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Vo'Quv carriers currently very overpowered.



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    And your proof is that it's in game abilities don't match it's blurb? Come on now.
    I'm not even calling for a nerf anymore, because *again* if it's inbalance stems from a glitch *then I am calling for a fix*.

    there is no fix needed.... Learn to adapt !!! Others have so can you....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Klingons are nerfed , feds are not, Klingons have less access to the gear feds too, federation players outnumber klingon players, federation players have op science vessles and escorts, klingongs dont even HAVE science ships. You are mad cuz you are getting beaten in pvp, you are mad because you FAIL,
    STOP trying to take it out on Klingons!!! NEWSFLASH theyre not even REAL!!!!!!! And no matter how hard you try to change it , we wont get nerfed anymore why?? becasue we cant, weve been whacked with the nerf bat so many times alrdy we have ridges on our foreheads.

    And no matter how hard and long you cry about it the devs are going to look at EVERYONE else and notice that "Hey, these other fed players are doing fine,,, this person just blows at sto no biggie w/e l8trs: and that will be that. Sorry if you have a hard time pvping I feel for you i really do it suxxors when you cant pvp in a game. But stop acting like an infant and demanding the whole world to bow down to your worshipfullness.

    >implying that klingons have been nerfed so multiple on a game that just got released.
    >implying that klingons can't just buy II to X spaceship weapons with EC
    >implying that PvP quene doesn't balance the amount of players on each side
    >implying that you can write english
    >implying that klings are fewer than feds rather than that half klinks are busy pvping themselves
    >implying that BoP can't equip all science boffs to do support/debuff job better than fed science vessels
    >implying that BoP, battlecruisers and their cloaking devices aren't more effective than fed escort
    >the internetz

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Carriers are cool =)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Just a few notes as I've only been playing since headstart. Federation lacks strong pvp because players can level quickly through PVE. Klingons level faster through pvp missions and in truth learn to pvp quickly.

    Majority of Admirals I've seen fed side have never pvp'd once which shows the difference. When I made my Klingon my first set of missions were fighting other players.

    Are things overpowered and unbalanced? Maybe, Cryptic doesn't have the best record for pvp balance. I've been playing City of Heroes for almost 5 1/2 years. Cryptic did a horrible job there, not sure about CO, I didn't even bother with its beta.

    Best advice is take notes, talk to devs, teach other players. Cryptic devs are reknown for ignoring flaming post. IF something really is overpowered, prove it with data through your own testing. Take that data to whoever is in charge of pvp and let them handle it from there.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am the only one who things that the entire: I can stay at 28 km (as one poster said) is absolutely broken? He says that he is skilled player, skilled players tend to do most, use they full capability. So why is the carrier only ship that can work 100% in triple weapon range?
    Something wrong here, isnt it?

    On the other side, ability to summon all those ships is bug, it will be repaired. So carriers will have to choose what they want to summon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well considering the Klingys dont have much else, who cares if they own a bit in PvP? if you dont like it, why not join them and get your own 'overpowered' ship?

    People who scream 'nerf' tend to have it come back and bite them in the TRIBBLE later on.

    (And no, I dont play a Klingon - but have PvP'ed many, and have not found them over powered, if you work as a team)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ok ive read this whole post now. And once again like every other post reference PVP everyone flames each other and the justiciation for this is "YOUR JUST TRIBBLE AT PVP" Ive tested this game is CB 4 months ago. I have seen problems come and go and yes have been both Klingon and Fed and have noted the following. T5 Klingons win 90% of PVP matches. Organised Fed teams can only take down about 2-3 out of 5 carrier teams before they are all destroyed. End of Games SCORES!! Now please someone explain how every PVP match Klingons normally score 400k-1.8m damage but the highest Fed score normally does not break 300k. On average Klingons score 600k damage. When playing as a Klingon i can even score 500k + in a cruiser with very little work. For this reason i have stopped playing Klingon. I personally find it too easy to play.

    So when people state some aspecs of Klingons are not OP in my opinion they are wrong. I want some of these skills "FIXED" so i can actually enjoy Klingon and find it challenging.

    And no doubt this post will get Flamed as well
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I notice no rebuttal in that incoherent reply.
    I wonder why.

    here you want one sure.......

    Cariers are not op, they are rather weak, 1 on 1 no you wont beat it, because it is to strong. Carriers have same amount of weapons, from a lvl lower science ships. but cost more power to run. Thus making you waste a slot for eps flow. The ship is very slow, using torp launchers..... waste.

    I can think of other things that is way more op than the carrier , being able to shoot right through polarized shields, damaging the hull ? in 20 seconds time to destroy a carrier ? I cannot figure this one out.

    It's a carrier for god sakes, if 1 person could kill it, than the ship would be a big waste to own, drive or even have in the game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArnDog wrote: »
    Ok ive read this whole post now. And once again like every other post reference PVP everyone flames each other and the justiciation for this is "YOUR JUST TRIBBLE AT PVP" Ive tested this game is CB 4 months ago. I have seen problems come and go and yes have been both Klingon and Fed and have noted the following. T5 Klingons win 90% of PVP matches. Organised Fed teams can only take down about 2-3 out of 5 carrier teams before they are all destroyed. End of Games SCORES!! Now please someone explain how every PVP match Klingons normally score 400k-1.8m damage but the highest Fed score normally does not break 300k. On average Klingons score 600k damage. When playing as a Klingon i can even score 500k + in a cruiser with very little work. For this reason i have stopped playing Klingon. I personally find it too easy to play.

    So when people state some aspecs of Klingons are not OP in my opinion they are wrong. I want some of these skills "FIXED" so i can actually enjoy Klingon and find it challenging.

    And no doubt this post will get Flamed as well

    Hmmm klingons op ? Fed ships have more shields, more hull , and both sides use the same weapons. same skills am I missing something ?

    btw I got shot by a fed for 12k damage and it wasn't a bunker buster. I never shot anything for 12k damage.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm sure this topic will be trolled by certain Klingon players who refuse to admit they're sitting on nigh-impregnable battle fortresses and are afraid they may actually have to engage in a fair fight but nonetheless..

    Vo'Quvs seem utterly broken right now. They spawn far, far, far too many fighters along with self-buffing drones and birds of prey (one wonders where they fit it all) along with their defenses. I've seen Vo'Quvs need 4+ tier 5 Fed ships to take down. A fleet of 5 or so of these are virtually impossible to defend against with their dozens upon dozens upon dozens of support craft.
    What's worse is that certain abilities like Scramble Target Sensors which would be an ideal counter to this fighter spam don't seem to work against them. I suppose maybe a fleet of science ships spamming their aoes might dent them.. but that doesn't leave cruisers and escorts with very much left!

    So yeah, either the amount of support craft spawned need a serious reduction, or the carriers themselves need a defense nerf, it's just utterly unbalanced at the moment.

    First of all you know nothing about this class of ship.. everything you said is pretty much not true..

    Carriers can be killed very easy..

    1) you can focus fire on one side of there shield to punch them hard and not much they can do..

    2) scamble is your friend..

    3)stop pugin and join a fleet .. premade 5 man teams on vent are nasty on any side of star trek..

    4)dont let a carrier spawn his pets.. engage him right off the bat , dont sit in the fed ball and watch these carriers spawn there pets FIGHT

    5)learn to change your spec around .. have a few BO's with skill to counter just about anything you can think of.. ppl who use multi Bo's are good players .. dont run with just one spec and think you can win every match , you want..

    6)Carriers have already been nerfed twice

    7)They can not turn .. use this to your advantage..

    8) dont try to ram a carrier you look stupid hitting mines and shield repair drones..

    I sit out of combat like a real life carrier would and send in my pets.. dont let me do this , engage me..

    you are just not use to the fact that carriers are klingon science ships , if you go against a premade team on vent, you will be hit with all types of target sub systems.. this is something most fed players havent had to deal with for 40 lvl's and is totally new to them , but as a klingon we have had it used on us whole game, and now are doing it to you..

    If anything BLAME cryptic , we in closed and open beta told them to lift the lvl cap and let us test the higher end content and ships and they didnt listen..

    BTW you want to here whats over powred? how about a escort on fed side beam overloading me for 28k ..

    my carrier has 48k haul and 9400 shields , this same guy that is in a escort that hits me for 28k , he has
    35k haul and 7500 shields and is in a escort.. tell me how this is fair what so ever? hmm? cant can you..

    there is no way escort should be able to have that type DPS , that type Shields ..

    I've seen this one guy come in kill me in 5 or 6 seconds , dart out , drop back in kill next carrier , all with in 20 seconds.. but you want them to nerf us .. your funny , really you are..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tention wrote:
    Hmmm klingons op ? Fed ships have more shields, more hull , and both sides use the same weapons. same skills am I missing something ?

    btw I got shot by a fed for 12k damage and it wasn't a bunker buster. I never shot anything for 12k damage.

    Well 12k damage does still not account for the end of game scores in PVP or the fact i can score double the amount in my Klingon Cruiser than my fed one. (taking into account the fed one now have better weapons)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tention wrote:
    btw I got shot by a fed for 12k damage and it wasn't a bunker buster. I never shot anything for 12k damage.

    Everyone can easily deal an 18k blow when the shields are down. Combine High Yield Quantum Torp plus Beam Overload 2 on a forward Dual Beam weapon. Quantum torps hit for 6-8k each (in certain cases with debuffs and buffs active 10-11k) followed by a 5-7k overloaded beam hit.

    If you get hit by that you will feel it. But if your shields are up, that will only leave a little scratch.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArnDog wrote: »
    Well 12k damage does still not account for the end of game scores in PVP or the fact i can score double the amount in my Klingon Cruiser than my fed one. (taking into account the fed one now have better weapons)

    oh so now feds have better weapons to go along with the better ships ?

    yea I can see where a fed would get frustrated with that................. you guys still complaining, the klingons have nothing , nothing . And all complain to nerf a carrier, the only thing klingon side has that feds dont have.

    When I got to t5 I started out in a carrier , but imo, even with polarized shields, and hull repairs, I die in 20 seconds, to the point not even worth pulling out my pets , I have to travel slow to keep my pets around me.

    In the end it is not even worth carrier, 1 on 1 I win easy, but other than that is no use to have a carrier in the game after a couple of nerfs. Biggest ship goes down the easiest and the fastest. I now drive a battleship and am much happier with the results.

    So ya I can see how carriers are so much trouble , and they are pretty much a waste.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    We're not the greatest at pvp, no. I can admit that.
    What you don't get is that KLINGONS AREN'T EITHER. Your tactics aren't much better than ours, the difference is, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE.
    You already have a damage bonus and cloaks, now on top of that you get your overpowered Vo'Quvs. Fed players have to come up with tactics, work together and still fear falling foul of cloaked gank squads.
    Meanwhile Klingons can just sit there in carrier blobs and annihilate anyone stupid enough to come in range.

    Damage bonus vs. better fed shielding = even.

    Cloaked ships can do no damage, so they just gain a opening element of surprise. It's not a huge advantage.

    If they added a fed carrier to counter the klingon carrier it would even out.

    But, most importantly, Klingons are, in fact, better at pvp for the most part. If you enter a pvp zone, what you have on the fed side are some people who love pvp and do it a ton, and some tourists, who may have played one or two matches to see what the fuss is about. That means a weaker fed team, overall. Klingons, by tier 2 even, have advanced through dedicated pvp. They have more experience. It's a fact.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NinetyNine wrote:
    Damage bonus vs. better fed shielding = even.

    Cloaked ships can do no damage, so they just gain a opening element of surprise. It's not a huge advantage.

    If they added a fed carrier to counter the klingon carrier it would even out.

    But, most importantly, Klingons are, in fact, better at pvp for the most part. If you enter a pvp zone, what you have on the fed side are some people who love pvp and do it a ton, and some tourists, who may have played one or two matches to see what the fuss is about. That means a weaker fed team, overall. Klingons, by tier 2 even, have advanced through dedicated pvp. They have more experience. It's a fact.

    This is bull. The klingon players are not better at pvp. This same argument is used in every game when its clear that one side is overpowered. I have over 140,000 pvp kills in my time over warcraft, warhammer, and aoc. I know overpowered when i see it, and the klingons are overpowered right now. Having one side overpowered is what killed warhammer, and people were making the same excuses along the way.

    Oh, and stealth is a HUGE advantage in any pvp game. its why rogues have never been a weak pvp class in warcraft. Being guaranteed to have first shot in any fight is a tremendous advantage.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Salexander wrote:
    This is bull. The klingon players are not better at pvp. This same argument is used in every game when its clear that one side is overpowered. I have over 140,000 pvp kills in my time over warcraft, warhammer, and aoc. I know overpowered when i see it, and the klingons are overpowered right now. Having one side overpowered is what killed warhammer, and people were making the same excuses along the way.

    Oh, and stealth is a HUGE advantage in any pvp game. its why rogues have never been a weak pvp class in warcraft. Being guaranteed to have first shot in any fight is a tremendous advantage.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NinetyNine wrote:
    Damage bonus vs. better fed shielding = even.

    Cloaked ships can do no damage, so they just gain a opening element of surprise. It's not a huge advantage.

    If they added a fed carrier to counter the klingon carrier it would even out.

    But, most importantly, Klingons are, in fact, better at pvp for the most part. If you enter a pvp zone, what you have on the fed side are some people who love pvp and do it a ton, and some tourists, who may have played one or two matches to see what the fuss is about. That means a weaker fed team, overall. Klingons, by tier 2 even, have advanced through dedicated pvp. They have more experience. It's a fact.

    Is this comfirmed that klingons have a damage bonus ? because I mostly see feds using beams and klingons using cannons, thats about the only damage bonus I see.

    So feds should get a carrier now ? even if they have ships close to the same, hull, same shield, a lot more damage output ?, another carrier to your fed arsenal would make feds more competitive ?

    I just don't see it. there is barely any klingons that play, everyone is a fed simply because overall it's just a better side, luxury, mission,pvp, better ships, I dont see anyone clamming over to klingons just to play this " so called op carrier " ,in fact I see klingons reach 45 then leave to go to the fed side.

    I don 't know .............. all that you say is even, but nothing shows up if you point out who is playing where.

    Being better at pvp doesn't make you OP , and that is pretty much what Im getting from the posts.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tention wrote:
    oh so now feds have better weapons to go along with the better ships ?

    yea I can see where a fed would get frustrated with that................. you guys still complaining, the klingons have nothing , nothing . And all complain to nerf a carrier, the only thing klingon side has that feds dont have.

    When I got to t5 I started out in a carrier , but imo, even with polarized shields, and hull repairs, I die in 20 seconds, to the point not even worth pulling out my pets , I have to travel slow to keep my pets around me.

    In the end it is not even worth carrier, 1 on 1 I win easy, but other than that is no use to have a carrier in the game after a couple of nerfs. Biggest ship goes down the easiest and the fastest. I now drive a battleship and am much happier with the results.

    So ya I can see how carriers are so much trouble , and they are pretty much a waste.

    I think you should try re-reading my post! i STATED my fed has better weapons in relation to my Klingon and even with this my Klingon is still alot more powerful .
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Salexander wrote:
    This is bull. The klingon players are not better at pvp. This same argument is used in every game when its clear that one side is overpowered. I have over 140,000 pvp kills in my time over warcraft, warhammer, and aoc. I know overpowered when i see it, and the klingons are overpowered right now. Having one side overpowered is what killed warhammer, and people were making the same excuses along the way.

    Oh, and stealth is a HUGE advantage in any pvp game. its why rogues have never been a weak pvp class in warcraft. Being guaranteed to have first shot in any fight is a tremendous advantage.

    Yea, klingons op, thats why there is none, thats why when you go to a pvp map there is 10 feds, and 3 klingons , your right though, 1 side being better than the other does kill the game, and it;s happening right now. There is like 6-7 feds for every klingon. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArnDog wrote: »
    I think you should try re-reading my post! i STATED my fed has better weapons in relation to my Klingon and even with this my Klingon is still alot more powerful .

    well my bad, I miss read your post, But I still dunno how you come to the conclusion your klingon is stronger, I have a lvl 11 fed, and a lvl 11 klingon, set up the same way and yet the dps is the same, so I am really missing something here, I just dunno. Every single skill is the same except for starfleet training, so I dont see any damage bonus. is it a myth ? , is it applied in pvp maps ? I just dont get it .

    Personally, I thought being that you had to get to lvl 6 on fed side to play klingons, that there was something over there better, but i see the error of my ways. flying in cloak is bad, because alot of klingons fly in cloak and dont have to fight, just hide. I rather klingons have no cloak so they are forced to fight.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pacifica- wrote:
    If the Feds get their ACT TOGETHER and work as a team.... I think you are just a sore loser... tried of the Feds going in one at a time and ignoring the Carriers altogether like i always see happening....

    I sit at a range of 20-28KMs away from the battle ALL ALONE... and no Feds come to bother me... instead the Feds act like Drones and just charge into the group of Klingons while i sit back and send in my fighters.... now if you send even 1 ship after me that is enough to chase or kill me off...

    Like I said in the other Post the Feds suck at PvP right now...

    That's precisely the problem: IF the feds work together they can bring you down. You on the other hand don't have to work together EVER. You just have to be a vo'quv. That's a fact. So one side has to coordinate through TS3 for example, while the other just cruises around and does whats fun to them.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    scatter volley and torpedo spread, kills lil'ol fighters dead.

    Seriously, people. Sticking together is not something new for feds. thats how it has been since t1. for us to be still complaining...

    Do not call for a "nerf".

    Rather call for a "buff" for the fed side.

    like... making sure they truly get a defensive bonus as befits them.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You know, aoe doesn't work as well as people always crow about especially when vo'quvs are glitching out more support craft than they're supposed to have. To the point that a carrier blob will start to make my system chug, and my system's no slouch.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You know, aoe doesn't work as well as people always crow about especially when vo'quvs are glitching out more support craft than they're supposed to have. To the point that a carrier blob will start to make my system chug, and my system's no slouch.

    Sure that may be a glitch for carriers to have so much, but to be totally honest, if they didnt have that many aircrafts coming out, could you even imagine them competing period ?

    Sure they have more hull, more shields, less weapons, cant turn, have no type of speed what so ever. If not for that glitch, carriers would be totally useless ship plain and simple. It is pretty damn close to useless now IMHO.

    First time in a carrier, my shields got dropped by some small little ship that was zipping around me, in 1 pass he dropped my front shield to 0 another pass dropped my back shield to 0 next pass dropped my hull to 50 percent, next pass blew me up, sure I can see where your complaints are valid.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tention wrote:
    Is this comfirmed that klingons have a damage bonus ? because I mostly see feds using beams and klingons using cannons, thats about the only damage bonus I see.

    So feds should get a carrier now ? even if they have ships close to the same, hull, same shield, a lot more damage output ?, another carrier to your fed arsenal would make feds more competitive ?

    I just don't see it. there is barely any klingons that play, everyone is a fed simply because overall it's just a better side, luxury, mission,pvp, better ships, I dont see anyone clamming over to klingons just to play this " so called op carrier " ,in fact I see klingons reach 45 then leave to go to the fed side.

    I don 't know .............. all that you say is even, but nothing shows up if you point out who is playing where.

    Being better at pvp doesn't make you OP , and that is pretty much what Im getting from the posts.

    I don't think either side is OP, and don't want a carrier to balance things. I just want one to fly. Because they're awesome.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Salexander wrote:
    This is bull. The klingon players are not better at pvp. This same argument is used in every game when its clear that one side is overpowered. I have over 140,000 pvp kills in my time over warcraft, warhammer, and aoc. I know overpowered when i see it, and the klingons are overpowered right now. Having one side overpowered is what killed warhammer, and people were making the same excuses along the way.

    Oh, and stealth is a HUGE advantage in any pvp game. its why rogues have never been a weak pvp class in warcraft. Being guaranteed to have first shot in any fight is a tremendous advantage.


    I didn't mean to bruise your ego there. I'm impressed that you have 140,000 pvp kills and would compare that to my own record if I could even remember how many I had last night. I should keep a notebook. I could use it to impress dates.

    My main point was this: Klingons are more EXPERIENCED in pvp as a SIDE than the feds are. You can't refute that. It's irrefutable. You may be a super-impressive pvp god who nubs pwns or whatever, but you're playing with people who have pvp'd much less than the klingons if you're playing fed. If you're playing klingon, you're playing with people who have more experience because they can only level that way.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tention wrote:
    Sure that may be a glitch for carriers to have so much, but to be totally honest, if they didnt have that many aircrafts coming out, could you even imagine them competing period ?

    Sure they have more hull, more shields, less weapons, cant turn, have no type of speed what so ever. If not for that glitch, carriers would be totally useless ship plain and simple. It is pretty damn close to useless now IMHO.

    First time in a carrier, my shields got dropped by some small little ship that was zipping around me, in 1 pass he dropped my front shield to 0 another pass dropped my back shield to 0 next pass dropped my hull to 50 percent, next pass blew me up, sure I can see where your complaints are valid.

    The entire point of this topic is that carrier blobs are a huge unbalanced problem, not individual carriers themselves, though you obviously didn't know what you were doing as I've seen carriers 1 on 1 and survive a hell of a long time.
    The problem here is 1) carriers are glitched and summon too many support craft, 2) carriers are mediocre on their own and 3) carriers are nigh INVINCIBLE in a fleet. They have the staying power to survive while any assault is butchered by their massive amount of support craft.
    This is unbalanced and stupid.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The entire point of this topic is that carrier blobs are a huge unbalanced problem, not individual carriers themselves, though you obviously didn't know what you were doing as I've seen carriers 1 on 1 and survive a hell of a long time.
    The problem here is 1) carriers are glitched and summon too many support craft, 2) carriers are mediocre on their own and 3) carriers are nigh INVINCIBLE in a fleet. They have the staying power to survive while any assault is butchered by their massive amount of support craft.
    This is unbalanced and stupid.

    If they're invincible, why fight them?

    It's similar to the klingons *****ing about the fed ball. If the feds are balling, avoid the ball and split into smaller groups. They can't both ball and split up at the same time. If one carrier if fightable, but 3 aren't, and they are in a group of 3, avoid them. They can't split up and be a group of 3.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think the real solution here is to make AOE mean more in this game.
    If AOE did some actual damage, it would take care of multiple PVP problems in one shot.

    It would spread out the Fedballs and make them look less appealing.

    It would balance out swarms of fighters from carriers.

    It would clear up massive mine fields.

    I'm sure it would also bake us cookies, but I have no proof of that at this time.

    So that's my suggestion, they need to put some power into AOE attacks.
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