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SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
This is getting ridiculous. It was stated that one of the intents of this patch was to slow down damage, in order to have more strategic battles.

Well Congrats guys.

You have managed to double or triple it instead.

I have full resists on my cruiser going, max shields and hull and I am dead in less than 2 seconds now from any escort. The only chance I even have to live is RSP. I was never a RSP spammer, until this patch. Now I need like 25 of them in order to live.

Seriously.... SERIOUSLY.. if this gets any faster just change the ships to X-wings and Tie Fighters and get it over with.

This needs to be addressed NOW. How can you intend to "slow damage" and end up tripling it.

Just.. amazing.

*Side note*

It seems all strategy is now toast too. Everybody is just ganging up in one area to just blow each other up,..no matter what map. You have destroyed tactics in every way in one fell swoop
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You seem surprised...

    I can't think of anything in this game that was "fixed" that actually worked better once it was done so...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    And I fly Escort.

    My DPS was awesome before but now it is disgusting I had 800k in a cap & hold the other day with 0 deaths 29 kills.

    The countermeasures that were put in place (Energy drain) are too easily overcome with weapon buffs, EPS consoles etc. The GCD before did a better job of slowing our burst capability...but still I didn't care for it either. I think the best way they can slow things down is to make defense skills such as RSP, Emergency Shields reduce your weapon power...that way you cant fly in with 125 weapon power with a Hazard Emitters and RSP up exploding kids left and right.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Get rid of the resist consoles and get something that can actually help.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It seems all strategy is now toast too. Everybody is just ganging up in one area to just blow each other up,..no matter what map. You have destroyed tactics in every way in one fell swoop

    Weird that making people do what they've done since beta is now considered destroying tactics.

    Fedball ftw.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My crit from a cannon should be only about 5.3k, but I saw an over 10k crit the other day and was promptly told by a fleet mate that it is a bug. Ships die much faster when I'm doing my exploration missions now, even if I don't crit 10k.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I would like to point out that this is a CRYPTIC game. Their first game was really titled City of Blasters. For good or bad, this company does enjoy their laser light pew pews.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    casper wrote: »
    My crit from a cannon should be only about 5.3k, but I saw an over 10k crit the other day and was promptly told by a fleet mate that it is a bug. Ships die much faster when I'm doing my exploration missions now, even if I don't crit 10k.

    The biggest increase in burst is not so much the weapon power but the inclusion of SS Vectors, Battle Strat etc... Skills that Escorts have to rank for our Attack Patterns to work...every escort boat you see likely has these three maxed which are + to Crit, Crit Severity etc...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    gx4th wrote: »
    I would like to point out that this is a CRYPTIC game. Their first game was really titled City of Blasters. For good or bad, this company does enjoy their laser light pew pews.

    Not sure where that is coming from since the CoX data the devs have posted over the years shows that the majority of the characters archetypes being created are Scrappers, Tankers and Masterminds. Blasters were toward the bottom of the list all the time.

    I'd also remind the OP that Escorts are supposed to be big damage dealers. Their lack of survivability is the tradeoff. However, that's not to say that I don't feel Cruisers could use some serious attention. I've never quite understood the thinking behind Cruisers supposedly having "larger warp cores to give them additional power to all subsystems (ie shields)", yet having to rely on their hull for survival? Something seems strange about that.... IMO Cruisers should have the strongest shields, not Science ships. From what I've seen so far in PvP, Science ships last far longer than Cruisers do simply due to the stronger shields. Something is off there.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The biggest increase in burst is not so much the weapon power but the inclusion of SS Vectors, Battle Strat etc... Skills that Escorts have to rank for our Attack Patterns to work...every escort boat you see likely has these three maxed which are + to Crit, Crit Severity etc...

    What the caveman said. 3x new abilities AND crits work properly now so an increase across the boards.

    Escorts base dps was nerfed a bit with the EPS change. I can maintain my power until I hit rapid fire (which is up most of the time) then it will drop to 0 in about 10 seconds with a setup of 2x Plasma and 1x EPS. To now maintain my power levels I either have to take off a torrent in the back or add another EPS - DPS loss.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Not sure where that is coming from since the CoX data the devs have posted over the years shows that the majority of the characters archetypes being created are Scrappers, Tankers and Masterminds. Blasters were toward the bottom of the list all the time.
    It was the PvPers who were foaming at the mouth when Castle announced the fix to Defiance that started the phrase "City of Blasters." They were upset that they had lost their Stalker "I win" button. This was way back before the Issue 13 New PvP Experience of course.

    And I have a question to the experienced PvPers. Is there a single PvP game out there that isn't all about burst damage?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I was actually going to add that CoX PvP essentially became all about burst damage as well after the i13 PvP changes. The diminshing returns nonsense on heals/buffs killed PvP there more than anything IMO.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I was actually going to add that CoX PvP essentially became all about burst damage as well after the i13 PvP changes. The diminshing returns nonsense on heals/buffs killed PvP there more than anything IMO.

    Lets be honest, PvP in CoX was always a joke, as is in all MMO's.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I fell like ALL PvP games are based on burst damage, and not tactics. Though you'd like a game with huge, lumbering starships wouldn't be so fast paced... but too slow would kill it too.

    IMO, all of this burst damage has made the pace too fast... Energy Siphon isn't even worth using because your target is usually dead by the time you actually start to get it's benefits.
    gx4th wrote: »
    I would like to point out that this is a CRYPTIC game. Their first game was really titled City of Blasters. For good or bad, this company does enjoy their laser light pew pews.

    Clearly, someone's never used a Fire/Kin controller :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    NinetyNine wrote:
    Weird that making people do what they've done since beta is now considered destroying tactics.

    Fedball ftw.

    Pointless post. You missed the point. The only way to survive now is to fight in mass. So you end up with 2 teams all stacked on the same location. Tanks can't cank, and DPS rules all now with an iron fist.... even harder than before.

    I have been playing since closed beta, and have seen the "fedball"...btw...klingons do it too...so "klingball" can work as well.

    I feel that they need to reduce the DPS now of all the weapons to get this back in line or something.

    Furthermore, I don't understand the diminishing returns in this game. I activate a resist that says "40%" for example...and it is my ONLY one on.. and I check out my stats..... 22% resist. How can the ONLY resist I have on have a diminishing return?

    Wrap your head around that one.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Not sure where that is coming from since the CoX data the devs have posted over the years shows that the majority of the characters archetypes being created are Scrappers, Tankers and Masterminds. Blasters were toward the bottom of the list all the time.

    I'd also remind the OP that Escorts are supposed to be big damage dealers. Their lack of survivability is the tradeoff. However, that's not to say that I don't feel Cruisers could use some serious attention. I've never quite understood the thinking behind Cruisers supposedly having "larger warp cores to give them additional power to all subsystems (ie shields)", yet having to rely on their hull for survival? Something seems strange about that.... IMO Cruisers should have the strongest shields, not Science ships. From what I've seen so far in PvP, Science ships last far longer than Cruisers do simply due to the stronger shields. Something is off there.

    I KNOW escorts are damage dealers. I have 3 RA's and escort is one of them. That is not the point. DPS is now so ridiculous that you CAN'T tank. You are just a nice big stationary target in space waiting to die.

    Every time they do something like this, they make cruisers less and less useful. Why don't they just go the full 9 and remove them from the game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    McGriddlez wrote: »
    What the caveman said. 3x new abilities AND crits work properly now so an increase across the boards.

    Escorts base dps was nerfed a bit with the EPS change. I can maintain my power until I hit rapid fire (which is up most of the time) then it will drop to 0 in about 10 seconds with a setup of 2x Plasma and 1x EPS. To now maintain my power levels I either have to take off a torrent in the back or add another EPS - DPS loss.

    If that is a base DPS drop, I hope I get a base Defense drop like that someday.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sovereign wrote: »
    Lets be honest, PvP in CoX was always a joke, as is in all MMO's.

    Back when the arenas were first introduced it wasn't too bad, although Controllers were just insane in there. CoX's PvP problems stem from it being a game that never intended to have PvP in the first place. Adding it in as an afterthought just isn't going to work.
    I KNOW escorts are damage dealers. I have 3 RA's and escort is one of them. That is not the point. DPS is now so ridiculous that you CAN'T tank. You are just a nice big stationary target in space waiting to die.

    Every time they do something like this, they make cruisers less and less useful. Why don't they just go the full 9 and remove them from the game.

    I am agreeing with you in my reply you know? :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Pointless post. You missed the point. The only way to survive now is to fight in mass. So you end up with 2 teams all stacked on the same location. Tanks can't cank, and DPS rules all now with an iron fist.... even harder than before.

    I have been playing since closed beta, and have seen the "fedball"...btw...klingons do it too...so "klingball" can work as well.

    I feel that they need to reduce the DPS now of all the weapons to get this back in line or something.

    Furthermore, I don't understand the diminishing returns in this game. I activate a resist that says "40%" for example...and it is my ONLY one on.. and I check out my stats..... 22% resist. How can the ONLY resist I have on have a diminishing return?

    Wrap your head around that one.

    The guy who came up with the balancing statistics didn't actually major in mathematics...I think he probably was into history...and then, somewhere along the way, he quit and the guy who replaced him was told: "the last guy was really good at math" so the formula was never checked or changed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Weapons are super powered.

    ALL defensive items have MASSSSSIIIVVVEEEEE diminishing returns. 2 items that give 20% each gives roughly 24%... because 20+20=24 to cryptic.

    In PvP, burst damage = win. Cruisers cannot survive burst damage at all. Not without RSP anyway. Sci klingon in an escort... and well, not even RSP will save you as they will slam VM and its over.

    Overall, PvP is a dogfight... and cruisers, aka Oil Tankers in Space.. have VERY little chance.

    Missions... damage is quick and hard too. As a cruiser, a single enemy can take my shields down pretty nicely REALLY quick sometimes (Have had shields drop 80% with one hit sometimes) but I too, can dish out enough damage to take them out.

    Cruiser vs Cruiser battle... 5 to 10 seconds tops. Any longer than that and you are ACTIVELY trying to keep it interesting.

    Escort vs Escort battle... winner is the person that pressed 1 button first.

    Poor science are getting TRIBBLE because cruisers and escorts using their goodies for massive advantages.

    I am old school star trek... I like the idea of a long 5min battle with tons of xp over a ton of 5 second battles with tiny xp a pop.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    nixboox wrote: »
    The guy who came up with the balancing statistics didn't actually major in mathematics...I think he probably was into history...and then, somewhere along the way, he quit and the guy who replaced him was told: "the last guy was really good at math" so the formula was never checked or changed.

    Lies. There's no math. There's "More ACTION!!! /rage" and no more "Brains pls."
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Just did a 16k crit hit with a DHC MK VIII. Yeah, damage is out of control on Escorts. But they're still pretty fragile.

    I'm not a PvPer (lucky you ;)), so maybe you can say if it would work to make enemy Escorts the primary target of several ships at once. I mean, keep an eye out for Escorts, and when they show up, focus fire on them. They should go down pretty quickly.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    DanaDark wrote: »
    Lies. There's no math. There's "More ACTION!!! /rage" and no more "Brains pls."

    I think the next step should be to give each of us a button we can use every 2 minutes that instantly destroys an opposing ship. That would be 1337.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Just did a 16k crit hit with a DHC MK VIII. Yeah, damage is out of control on Escorts. But they're still pretty fragile.

    I'm not a PvPer (lucky you ;)), so maybe you can say if it would work to make enemy Escorts the primary target of several ships at once. I mean, keep an eye out for Escorts, and when they show up, focus fire on them. They should go down pretty quickly.

    See, that's the thing. If damage was slowed down, it would be good for escorts too. You would NOT be the first thing shot. Also, you would have time to get your defenses going and perhaps get out of harms way. There is no downside to having this stuff slowed down.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I think the next step should be to give each of us a button we can use every 2 minutes that instantly destroys an opposing ship. That would be 1337.

    Every 3 seconds... zone-wide AoE....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    gx4th wrote: »
    I would like to point out that this is a CRYPTIC game. Their first game was really titled City of Blasters. For good or bad, this company does enjoy their laser light pew pews.

    Don't forget the Clarence debacle in CO. :eek:

    DPS FTW!!! :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I think what you are noticing here is the stacking that noi takes place.

    Before you only had two space ship skills + the ship you were flying, for a total of +27 skill levels worth of bonuses.

    Now we have the 27 + stacked for Tactical escort, Heavy Escort and Fleet or Advnaced Escort. The if you add the three new Vector, Battle and Strategic skills...Needless to say...that is a whole lot of hurt being dished out!!

    I can now take out a lvl 45 Battleship in less then 3 seconds, before I have even closed to less then 5 KM. I have not tried it out in PVP, but I'll take your word for it......Fleet Escort is a beast. But, doesn't the defensive tanking abilities of the cruisers also stack?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    See, that's the thing. If damage was slowed down, it would be good for escorts too. You would NOT be the first thing shot. Also, you would have time to get your defenses going and perhaps get out of harms way. There is no downside to having this stuff slowed down.

    I had always thought it should be...

    Cruiser: Slow to dish out damage, but hits HARD. (1 hit for a ton) Terrific defenses, hard to take out.

    Escort: Agile. Fast. Fires a lot at small amounts of damage. weak shields and hull

    Science: The inbetween.

    By the time a DPS got through the shields of a cruiser, the cruiser would have gotten through the shields of the escort.

    For varying reasons in the game, it is nowhere near this. It is ALL about damage. I have a 39,000hp hull with like 7,900 shields... with crits such as 16K hitting me... yeah....

    If we keeping this damage, buff uo cruiser shields to 100,000 and hull to 50,000.

    Make escorts fas and ACTUALLY lightly armored (Would be nice to have armor slots so you can weigh the amount of armor you want against the speed you'd sacrafice).

    I dunno, anything would be nice right now.

    Thse changes that have been made have me looking elsewhere... and I would prefer to play in STO where anyone not a science officer in an escort isnt gimped.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Blodveard wrote: »
    I can now take out a lvl 45 Battleship in less then 3 seconds, before I have even closed to less then 5 KM. I have not tried it out in PVP, but I'll take your word for it......Fleet Escort is a beast. But, doesn't the defensive tanking abilities of the cruisers also stack?

    Short answer: No

    The diminishing returns on defensive skills is so massive that a second skill activated has almost 0 increase in defense.

    Even your only power activated has a diminishing return value.... 1 item diminishing return. Some mathematician out there right now is crying.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Blodveard wrote: »
    I can now take out a lvl 45 Battleship in less then 3 seconds, before I have even closed to less then 5 KM. I have not tried it out in PVP, but I'll take your word for it......Fleet Escort is a beast. But, doesn't the defensive tanking abilities of the cruisers also stack?

    Cruisers are supposed to be hull tankers... reality is with 16K crits on a SINGLE weapon mean once shields are down, cruisers only have 3 to 4 seconds to live. My Sov has 39,000 hull right now... how many 16K crits could I take? Not to mention regular attacks.

    The engineering BOff powers to repair hull are craptastic.

    Aux to Structural Integrity gives me back 1% hull every second-ish... 1 hit from a normal weapon counters that like 5 times over. So that one skill saves me like half a second.

    Engineering team just cannot keep up. It does good repairs, but still like half of a crit. So it gives me an extra 1 to 2 seconds.

    Currently, shields are KING for defense. Cruisers have moderate shielding that ONLY survives if RSP is up. As I mentioned before, without RSP, my shields are gone in seconds. I've had my shields taken down in under one second MAANNYYY times. More often than not actually.

    PvE I can last... but not due to defense, due to the fac I can destroy NPC Cruisers in less than 7 seconds normally.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    In all honestly, pvp is a bit too much like a starfighter duel, like XW vs TF sometimes, where you have fedball A meeting up with fedball B :D

    It makes me feel like I'm piloting a single or dual seat starfighter/bomber rather than a large ship designed to carry hundreds of crewmen.
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