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im rear admiral 5

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
ive done everything. all the quests. only thing i do now is the one daily

what do i do im bored?

cryptic why make me pay for something i can beat in 10 days. whats with that? it used to take me ages to level in city of heroes then you released Co and STO which i can beat in under a week and ask for money.....

this is sad. i used to like you guys. now i feel bad that the greatest TV show ever is getting shafted by the now worst company ever.

i dunno. im not raving that ill quit....i guess after reaching the top i kinda expected it to take longer...or to be better

ill go roll a klingon see if that interests me...

be ashamed cryptic you had a good thing and you rushed it.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't care.

    If you want something to do, take your damn time. Now will you people stop complaining and have some patience!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It seems to me that you're the one who rushed, not Cryptic. ;)

    10 Days to get to max level is a great achievement, buit have you actually experienced the game? Did you take your time to explore the story lines and savour them? I doubt it. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    maybe you should not rush things
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    There just isnt enough journey you cant use the power lvl excuse here, Im trying DESPERATLEY not to lvl i will be admiral next week!!!!! I have never reached endgame in a MMO EVER I ge bored after about 4 months atleast thats the longest i played any MMO and that was lotro which i played JUST AS MUCH as this.
    This game is rediculously short.
    Patheticly infact.

    It can hardly even be called an MMO ive played single player games that were longer oblivion?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kassidus wrote: »
    There just isnt enough journey you cant use the power lvl excuse here, Im trying DESPERATLEY not to lvl i will be admiral next week!!!!! I have never reached endgame in a MMO EVER I ge bored after about 4 months atleast thats the longest i played any MMO and that was lotro which i played JUST AS MUCH as this.
    This game is rediculously short.
    Patheticly infact.

    It can hardly even be called an MMO ive played single player games that were longer oblivion?

    The endgame is not even up yet
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    then you released Co and STO which i can beat in under a week and ask for money.....

    this is sad. i sued to like you guys. now i feel bad that the greatest TV show ever is getting shated by the now worst company ever.

    Daniel Jackson speaks 37 alien languages.

    And even he has a hard time translating certain words you use.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    CJohn wrote:
    The endgame is not even up yet

    Yes it is, endgame stuff is borg stuff got released last big patch...
    Doesnt matter like i said ive tried playing slow myself, and im almost at lvl cap in a COUPLE WEEKS

    NEVER EVER EVER have i played such a short MMO.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm the same as you I loved playing the game but now I'm stuck
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kassidus wrote: »
    There just isnt enough journey you cant use the power lvl excuse here, Im trying DESPERATLEY not to lvl i will be admiral next week!!!!! I have never reached endgame in a MMO EVER I ge bored after about 4 months atleast thats the longest i played any MMO and that was lotro which i played JUST AS MUCH as this.
    This game is rediculously short.
    Patheticly infact.

    It can hardly even be called an MMO ive played single player games that were longer oblivion?

    Go outside and get some fresh air if you care so much. It WILL be your fault if you reach the cap, because you're the one playing, not cryptic. Slowest levelling player is an example to us all.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Boohoo mom did give me 10 cookies for the whole day, and now i did eat them all at once...
    bad mom for giving me the cookies. :confused:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    There aren't enough Missions ingame atm. I think we have around 100 missions (patrol and story missions). Last "Content Patch added 3 new Story missions. I was done with them after around 2 hours.

    That is definetely to weak. We need more content. They should've increased the "XP" you need to level up and at the same time add more missions. If you are at max Level (and I think many people are getting there now) the only thing you can do is the single daily quest or some PVP against klingon carrier groups (yeah fun fun fun -_-)

    If you have a short level phase like in STO the endgame needs to be great. I don't see any endgame at all right now and that is a huge problem for the game. Cryptic needs to act FAST. The raidepisodes better be great.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kassidus wrote: »
    Yes it is, endgame stuff is borg stuff got released last big patch...
    Doesnt matter like i said ive tried playing slow myself, and im almost at lvl cap in a COUPLE WEEKS

    NEVER EVER EVER have i played such a short MMO.
    Yea, a single Borg mission, that's all the end game there, pack it up folks. Were done here. Bye! And WoW is shorter. I can go 1-80 in a week, and take a further week and have full 7.5 out of Naxx then all there is to do is bore myself with getting gold for mats for raiding, then raid, thats not fun... the same thing every week over and over. At least Cryptic is going to keep putting out new episodic content and not, here is dungeon, here is boss, go spend 2 weeks wiping to figure him out.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EvilGrizz wrote: »
    Go outside and get some fresh air if you care so much. It WILL be your fault if you reach the cap, because you're the one playing, not cryptic. Slowest levelling player is an example to us all.

    Thats an unacceptable answer, I work I go out with friends I play OTHER GAMES and have continued to do all that and still had 4 or so hours a day since pre launch and in a couple weeks I AM ALMOST AT END GAME!!

    Oh well just dont play the game then you wont lvl so fast !!!! Oh yah cause im gonna pay for something and not play it!

    You show me ANY mmo with so little game play .....you CANT cause they dont exist!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's just like star trek.

    Once you watch all the series and movies, what is left to do except watch them all over again?

    I agree this game was ridiculously short, moreso than any MMO i've played. Even WOW, after many many level nerfs reducing XP needed to level and boosted XP gained, still takes more time played to get max level than STO. And back when WOW released, when it actually took massive time commitment to hit level 60, SIGNIFICANTLY longer and it was more interesting to level too with unique quests in unique areas and different environments. Not just "scan 5 things" or "kill 5 patrols" over and over.

    This game is just like city of heroes in space. Has like a dozen space maps, dozen ground maps, and just randomly selects one and populates with a given enemy type of which there are also very few. Theres maybe 30 missions in the game TOTAL that are unique and don't conform to the same limited scope TRIBBLE all the patrol and exploration missions do. But that isn't enough content or story for a MMO. That isn't even good enough for a single player game. Maybe in the early 90s...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yea, a single Borg mission, that's all the end game there, pack it up folks. Were done here. Bye! And WoW is shorter. I can go 1-80 in a week, and take a further week and have full 7.5 out of Naxx then all there is to do is bore myself with getting gold for mats for raiding, then raid, thats not fun... the same thing every week over and over. At least Cryptic is going to keep putting out new episodic content and not, here is dungeon, here is boss, go spend 2 weeks wiping to figure him out.

    Yeah i saw someone power lvl in days, thats NOT playing, Im PLAYING sto, crafting searching out all anomolies, reading everything, changing uniforms for fun buying selling items even spent some time helping lower lvl people AND ITS STILL TOO SHORT.

    Does no one understand this
    I played LOTRO for 4 Months 4-5h a day and made lvl48 (not cap)
    I have played STO for 2 weeks 4-5h a day and ill be 45 next week!!!

    How does that seem like theres enough to do? and im not lvling too fast?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i dont give a flying frack about the idiots crying that i rushed i did enjoy the story this game is pathetically short. taking my time and going out as well i still hit admiral.

    its bogus and sad. say what you will anyone with a halfass remark is just a fanboy. i love star trek i used to like cryptic. now i feel cheated out of something that could have been great. instead is mediocre at best.

    and by the way take my time what are you people dyslexic? you cant read is that why you snail crawl i took enough time doing missions repeating explorations and PVP though all the brackets and i still hit the end.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kassidus wrote: »
    Thats an unacceptable answer, I work I go out with friends I play OTHER GAMES and have continued to do all that and still had 4 or so hours a day since pre launch and in a couple weeks I AM ALMOST AT END GAME!!

    Oh well just dont play the game then you wont lvl so fast !!!! Oh yah cause im gonna pay for something and not play it!

    You show me ANY mmo with so little game play .....you CANT cause they dont exist!

    I don't care about other games. I play STO every day and haven't messed myself up, because I'm fully capable of doing things in moderation and no, I haven't reached the end yet. Surprise, surprise.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I was one of the very few during closed beta that wanted the leveling to be longer (800 hours or so to hit max level), but guess what the majority where saying after the estimate time to hit max level was released..."don't turn this into a grind fest, 80 hours to hit max level is long enough".

    Guess who is complaining about the lack of content now...

    1. they complained that it took to long to kills ships
    2. they complained it was to hard
    3. they complained that it took too long to level (some even thought that the 80 hours was way to much)
    4. after Cryptic foolishly listened to those people and made the changes they wanted they now complain that there is no content because they have hit the level cap in few days

    The leveling is way to fast in this game...you barely get time to gather exploration badges to get equiment for your tier/grade before you have hit the next grade.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kassidus wrote: »
    Yeah i saw someone power lvl in days, thats NOT playing, Im PLAYING sto, crafting searching out all anomolies, reading everything, changing uniforms for fun buying selling items even spent some time helping lower lvl people AND ITS STILL TOO SHORT.

    Does no one understand this
    I played LOTRO for 4 Months 4-5h a day and made lvl48 (not cap)
    I have played STO for 2 weeks 4-5h a day and ill be 45 next week!!!

    How does that seem like theres enough to do? and im not lvling too fast?
    I'm merely stating that WoW actually has less content when you think about. Ask a hardcore player what they've accomplished ingame since Pre-BC, i'll tell you what I accomplished.

    Went from Tier 2, to Level 70, to T4.... to level 80 to t7.5 and a few years wasted on RAIDING only. Same thing over and over. There was no storyline there, it lasted 3 or 4 quests then poof, some magical warlord needed my help getting more tusks of boars that kept getting bigger and angrier.

    STO is going to have episodic content constantly released instead of your traditional raid. Assume a new episode every 2-4 weeks probably more, there is your content. We haven't seen the real episodes, what you got was a teaser to get some purples and get a taste for whats coming. And I am sorry you were so bad at LOTRO that it took you 4 months to not hit cap.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    CJohn wrote:
    maybe you should not rush things

    This is no longer a valid excuse. Those who were RA5 in headstart rushed things. The rest of us who are hitting RA5 now, played the game, doing all the missions and even doing PvP. Currently, I'm RA3 Fed with a LT Com 7 Klingon.

    The lack of End Game content is in no way our fault for reaching the top level with nothing to do in the short time the game has been live. It "should" have taken us weeks to reach RA5 but Cryptic did not design the game that way.

    This game was no where complete when they released it. Way too many bugs, with way too much missing content. They needed at minimum 6 more months of testing and adding content, but they didn't want to waste that time losing money. I don't know who's choice it was to release so early. Either Cryptic of Atari, but who ever it was made a huge mistake and they will be paying the price with tons of cancellations.

    Everyone keeps saying to hold on until the Day 45 patch. What the heck will the Day 45 patch contain? Does it even exist or is this another way Cryptic is using "promises" to keep people paying for another month in hopes of something better? I've seen Cryptic's promises and I'm still waiting for the Mirror Universe Outfit I paid for 6 months ago.

    In fact, this is the Shortest MMO in the history of MMO's. MMO's are supposed to be designed to last for years, not months or even weeks as STO currently is. Just wait, in another week or 2, they will announce the 1st expansion pack that will promise to add a whole lot of new content for players to explore. As a paying customer, I'm extremely disappointed with STO and Cryptic's ability to deliver on their promises.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kassidus wrote: »
    Yeah i saw someone power lvl in days, thats NOT playing, Im PLAYING sto, crafting searching out all anomolies, reading everything, changing uniforms for fun buying selling items even spent some time helping lower lvl people AND ITS STILL TOO SHORT.

    Does no one understand this
    I played LOTRO for 4 Months 4-5h a day and made lvl48 (not cap)
    I have played STO for 2 weeks 4-5h a day and ill be 45 next week!!!

    How does that seem like theres enough to do? and im not lvling too fast?

    this is true. i played lotro for over a year only made it to lvl 40ish
    took me a whole year to hit the end of COH
    Took me three years for wow. mostly cuase i played before the expansions
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm merely stating that WoW actually has less content when you think about. Ask a hardcore player what they've accomplished ingame since Pre-BC, i'll tell you what I accomplished.

    Went from Tier 2, to Level 70, to T4.... to level 80 to t7.5 and a few years wasted on RAIDING only. Same thing over and over. There was no storyline there, it lasted 3 or 4 quests then poof, some magical warlord needed my help getting more tusks of boars that kept getting bigger and angrier.

    STO is going to have episodic content constantly released instead of your traditional raid. Assume a new episode every 2-4 weeks probably more, there is your content. We haven't seen the real episodes, what you got was a teaser to get some purples and get a taste for whats coming. And I am sorry you were so bad at LOTRO that it took you 4 months to not hit cap.

    Your not seeing any logic at all are you, denial is a magical thing.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rip-Wire wrote:
    This is no longer a valid excuse. Those who were RA5 in headstart rushed things. The rest of us who are hitting RA5 now, played the game, doing all the missions and even doing PvP. Currently, I'm RA3 Fed with a LT Com 7 Klingon.

    The lack of End Game content is in no way our fault for reaching the top level with nothing to do in the short time the game has been live. It "should" have taken us weeks to reach RA5 but Cryptic did not design the game that way.

    This game was no where complete when they released it. Way too many bugs, with way too much missing content. They needed at minimum 6 more months of testing and adding content, but they didn't want to waste that time losing money. I don't know who's choice it was to release so early. Either Cryptic of Atari, but who ever it was made a huge mistake and they will be paying the price with tons of cancellations.

    Everyone keeps saying to hold on until the Day 45 patch. What the heck will the Day 45 patch contain? Does it even exist or is this another way Cryptic is using "promises" to keep people paying for another month in hopes of something better? I've seen Cryptic's promises and I'm still waiting for the Mirror Universe Outfit I paid for 6 months ago.

    In fact, this is the Shortest MMO in the history of MMO's. MMO's are supposed to be designed to last for years, not months or even weeks as STO currently is. Just wait, in another week or 2, they will announce the 1st expansion pack that will promise to add a whole lot of new content for players to explore. As a paying customre, I'm extremely disappointed with STO and Cryptic's ability to deliver on their promises.

    day 45 patch will contain what the raidisode missions that i will probably be bored with after a few runs? klingon pve would be nice. but then i hit the end in what another week and a half then what?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    the game is a bit short would be nice for some open pvp zone where one can hold or take starbase's whatever ect what for me kept a mmo like Daoc (dark age of camelot) fun for a long time was the good RvR (pvp) they had, its no fun to kill npc there just a way to get to max lvl , killing rl ppl is what end game should be not more pve imho.

    Really hope they add some pvp content as well, for those max lvl and bored go roll a klingon, scenario's pops are allmost instand there.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Obviously we're very capable of not reaching the cap so soon, or else we would all be there. So yeah, not playing so much is quite a valid suggestion as it actually works.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    sosanl wrote: »
    the game is a bit short would be nice for some open pvp zone where one can hold or take starbase's whatever ect what for me kept a mmo like Daoc (dark age of camelot) was the good RvR (pvp) they had,
    its no fun to kill npc there just a way to get to max lvl , killing rl ppl is what end game should be not more pve imho.

    Really hope they add some pvp content as well, for those max lvl and bored go roll a klingon, scenario's pops are allmost instand there.

    They should add both because I for one don't like PvP at all, it's better to kill NPCs than getting PM's from 5 year olds telling you how much you suck or how much you cheat because you have beaten them...not to mention all the drama that usualy follows.

    No thanks, I will stick to my PvE
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    thats another thing PVP is empty at high levels. even low levels. Klingons dont seem to want to pvp in a broken PVP system. or its the feds who never show up. i find myself sitting in queue for 45 minutes sometimes waiting for one guy to spawn or zone in only to have him leave due to lack of balanced teams.

    cryptic screwed the pooch im sorry to you fanboys. they have no content and even if they promise or rather keep their promise of content every two weeks....its not really enough. and becuase of how this game is there is No replayability at all.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EvilGrizz wrote: »
    I don't care about other games. I play STO every day and haven't messed myself up, because I'm fully capable of doing things in moderation and no, I haven't reached the end yet. Surprise, surprise.

    The fact you personally level up slowly is no indication or proof contrary to this game's lack of content.

    Your opinion doesn't change the mathematical fact this game has less missions than other games have quests nor does it change the size of the game universe which is smaller cumulatively than some single zones in other games. STO is tiny, small scope, and rushed. You may love this game more than life it's self but it doesn't change that fact.

    And out of all the missions, theres only around 30ish that are actually unique missions. Every single defend mission is identical, all patrol and exploration missions use the same "scan 5" or "kill 5" format. Only 30ish missions that have any semblance of storyline or have anything unique or interesting going on.

    And yeah, those missions are kind of neat, and if the entire game was full of them, it might be worth playing through. But sadly, it's not. They aren't just a minority but they are a grossly under represented minority. Less than 10% of the game is made up of these types of missions.

    If the game is so great, why don't you actually go play it instead of trolling the forums to defend it against people who say it's so horrible? That's what I do with games I actually enjoy, I play them, I don't prowl the forums caring about what other people say or think about it. And don't try to say you don't care, because if you didn't you wouldn't be posting.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rip-Wire wrote:
    This is no longer a valid excuse. Those who were RA5 in headstart rushed things. The rest of us who are hitting RA5 now, played the game, doing all the missions and even doing PvP. Currently, I'm RA3 Fed with a LT Com 7 Klingon.

    The lack of End Game content is in no way our fault for reaching the top level with nothing to do in the short time the game has been live. It "should" have taken us weeks to reach RA5 but Cryptic did not design the game that way.

    This game was no where complete when they released it. Way too many bugs, with way too much missing content. They needed at minimum 6 more months of testing and adding content, but they didn't want to waste that time losing money. I don't know who's choice it was to release so early. Either Cryptic of Atari, but who ever it was made a huge mistake and they will be paying the price with tons of cancellations.

    Everyone keeps saying to hold on until the Day 45 patch. What the heck will the Day 45 patch contain? Does it even exist or is this another way Cryptic is using "promises" to keep people paying for another month in hopes of something better? I've seen Cryptic's promises and I'm still waiting for the Mirror Universe Outfit I paid for 6 months ago.

    In fact, this is the Shortest MMO in the history of MMO's. MMO's are supposed to be designed to last for years, not months or even weeks as STO currently is. Just wait, in another week or 2, they will announce the 1st expansion pack that will promise to add a whole lot of new content for players to explore. As a paying customre, I'm extremely disappointed with STO and Cryptic's ability to deliver on their promises.

    It would take alot for the 45 day to reset and fix some of the design issues, not an easy thing, but anything is doable, but I agree that recommending people to wait for that would be asking them to trust and a presumption of intent, so agree with your thought. However personally I will because the forums are fun, and because the money is not an issue.

    But I have to agree, the humor of the war of the worlds logo on top of forum, and mars attacks type of interaction as an outcome is possible.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EvilGrizz wrote: »
    Obviously we're very capable of not reaching the cap so soon, or else we would all be there. So yeah, not playing so much is quite a valid suggestion as it actually works.

    Wow im gonna streight up call you a TRIBBLE, cause you just keep saying that in the face of all these valid arguments.

    And all you keep saying is, if its to short STOP PLAYING lol wtf are we paying for? to not play? the rampant denial at times is sickening
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