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Does this make anyone else nervous?

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
it makes me worried they might not have a vision for the game - almost as though they went "we'll make a Star Trek game and it'll be so massively successful, we'll be Blizzard like in no time" then immediately started crapping bricks as soon as the negativity rolled in. Now they are so clueless as to what to do they actually put out a survey to ask US what to do.

I dunno, its cool they ASKED us but at the same time Im worried what that might mean.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It means they released a alpha quality build with no long term gameplan or grasp on the features, bugs, gameplay, content that is driving subs away.

    Now look at the timing, Sub Renew is a week or so away, so it makes you wonder, how many have canceled already and is this the cause of there blatant alarm?!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well I know the devs focus was never to make the best mmorpg ever made. Or beat WoW. What they were going for was to make the best Star Trek game ever made. They said as much. Thats debatable but I think they succeeded in that regard and Im glad for it. Im not sure they get enough credit for that but then again, not everyone might agree.

    As far as Cryptic constantly seeming to need community input to make no brainer design decisions? Well......Im not too sure. But it often does seem that way doesnt it?

    I have to wonder if whoever is in charge even PLAYS games. Some of the things that arent there, I could have told them that it was needed or that this or that was a bad idea a year ago. Such as no bridges (before launch), not enough content, what KIND of content will appeal to most players, shield rings need the option to be turned off, missions are a bit generic, Klingons might need more than PvP, and the list goes on.

    A successful developer has the knowledge to already KNOW what the players would want. Thats what makes them good.

    Im not sure Cryptic is at that point. Maybe they'll surprise us in the future, but thats the way it has seemed for some time now. At least to me.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It doesn't worry me in the least bit. As a matter of fact I was happy to see it, especially since most of the questions in the survey are about topics that have been discussed by players on the forums.

    They may have a plan set up, but I see nothing wrong with tailoring the game to what the players want, after all we are the ones that are paying for it. They have a good start, but there is more they need to add. I think Cryptic has taken a very good step towards making this game a great success by putting out the survey.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The last second descision to launch with Klingons maybe 1/4th done then pretend its cause theyre PVP focused was telling enough. THIS makes me downright worried.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If they wanted the best Star Trek ever made then surely an updated Bridge Commander for space and elite force/mass effect 2 type for ground missions would have been better.

    Hell, so many more people would stay if they had poured all there resources into just refining space battles and content and have ground combat slaped on in an expansion later.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    VanCaptain wrote: »
    If they wanted the best Star Trek ever made then surely an updated Bridge Commander for space and elite force/mass effect 2 type for ground missions would have been better.

    Hell, so many more people would stay if they had poured all there resources into just refining space battles and content and have ground combat slaped on in an expansion later.

    Well you talk about pouring in resources. And that too has me a little worried.

    I mean....everyone has heard they are making yet ANOTHER mmorpg right? But......WHY? MMOs are a long term investment by companies. Good companies.

    WHY are they doing this? Why do they need another? I'd like to think they'd be pouring nearly all of their resources into this one. It needs a gargantuan amount of work. Are they going to do that?

    Or take employees they've hired and chunk them at another mmo. The development team needs to have well over 150 people on it right now. Not half that or less. If you have the resources to go make another mmo just put it toward the real IP that you have. Star Trek.

    The opportunity here is enormous. I sometimes feel Cryptic is gonna blow it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    it makes me worried they might not have a vision for the game - almost as though they went "we'll make a Star Trek game and it'll be so massively successful, we'll be Blizzard like in no time" then immediately started crapping bricks as soon as the negativity rolled in. Now they are so clueless as to what to do they actually put out a survey to ask US what to do.

    I dunno, its cool they ASKED us but at the same time Im worried what that might mean.

    Cryptic (hopefully) will go under if STO fails.

    I don't believe they had a plan for it. Release it, grab cash. Sell it when the cash cows run dry.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    WHAT? There making another MMO? Please tell me your kidding, becuase Cryptik has a serious history now of creating short term MMO's that are lackluster of content and are dumped when the new baby comes out and if this is true, then STO will never get the love and attnetion is bloody needs!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cryptic (hopefully) will go under if STO fails.

    I don't believe they had a plan for it. Release it, grab cash. Sell it when the cash cows run dry.

    They could sell STO to another company. And they probably would if they were close to failing. Hmmmm......would that be very bad? Or very good??? :confused:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    it makes me worried they might not have a vision for the game - almost as though they went "we'll make a Star Trek game and it'll be so massively successful, we'll be Blizzard like in no time" then immediately started crapping bricks as soon as the negativity rolled in. Now they are so clueless as to what to do they actually put out a survey to ask US what to do.

    I dunno, its cool they ASKED us but at the same time Im worried what that might mean.
    I'm pleased to see the survey.
    It suggests feature developements will be based on what the community wants.
    If in 6 months none of the community wants have been introduced i'll be the first to scream in rage.... :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Gotta get that 20$ million bonus.


    Give people obstacles to overcome. Unique missions. A desire/need to learn and adapt.

    Right now you have given us:
    You can't lose. (Sans CE)
    All reward, no risk.
    copy/paste missions

    Fix those glaring issues and enjoy your game having some longevity.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    VanCaptain wrote: »
    WHAT? There making another MMO? Please tell me your kidding, becuase Cryptik has a serious history now of creating short term MMO's that are lackluster of content and are dumped when the new baby comes out and if this is true, then STO will never get the love and attnetion is bloody needs!

    I said this from the start. Will I be allowed to post a huge " I TOLD YOU DO " thread here when STO goes under?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well you talk about pouring in resources. And that too has me a little worried.

    I mean....everyone has heard they are making yet ANOTHER mmorpg right? But......WHY? MMOs are a long term investment by companies. Good companies.

    WHY are they doing this? Why do they need another? I'd like to think they'd be pouring nearly all of their resources into this one. It needs a gargantuan amount of work. Are they going to do that?

    Or take employees they've hired and chunk them at another mmo. The development team needs to have well over 150 people on it right now. Not half that or less. If you have the resources to go make another mmo just put it toward the real IP that you have. Star Trek.

    The opportunity here is enormous. I sometimes feel Cryptic is gonna blow it.

    I heard this is what they did with CO yes?
    You have links about this new MMO? Cause I hadnt heard anything
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Of course they have a plan. They've stated some of it for quite some time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They could sell STO to another company. And they probably would if they were close to failing. Hmmmm......would that be very bad? Or very good??? :confused:

    I'd say very good. Cryptic don't deserve such a massive IP when they can't deliver the goods.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    VanCaptain wrote: »
    WHAT? There making another MMO? Please tell me your kidding, becuase Cryptik has a serious history now of creating short term MMO's that are lackluster of content and are dumped when the new baby comes out and if this is true, then STO will never get the love and attnetion is bloody needs!

    Yes. Its one of those things they've confirmed and talked about. The big rumor (most would call it fact) its its going to be based on the Neverwinter Nights series.

    Like the genre needs another fantasy mmo. *facepalm
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well I know the devs focus was never to make the best mmorpg ever made. Or beat WoW. What they were going for was to make the best Star Trek game ever made. They said as much. Thats debatable but I think they succeeded in that regard and Im glad for it. Im not sure they get enough credit for that but then again, not everyone might agree.

    As far as Cryptic constantly seeming to need community input to make no brainer design decisions? Well......Im not too sure. But it often does seem that way doesnt it?

    I have to wonder if whoever is in charge even PLAYS games. Some of the things that arent there, I could have told them that it was needed or that this or that was a bad idea a year ago. Such as no bridges (before launch), not enough content, what KIND of content will appeal to most players, shield rings need the option to be turned off, missions are a bit generic, Klingons might need more than PvP, and the list goes on.

    A successful developer has the knowledge to already KNOW what the players would want. Thats what makes them good.

    Im not sure Cryptic is at that point. Maybe they'll surprise us in the future, but thats the way it has seemed for some time now. At least to me.

    I too think they have succeeded in making the best Star Trek game thus far. The shortcomings I believe are really not a lack of direction as much as a lack of time. I think it is pretty spectacular that Cryptic came out with the game they did in only 2 years on a rushed schedule. If Cryptic had the contract from the start years back we would have one kick-TRIBBLE game. Unfortunately, now the reality of a half-baked game has come to light and yes I believe that Cryptic is panicking, and rightfully so though it is hardly their fault.

    I have a lot of patience as I have been with SWG for over 5 years through its ups and downs, so I am hardly anywhere near the cancel button yet, and it is most unfortunate that many have cancelled already and many more will as I have looked forward to this game since its conception. I still believe this game has so much potential if Cryptic plays their cards right and not panic to the point of making moves that help in the short term, but ultimately hurt the game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Of course they have a plan. They've stated some of it for quite some time.

    May I point out, that part of the plan revealed by Zinc was something like "were going to make something totally unique and different, not a normal MMO where you go here and kill 10 of these and then over there to kill 5 of those"

    What we actually got was a very slow game where you do indeed go there and kill 5 squadrons, go there and kill more, beam these, shoot 5 more.

    Zinc is a liar. Cryptic = Bad
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    it makes me worried they might not have a vision for the game - almost as though they went "we'll make a Star Trek game and it'll be so massively successful, we'll be Blizzard like in no time" then immediately started crapping bricks as soon as the negativity rolled in. Now they are so clueless as to what to do they actually put out a survey to ask US what to do.

    I dunno, its cool they ASKED us but at the same time Im worried what that might mean.

    It could simply be that they want to also incorporate "our stuff" to a degree. Other companies do this too.

    I don't know of a single MMO company beside CCP that spells out long-term plans for in-game, however. And how many years have people waited for the mythical "outside the ship" play there that may be finally coming end of 2010, for a game that launched in 2003?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Asoc wrote:
    I too think they have succeeded in making the best Star Trek game thus far. The shortcomings I believe are really not a lack of direction as much as a lack of time. I think it is pretty spectacular that Cryptic came out with the game they did in only 2 years on a rushed schedule. If Cryptic had the contract from the start years back we would have one kick-TRIBBLE game. Unfortunately, now the reality of a half-baked game has come to light and yes I believe that Cryptic is panicking, and rightfully so though it is hardly their fault.

    I have a lot of patience as I have been with SWG for over 5 years through its ups and downs, so I am hardly anywhere near the cancel button yet, and it is most unfortunate that many have cancelled already and many more will as I have looked forward to this game since its conception. I still believe this game has so much potential if Cryptic plays their cards right and not panic to the point of making moves that help in the short term, but ultimately hurt the game.

    Star Trek: TNG on SNES and Genesis was better than this. One of the versions you couldn't even finish due to a mission bug. (SNES I think) and there was no way around it. All carts had it.

    Star Trek: Elite Force is probably the best ST game there has been. (Elite Force II was decent)

    Armadas were all decent.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is not the best Star Trek game of all time. Elite Force and Star Fleet Command were superior products when compared to STO. I am not sure Cryptic has a plan they can follow. They have a plan, that I am certain; but I am not sure the plan survived the rushed development cycle and is applicable now.

    This is also not the worst Trek game ever, but that isn't saying much, we have had some real stinkers. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well. I don't know that it makes me nervous. It does make me give more consideration to requesting an LTS refund.

    It's very clear that Cryptic didn't understand Star Trek very well when they purchased this IP. It's very clear that Cryptic doesn't feel that STO is "the next must play game," because they're already rushing to use their same tired formula on yet another game.

    At least they're asking people about what they want instead of trying to give us what they think we want.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I heard this is what they did with CO yes?
    You have links about this new MMO? Cause I hadnt heard anything


    Thats a very simple link. You can click on the " In Development " tab and see some artwork .

    Actually, it doesnt look very much like Neverwinter Nights, but then again you can never tell. It looks like mostly artwork and stuff.

    But yea, its been long known but many that they are working on a third. I could probably pull up a bunch of stuff, but thats most of it would be rumor and speculation. Even some news articles Ive read, but then again when is the news ever on track?

    But Cryptic has said themselves that they are working on a third.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Of course they have a plan. They've stated some of it for quite some time.

    link? I havent seen it yet other than the ramblings of those that go "cash in and run"
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    MooseOfWoe wrote: »
    Star Trek: TNG on SNES and Genesis was better than this. One of the versions you couldn't even finish due to a mission bug. (SNES I think) and there was no way around it. All carts had it.

    Star Trek: Elite Force is probably the best ST game there has been. (Elite Force II was decent)

    Armadas were all decent.
    Lithomed wrote:
    This is not the best Star Trek game of all time. Elite Force and Star Fleet Command were superior products when compared to STO. I am not sure Cryptic has a plan they can follow. They have a plan, that I am certain; but I am not sure the plan survived the rushed development cycle and is applicable now.

    This is also not the worst Trek game ever, but that isn't saying much, we have had some real stinkers. :)

    I agree, this is no where near and never will be anything like the best Star Trek Game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The simple fact is a Star Trek based MMO was coming becuase the IP was up for grabs, Cryptik got it but clearly was over burdened and sacrificed Champion Online content and sitll managed to short change the STO IP aswell.

    However, its now here and that's that! Unless the IP is pulled from them, this unguided ship is all were getting, so come back in a years time and maybe there will be enough content to keep you going for 2 months.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lithomed wrote:
    This is not the best Star Trek game of all time. Elite Force and Star Fleet Command were superior products when compared to STO. I am not sure Cryptic has a plan they can follow. They have a plan, that I am certain; but I am not sure the plan survived the rushed development cycle and is applicable now.

    This is also not the worst Trek game ever, but that isn't saying much, we have had some real stinkers. :)

    I actually forgot about the SFC series and Bridge Commander somehow.

    SFCII was great and limited only by being 2D space combat. SFCIII was a down grade in virtually every way.

    Bridge Commander had the best space combat out of any ST game, but that's all it had. No other substance.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't think they were surprised by the negativity, this is an MMO after all.

    I think what might have surprised them were the angry hordes that denounced them as desecrating the spirit of Star Trek.

    So I think they're looking for long range ideas to make the fans feel a little better about the game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    link? I havent seen it yet other than the ramblings of those that go "cash in and run"

    Im afriad it appears there master plan is to release the content every 45 days, hehe so you gotta pay the whole month for an extra 2 days worth of content, grab and milk it for all its worth and then dump the ailing ***** after 2 years or there abouts.

    At least, thats the plan I assume they have based on there current actions...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    VanCaptain wrote: »
    The simple fact is a Star Trek based MMO was coming becuase the IP was up for grabs, Cryptik got it but clearly was over burdened and sacrificed Champion Online content and sitll managed to short change the STO IP aswell.

    However, its now here and that's that! Unless the IP is pulled from them, this unguided ship is all were getting, so come back in a years time and maybe there will be enough content to keep you going for 2 months.

    I just dearly hope they are hitting this IP HARD. That they are putting in a good deal of the resources they have into it. I would. Its smart business. Its Star Trek. Are you kidding me???

    Its the biggest IP they have. Its not outside of the realm of possibility that it is the biggest IP they will EVER have. Its gigantic!!!!

    And for such an enormous IP I dont see a very big game. *shrugs*

    I hope that changes, and I hope they are changing it now. With SERIOUS effort. :o
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