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Abra Cadabra: The Disappearing Klink

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited February 2010 in PvP Gameplay
Where are my fellow klingon warriors? It is a sad day on qonos when so many of our finest battle hardened soldiers have vanished without a tace. They come and they ask "this is it? really? wow...." we lament and inform them of the few things to do, offering help/aid/free credits/fleet invites. But alas it is no match for this wicked disease. The disease that has claimed so many lives. The klingon empire has a serious case of a-contentia. Soldiers with no battle worthy to call them to will melt back into whence they came. This amounts to a lonely existence for us few remaining hardened veterans. Making friends, who never return, darkens even the fiercest warriors heart.

// seriously i wish they published server population. i cant imagine that klinks represent more than 5% if that of the toal player base. I have on too many occasions been the ONLY player in a zone. A warzone even with 10 feds to compete with. The nebula missions where i literally am the only one fighting the borg. Queuing up, as the lone klink, and never getting to actually pvp (while the list shows 100+ fed players for the same queue). Gets old. fast. I dont blame those who left. But i willdefinitely blame cryptic, if FVF combat comes out, it will deliver the deathblow to a dying race......
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    just to reiterate the seriosuness of this poroblem, the top 7 threads in this section hve metnion of the depletion of the klink playerbase. nip this problem in the bud now, while we arestill here. if i dont subscribe, im not gona coem back in 2 weeks, maybe nto even 2 months. i think most players will give this game a wide berth until there is SUBSTANTIAL new content (ie:rom/cardis released), as opposed to the litle we require to make a point of the game and remain staying/paying customers
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Without pve content only the hardcore pvp players will remain playing Klinks.
    Was looking at the ques last night and there were far more Fed players signing up for pvp than Klingons :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Radom101 wrote: »
    Without pve content only the hardcore pvp players will remain playing Klinks.
    Was looking at the ques last night and there were far more Fed players signing up for pvp than Klingons :(

    far more? at admiral levell i counted over 300 feds in queue. we couldnt field a full klink team for the cap and control. to those that remain, vigilance, determination, we have to be bter than 100 ofour enemies.... not a challenge... but still!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Radom101 wrote: »
    Without pve content only the hardcore pvp players will remain playing Klinks.
    Was looking at the ques last night and there were far more Fed players signing up for pvp than Klingons :(

    If 10% of the fed players, and 100% of the klingons queued, Fed would still outnumber klingons 5 to 1.

    Alright, those numbers were made up, but the population imbalance between the factions at the moment is completely off the chart.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well Cryptic did drop the ball in the planning stages on this one.
    I know some members of the Empire would prefer no pve at all, but they are far and few between and most definately not part of the majority. This is by no means a slam on them but they are a vastly small minority in this aspect.
    PVE is something that defines a lasting experience. TO have not added any for the Klingon Empire no developer at Cryptic bothered to ask themselves, how fun will this repetative grind be after a few weeks/months. It is something I feel whosever idea this was extremly short sighted and lacking long term vision. Makes me wonder if the developers ever bothered to play rpg video games at all, much less an MMO.
    With that said, they have promised it to us (the pve content) albeit late and after the fact. But it IS going to cost them money in the terms of subscriptions. People I am sure have already cancelled or will before the first big patch, and MORE will unsubscribe if the pve content is not full, detailed and as involved as the federation counterparts.
    I am also curious what are they going to do when they add more factions? THose factions will be severly behind the 8 ball in terms of lower tier pvp, but we will see. If they open up the character slots it wont be so bad as then we can creat more characters, intentionally leaving them at the lower tiers for play in those areas. Perhaps an option to turn off exp (CRYPTIC - I hope your reading this).
    Romulan and Cardassian factions when added will I am sure be rich and full with a pve side. I cant see them makin the same mistake twice.
    But, they also need an open area pvp with conquerable goals and rewards for a faction for holding them.
    This would go a LONG way to improving the pvp experience!
    I wonder the wisdom of no test server but thats neither here nor there.
    I also ponder the benefits of holding content until the major patch, if some of it is done...perhaps throwing what they have out there? But I am sure there is another side of the sword in this.
    All in all, if CRYPTIC ( I say in bold in the vain and futile hopes they may be scanning and see their name in bold type and read) doesnt add some rather dramatic changes to the Klingon side, this will become a Federation PVE game, and to be honest, without a pvp aspect of war between the Factions, it simply hasnt got enough pve even for the feds to last indefinately in that fashion alone.
    Anyways, I suppose I have rambled on enough.
    Just my 2 creds worth
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Klingon side will be dead when 30d free period is over.

    Pure fact.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Patience I am leveling as fast as 2 hours a day allows. As far as content what Fed content is there that we don't have. I have 3 episode missions left and my Fed is a lt Cmdr 1. All that is left is defend , explore , and patrol. Frankly I like the klingon because our space is small and I don't have to spend 15 minutes warping to get my mission location. Also episodes are redundant and 90% ground mission. I got tired of blast 3 ships beam down and eliminate 10 waves of 5 npcs, return to space rinses and repeat get 100 skill points for it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    More PvP variety : more thematic maps, more maps, goals, stuff to control and destroy...In short, new maps and various game modes.
    It's getting old fast to always fight on the ever same maps. If you play only one aspect of PvP (say, only space engagements), there aren't that many different maps. And it already supposes you don't have your favorites.

    I'm not sure the relative limited choice helps much to keep PvPers.
    And playing Klingon side, it may be a critical issue.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What annoys me is that npc klingons use the correct teleporter color and graphic yet the players themselves are stuck with the standard starfleet one. The attention to detail is horrible. The lack of medal conversions not to mention vendors in general carrying every item type so you can use whatever you fancy is another huge glaring hole in this game. These are just small things in the grand scale of it all and they didn't see this? What about the pvp queues? Why did they not make it so matches don't start unless each side has everyone zoned in and equally balanced? There are literally more games than I can list on my fingers that make this work for over a decade. It's pretty simple if the match is lopsided it doesn't begin and if it drops halfway through on one side it ends enough said. One last thing why is the resource map so painfully hard to tell while it's being capped? You can't put a bar or timer there letting you know that you are within the area to cap it and how long to go from fed to neutral to klingon is? People new to the map have no clue whatsoever.

    This is all just standard stuff in many other games with small maps like this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Radom101 wrote: »
    Without pve content only the hardcore pvp players will remain playing Klinks.
    Was looking at the ques last night and there were far more Fed players signing up for pvp than Klingons :(

    Hardcore pvp implies some kind of loss and/or risk, STO has neither, so has no hardcore pvp, so no hardcore pvpers.

    Credit where it is due, Cryptic have made STO pvp fun and actual player skill makes a difference, shame there is no longevity, no reason to keep playing, no reason to win or lose even.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    To3cutter wrote: »
    Hardcore pvp implies some kind of loss and/or risk, STO has neither, so has no hardcore pvp, so no hardcore pvpers.

    Credit where it is due, Cryptic have made STO pvp fun and actual player skill makes a difference, shame there is no longevity, no reason to keep playing, no reason to win or lose even.

    The PvP can be fun, but when it's all there is to do (ya ya we can go grind on npc ships till our eyes bleed) it's not fun. They screwed up. Whether it was Cryptic or Atari doesn't matter. They messed it up, and have had plenty of time to show they're trying to fix things. They haven't shown squat, and it's killing the faction.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Attacking supply convoys, destroying shipyards, blasting planetary defense, ground invasions, fighting for ressources, raiding science outposts, commando missions on ground or inside ships & stations, infiltration missions to steal data, depot sabotage...

    War themed maps. We're at war, no ?
    Then link them all into a semi-strategic struggle for sectors domination. So winning a PvP match isn't totally disconnected from the next PvP match coming.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    even if they put in themed maps that wouldnt solve the problem lover term the biger issue is lack of an end game with feds most of em look at pvp as the end game but for kligons who did it non stop thru every teir the basic arena pvp is not an end game there needs to be some tagible goal for wining pvp not just playing but actulay wining even if its just line on a map that says how well each side is doing but right now t5 kligons only log in for doing the daily mission other than that the only thing to keep em playing is hhaving fun pvping but as ive said before when i pvp i pvp with premades as its just silly to do otherwise but most feds dont seem to realize this so when i pvp my premades just destroy the feds i havnt had a game that wasnt 15-0 kligons in several days but its not a blance issue i can do the same thing when i fly with premades on the fed side its just most feds pug pvp and pugs arnt gunna beat 5 guys using voice comms so i know for me atlest untill there are more good fed pvp teams out there pvp gets borring fast for me
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EmoeJoe wrote:
    just to reiterate the seriosuness of this poroblem, the top 7 threads in this section hve metnion of the depletion of the klink playerbase. nip this problem in the bud now, while we arestill here. if i dont subscribe, im not gona coem back in 2 weeks, maybe nto even 2 months. i think most players will give this game a wide berth until there is SUBSTANTIAL new content (ie:rom/cardis released), as opposed to the litle we require to make a point of the game and remain staying/paying customers

    first of all, i only agree with 100% of what you said.

    2nd. Even for us hardcore pvpers theres NOTHING TO DO! the game came out on Feb2 and by Feb 16 im at lvl cap and i havent really been playing that much (wife/kids etc) this is NOT an mmo its a single player fed game with adhoc klingon PVP.

    PPL like me will NEVER play fed so there is no point in me staying, i have the best gear, best ship etc etc. my sub is already canceled i will play till March 3rd by then klingons will STILL be 15days from the mythic 45day content patch, by then i would have out lvled everything in the patch or maybe 90% of it so i'd still be SOL.

    This game was rushed to make $$$ and is now failing worst than AION or tabula rasa
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You know, all of us in beta warned you about how the klink faction barely existed at launch. Could have saved yourselves 50$ if you'd listened.

    But yeah, game was not ready for release, not by several months, and it shows. We told Cryptic repeatedly not to release it, but frankly I don't think it was ever an option in their mind. Wouldn't have mattered if the game didn't run at all, they still would have shoved it out the door.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yes i feel the faction is small.

    but what is there to do once max level is reached, its not like their are Raids ( WoW, Lineage 2, Conan,Every other MMo On the planet )

    the STO Raids are more akin to the Klingon Nebulas, including attending playercount.

    heck give End Game Raids as Open PvP space with captureable Planets ( that you have to ground combat ), stations ( Ground ) with a instance limit of a couple hundred space, 100 Ground.

    and have it to where you respawn in space and have to fight back to ground, that way an Orbiting Fleet can effectivly limit the ground assult

    Have that as end game Raid it it MIGHT be worth it

    unless somethign worth it is done to the klingon or STO as a whole, when somebody reaches max level there is no reason to continue, literally this game is designed as a One Shot Wonder
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EmoeJoe wrote:
    Where are my fellow klingon warriors? It is a sad day on qonos when so many of our finest battle hardened soldiers have vanished without a tace. They come and they ask "this is it? really? wow...." we lament and inform them of the few things to do, offering help/aid/free credits/fleet invites. But alas it is no match for this wicked disease. The disease that has claimed so many lives. The klingon empire has a serious case of a-contentia. Soldiers with no battle worthy to call them to will melt back into whence they came. This amounts to a lonely existence for us few remaining hardened veterans. Making friends, who never return, darkens even the fiercest warriors heart.

    // seriously i wish they published server population. i cant imagine that klinks represent more than 5% if that of the toal player base. I have on too many occasions been the ONLY player in a zone. A warzone even with 10 feds to compete with. The nebula missions where i literally am the only one fighting the borg. Queuing up, as the lone klink, and never getting to actually pvp (while the list shows 100+ fed players for the same queue). Gets old. fast. I dont blame those who left. But i willdefinitely blame cryptic, if FVF combat comes out, it will deliver the deathblow to a dying race......

    Could it possibly be the incredible nerfs done to the Klingons?

    Making Klingons into just targets for the fed blob to blow up might just be, just maybe, the reason people would rather play fed.

    Give Klingons a fighting chance and people might move to the Klingon side. Reducing the science vessel's insane cc abilitys, reducing the length of time the invincibilty button works for and increasing dps across the board would be a start.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Can you blame anyone, I can only hope people come back and by the time I get to admiral on fed/Kink there is some decent end of game content.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I've gone back and finished getting my Fed character to RA5.

    It's absurd that I can get 4 grades of Admiral rank in the same space of time it takes my Klingon character to make 1 in Lieutenant Commander. Doesn't give me much motivation to play Klingon side.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I just unloaded 2 dual heavy canons, 1 dual beam and a torp launcher, with cannon rapid fire and torp high yield into s t3 a fed cruiser, that was not being healed, for 2 minutes solid while he blew up a guy who was with me. I also used tykens rift and sensor scan.

    The result? His shields were still up when the fed blob landed on me and blew me away in seconds. Great balance here, cryptic. Great balance.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ikenstein wrote:
    I just unloaded 2 dual heavy canons, 1 dual beam and a torp launcher, with cannon rapid fire and torp high yield into s t3 a fed cruiser, that was not being healed, for 2 minutes solid while he blew up a guy who was with me. I also used tykens rift and sensor scan.

    The result? His shields were still up when the fed blob landed on me and blew me away in seconds. Great balance here, cryptic. Great balance.

    this is not relevant. whether or not klingons suck or are the greatest, they should have a PURPOSE
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ikenstein wrote:
    I just unloaded 2 dual heavy canons, 1 dual beam and a torp launcher, with cannon rapid fire and torp high yield into s t3 a fed cruiser, that was not being healed, for 2 minutes solid while he blew up a guy who was with me. I also used tykens rift and sensor scan.

    The result? His shields were still up when the fed blob landed on me and blew me away in seconds. Great balance here, cryptic. Great balance.

    A) Dual Beam Banks suck. Don't use them. They combine all the disadvantages of Arrays and Cannons into one really lousy package.
    B) If you are the only one firing at your target, you are doing something wrong, or your team is. Either way it is not a recipe for PvP success.
    C) Even given the above, if you actually did fire for two minutes and not even bring down the target's shields, it sounds like you have done something seriously wrong with your build or loadout or playstyle, or all of the above. Probably all of the above, honestly, if you weren't exaggerating in your story.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Klinks aren't disappearing or leaving, they're just cloak griefing for a very, very long time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't really have much hope of the 45day patch doing much for klingons, I probably won't get my kling side joined trill, and klings may get a couple of episodes perhaps exploration added in.

    But it's likely when FvF is coming in and thus most of the feddies will play that as always being on defence does get a little meh after a while, and thus klings die out.

    I'll still do FvK but how many others?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am looking forward to March 4th to see the number of whine threads go way way down.

    Fight, win, die. Our reward as Klingons is to gain honor through combat. Qa'pla!

    Get a decent group together, on voice comms, with a wing commander who knows what he is doing, you will have a ball.
    Expecting to be spoonfed your fun is a bit strange in an IP that promotes self-actualization and individual thought.

    The only PvE I want to see is something that links into (or from) PvP, like warzones etc. Maybe the occasional mission in a warzone to recover the long lost Gorn dil'do of eternity, that will AFFECT pvp and the overall war directly.

    This game is not finished, everyone knows that, we can wait patiently or we can type until our fingers bleed. The only typing that will change things is the typing the devs at Cryptic perform.

    I suggest you listen to podcasts like "Hailing Frequency" that interview the devs and listen to their passion for this game. I know we all like to rail against any form of authority but Cryptic is not the enemy here and the more you make them the enemy the less you will get from them.

    Is STO perfect? Far from it. Is it great fun for me, yes. If it is not fun for you, simply stop playing there are plenty of other games out there, mmo or otherwise.

    Yours in cheerful murdering of the enemy Plasma,
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EmoeJoe wrote:
    Where are my fellow klingon warriors? It is a sad day on qonos when so many of our finest battle hardened soldiers have vanished without a tace. They come and they ask "this is it? really? wow...." we lament and inform them of the few things to do, offering help/aid/free credits/fleet invites. But alas it is no match for this wicked disease. The disease that has claimed so many lives. The klingon empire has a serious case of a-contentia. Soldiers with no battle worthy to call them to will melt back into whence they came. This amounts to a lonely existence for us few remaining hardened veterans. Making friends, who never return, darkens even the fiercest warriors heart.

    // seriously i wish they published server population. i cant imagine that klinks represent more than 5% if that of the toal player base. I have on too many occasions been the ONLY player in a zone. A warzone even with 10 feds to compete with. The nebula missions where i literally am the only one fighting the borg. Queuing up, as the lone klink, and never getting to actually pvp (while the list shows 100+ fed players for the same queue). Gets old. fast. I dont blame those who left. But i willdefinitely blame cryptic, if FVF combat comes out, it will deliver the deathblow to a dying race......

    Hrm.. FvF is not the answer here, PVE content for the Klingons is.

    While the current Klingon Population maybe happy with only having PvP, the PvP (moderate to hardcore) MMO population ranges from 5-10% of all of the MMO population. It is just a fact and it has been like that since Ultima Online.

    PvPers have always been a minority and what you experience only confirms this, it may even be more apparent here because well at least half of the PvPers are playing Fed side, it is a question of personal taste and has nothing to do with PvP per se, however the Klingon faction will benefit greatly once it gets more content and more people will come to that side, specially since there is a large part of the population that simply like both PVE and PvP and this will add much needed presence to all aspects of the Klingon Faction.

    It will come it is just a matter of time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I ONLY fly a carrier therefor i never cloak and i have about 10 games a night often fighting familiar federation players. If the feds would stop all queueing for the salvage battles than you'd get more games.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dekkameron wrote: »
    I ONLY fly a carrier therefor i never cloak and i have about 10 games a night often fighting familiar federation players. If the feds would stop all queueing for the salvage battles than you'd get more games.

    even qeueing for deathmatches it takes forever to get a game. thats right, playing on a klinks terms takes forever to get a game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Suraknar wrote: »
    It will come it is just a matter of time.

    i ahvent given up hope, or cancelled my scrip... yet
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    After getting to level 6 and starting and playing my klink to about 15 or so, I decided to max my fed toon first. Not only to see the whole game, but to give Cryptic some time to flesh out the Klingons with more PvE missions so I wouldnt get burned out on PvP.

    I deleted my klink and started fresh this week and have met some other people in my same boat. So Id say give it some time for us to catch up. Hopefully everyone doesnt quit by the time we get up there. Although with EXP nerf rumors abound, it might take longer then I hoped.
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