire cast, (sans koenig), performed the voices for the show, then it is considred canon.

    The animated series was the first series with the mention of the holodeck, that Kirk's middle name is tiberius, and that Spock got the snot beat out of him by schoolboys for being a half-breed vulcan. A number of pieces of canon come from the animated series.

    The animated series is CANON at best, and slightly off canon at worst.

    Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Especially the TNG archivists Okuda and Sternbach.

    Pax Galactica!

    I don't know if those are the right criteria... I'm sure gene Roddenberry (and now his estate) receives royalties for any licensed Trek works, and the original actors have lent their voices to a number of products. With your criteria, one could call 25th Anniversary and Judgement Rites the canon 4th and 5th years of the five year mission. Given the quality of those "episodes" I actually wouldn't mind if those works became hard canon (via the game path that results in a 100% score for each mission minus the red shirt deaths :p), but I know it is not so. TAS is a bit of an oddity in that some of it seemed to become canon, while other parts of it were later rejected. It's a bit of a grey area. You have Tiberius and the Spock thing, but you also have the "life support belts" that, despite being much more advanced than, say, the space suits in First Contact, were never used or even acknowledged again.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Quoted for 100% truth.
    I left out two or so points that are not relevant for me personally but the above hits the nail on the head as to why I have, for myself, declared caitians to be what gnomes were in World of Warcraft: a species to focus all the ingame hate on that there is and to make their ingame lifes as miserable as humanly possible.

    Due to the above quoted reasons caitians deserve all the hatred they (seem to) get. They brought it upon themselves. Any pity for them would be misplaced.
    Yes there might be the one or the other truly innocent player that just comes across the race and might enjoy playing as it while never having joined the forum fanatism and entitlement-rage, but these are few and far between.

    Unfortunately I do not have access to the game at the moment so witnessing the anit-caitian sentiments ingame is what I am looking forward to the most for when logging back in.
    I can hardly wait to join the fray and pick on every single walking carpet that I come across.
    Make their lifes miserable fellow anti-caitians, soon I will be there to support the cause!

    (disclaimer: all my hate and actions remain(s) focused on the ingame cat chars, never the actual player behind it, even though this might be of little comfort to the targets/"victims")
    Are you listening to yourself here? Wow!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    AtomicFB wrote:
    LOL The ignore feature works.

    Yes. As irritating as the whole "WHERE ARE CAITIANS WHERE ARE CAITIANS WHERE ARE CAITIANS WHERE ARE CAITIANS!!!!!" ordeal was, I absolutely do not think that in-game harassment is any sort of answer. It will make you feel worse, and it will lead to more annoying victim-complex threads like this one.

    Ignore list is your friend.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    joe_blue wrote:
    I think there are plenty of reasons, some of them brought on by the Caitian fans themselves. But there are plenty of other reasons, too, some of them fairly legitimate.

    1. Let's face it, the non-stop "where are the Caitians?" threads were very annoying, and amounted to little more than whining. Cryptic promised that they would be delivered, and when (as if this should surprise anyone who's played an MMO) they were not delivered on time, some Caitian fans went so far as to claim that Cryptic was lying, that there was an anti-Caitian conspracy, and so on. As a result, they showed themselves to be petulant children.

    2. When the Caitians were finally introduced, many people were happy, but even then, some fans complained that the tail was wrong, or the legs were wrong or they didn't have a mane, etc. In other words, they whined, and after all of the doom and gloom, the final product was still not to their satisfaction. It's pretty easy to see why plenty of other players would see this as childish behavior, because it is.

    3. Of course, some people are merely jealous: being a teenage gamer generally indicates a fear that other people might be happy, and a need to ensure that this never happens.

    4. Others see Caitians as an example of Cryptic's emphasis on the wrong things: some people think that instead of fixing bugs, for example, or introducing more Klingon content, Cryptic spends all its time on costumes and kitties. It's not so simple as that, but it's easy to see why some might think so.

    5. Others just don't understand the whole attraction to what is, at best, a very minor, inconsequential race. The fact that people have to argue that Caitians are canon is in itself an indicatorof the problem- their canonicity has long been questionable, unlike many other races, including even Pakleds. And so some people argue that there are more iconic races, more important aspects of Trek, that should have been argued first.

    So, take your pick- as I said, some people have pretty good reasons to be annoyed when they see a Caitian- it doesn't mean that they are completely justified, but it doesn't mean they're wrong, either.

    And to the OP: lay off the psychobabble- you don't know what you're talking about when you call people xenophobic or sociopathic.

    I totally agree to here.

    Points 1, 2 and especially 4 describe why I have a very bad feeling towards Caitans.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    joe_blue wrote:
    I think there are plenty of reasons, some of them brought on by the Caitian fans themselves. But there are plenty of other reasons, too, some of them fairly legitimate.

    1. Let's face it, the non-stop "where are the Caitians?" threads were very annoying, and amounted to little more than whining. Cryptic promised that they would be delivered, and when (as if this should surprise anyone who's played an MMO) they were not delivered on time, some Caitian fans went so far as to claim that Cryptic was lying, that there was an anti-Caitian conspracy, and so on. As a result, they showed themselves to be petulant children.

    You mean there wasn't an anti Caitian conspiracy? Now, I am disappointed...
    joe_blue wrote:
    2. When the Caitians were finally introduced, many people were happy, but even then, some fans complained that the tail was wrong, or the legs were wrong or they didn't have a mane, etc. In other words, they whined, and after all of the doom and gloom, the final product was still not to their satisfaction. It's pretty easy to see why plenty of other players would see this as childish behavior, because it is.

    You're right it is, but I doubt that will stop them. :eek:
    joe_blue wrote:
    3. Of course, some people are merely jealous: being a teenage gamer generally indicates a fear that other people might be happy, and a need to ensure that this never happens.

    Of course not. People being happy is a blight on humanity. ;)
    joe_blue wrote:
    4. Others see Caitians as an example of Cryptic's emphasis on the wrong things: some people think that instead of fixing bugs, for example, or introducing more Klingon content, Cryptic spends all its time on costumes and kitties. It's not so simple as that, but it's easy to see why some might think so.

    Agreed, I think their concept of creating the species is incorrect but with all the complaining and "When are the Caitains going to be here" threads I can understand how that might appear.
    joe_blue wrote:
    5. Others just don't understand the whole attraction to what is, at best, a very minor, inconsequential race. The fact that people have to argue that Caitians are canon is in itself an indicatorof the problem- their canonicity has long been questionable, unlike many other races, including even Pakleds. And so some people argue that there are more iconic races, more important aspects of Trek, that should have been argued first.

    Ahhh... some of us are just cat people at heart. ;)
    joe_blue wrote:
    So, take your pick- as I said, some people have pretty good reasons to be annoyed when they see a Caitian- it doesn't mean that they are completely justified, but it doesn't mean they're wrong, either.

    And to the OP: lay off the psychobabble- you don't know what you're talking about when you call people xenophobic or sociopathic.

    Yeah it bothers those of us who are xenophobic and sociopathic. :p

    Honestly, people who are caitian are going to complain about non caitians complaining about caitians and people complain about caitians. Its just the nature of the beast.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Right, so... I have my answers. The anti-Caitian sentiment comes down to two things.

    1.) Fretting over furries.

    2.) Brooding over business choices.

    I thank everyone who participated for their input.

    You forgot endless spam....but don't mind me, I'm sure your selective hearing will just tune me out anyway...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    People that pick on anyone playing another race are ruining what Startrek stands for. Tolerance of other cultures and a wide Federation of species.

    Heaven knows what will happen if we ever did meet an actual alien race, thats probably a good reason why they avoid us alot of us still have alot of evolving to do mentally.

    I just like designing characters be they red, green, small, tall with blue spots, female, male or whatever.

    I must admit I looked at the new Caitains models but found em a bit weird covered in fur with no head hair, same as I didn't like playing wookies in SWG.

    I limit myself to cat or fox ears and mayby a tail. Unless it's Starwars or Trek then I prefer realism. Lately though I prefer Humans in armour.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I don't get that at all, really.

    It's worth considering that some people might just want something a little more exotic for their escapipsm. If someone is imaginative, creative, and clever, they might get bored of seeing humans all the time, and their mind might be capable of relating to really alien creations. Consider: there are all ready films where this was the case, like Wall-E and Dragonheart.

    Personally speaking, I opted for Caitian because I'm bored of playing human characters, and near-human facsimiles. It's the same if you play the same class in a game all the time, you get fed up with it, and I'm just a bit fed up of playing humans.

    Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of people who've shown the mental maturity of a tween, and I've seen everything from base anger to joking death threats made in bad taste. I've seen this on the forums and in game, in Local, it seems like it's "cool" to razz the Caitians and be incredibly xenophobic at the moment.

    And you know, that's ironic. Whoever heard of a xenophobic Starfleet officer?

    Picard would hang his head in shame, he would. He'd facepalm, sigh, and shake his head and feel completely disgusted with how so-called Federation people are behaving.

    Caitians, in Trek lore, are a part of the Federation because it's known for not being terribly xenophobic. Klingons, Ferengi, and even ex-Borg have found their place in Starfleet, and all because Starfleet has an open mind, unlike some of those players who're supposed to be representing it, eh?

    It's interesting, before Caitians were released, the Caitian threads were fine, but post-release it seems to have brought all the xenophobes out of the woodwork.

    I'm tempted to roleplay an openly TRIBBLE Caitian in the hopes that it'll raise the xenophobic rage levels of these people enough to make them spontaneously combust. :P

    I think that part of it is because some people feel that Cryptic is wasting their time creating new things for the C-Store and not focusing on the game's issues.

    However, on the flip side these people don't realize that people designing characters and ships are not the ones that are writing mission content.....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I don't get that at all, really.

    It's worth considering that some people might just want something a little more exotic for their escapipsm. If someone is imaginative, creative, and clever, they might get bored of seeing humans all the time, and their mind might be capable of relating to really alien creations. Consider: there are all ready films where this was the case, like Wall-E and Dragonheart.

    Personally speaking, I opted for Caitian because I'm bored of playing human characters, and near-human facsimiles. It's the same if you play the same class in a game all the time, you get fed up with it, and I'm just a bit fed up of playing humans.

    Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of people who've shown the mental maturity of a tween, and I've seen everything from base anger to joking death threats made in bad taste. I've seen this on the forums and in game, in Local, it seems like it's "cool" to razz the Caitians and be incredibly xenophobic at the moment.

    And you know, that's ironic. Whoever heard of a xenophobic Starfleet officer?

    Picard would hang his head in shame, he would. He'd facepalm, sigh, and shake his head and feel completely disgusted with how so-called Federation people are behaving.

    Caitians, in Trek lore, are a part of the Federation because it's known for not being terribly xenophobic. Klingons, Ferengi, and even ex-Borg have found their place in Starfleet, and all because Starfleet has an open mind, unlike some of those players who're supposed to be representing it, eh?

    It's interesting, before Caitians were released, the Caitian threads were fine, but post-release it seems to have brought all the xenophobes out of the woodwork.

    I'm tempted to roleplay an openly TRIBBLE Caitian in the hopes that it'll raise the xenophobic rage levels of these people enough to make them spontaneously combust. :P

    I have no problem with Caitians, as with some people I to am bored with seeing just a bunch of humans and look forward to see more people playing as one of the other species. But, I do have a problem with some of the Caitian players who have spent the last 5 months spamming the forums spewing out nothing but hate and discontent. If you had frequented the forums 2 weeks ago you would understand why there is so much enmity between many players and the furrie fan base. I do not blame all furries just the ones who spammed the forums with there constant belligerent attitudes and complete disrespect towards other players who may not care to play as a Caitian but want to see some of the more well established species get first priority. Lastely I would like to point out that the Anti-Caitian sentiment continues becaouse some of them keep posting stupid threads whining like the OP of this thread.:rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Anyone else find it funny that the OP trolled these forums for over 4 months. Holding off on buying the game untill the one singular species he wanted was added. And yet we here are the ones being called closed minded and xenophobic.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Right, so... I have my answers. The anti-Caitian sentiment comes down to two things.

    1.) Fretting over furries.

    Some people get off on ripping on random subcultures because it makes them feel big or something? And that's carried over into Star Trek Online, despite it having no relation to Star Trek or Caitians. So someone just opting to play a Caitian because it's fun, interesting, and exotic will make themselves a target of overly sociopathic people who have nothing better to do with their time.

    To be completely honest, the tone of your post sounds very much like the way the "furry-haters" sound. You seem to be the same kind of person, except in reverse on the issue.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I like the Caitains. I don't have one, but I like seeing them run around doing whatever it is they're doing. I think everyone should stop whining about what OTHER PLAYERS ARE PLAYING/WEARING and play the game the way they want to play. It's not like they are using a "/e yiff" emote or anything.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I'm tempted to roleplay an openly TRIBBLE Caitian in the hopes that it'll raise the xenophobic rage levels of these people enough to make them spontaneously combust. :P

    That would be adorable... would almost make me want to petition the federation to give rainbow-colored Homodynamic armor. :P (Boy, wouldn't THAT cheese off the canon TRIBBLE.) XD
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I'm tempted to roleplay an openly TRIBBLE Caitian

    Different strokes for different folks...

    Of course you'd probably just be feeding the stereotype of Furries. Right, wrong, or indifferent, it is what it is. However, you could play a neutered tomcat too that is missing that special part of who he is as well.

    Hell, this is Star Trek, we already drifted so far from canon, you might as well take it whatever direction you want...

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