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Official Petition to remove the monthly fee.



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Isn't this the same guy that claims this will be the "Wow killer" lol classic. You should stop while you are ahead. You are making Kiwi's look bad.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Is he Serious??

    Tell me he's joking. PLEASE!!!

    And being in Australia is no excuse. I'm Aussie and have no qualms of a monthly sub.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I agree with the idea that this game should be f2p, because it's an instanced world, they already have a cash shop, and free new content is going to be rare (you can tell by the way they have handled CO so far).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I really told my self I should stay away from this thread but I can't I just can't.

    There is no such thing as a free to play MMO. Even the so-called free ones charge you for premium items or to get to upper level content. Sure you can play for free but only the early stuff for example. Lets take a look at Dungeon and Dragons online. I played that game for 3 years. It started as a monthly fee. It then went to free to play last year. However, its not really free. You can still have a montly sub and get everything for free including content up dates. If you choose the free to play option then you only get a limited amount of content for free want the high level raids? Pay for them. Want more than 2 character slots? Pay for them. You see its not really free.

    You paid for the last 2 years that Cryptic spent developing the game. Spending millions and getting nothing in return till now. If you want future updates, bug fixes, more factions, and a server to play on then the money has to come from somewhere. Guess where? Yep us the paying customers. Customers who understand that if we want more we are going to have to pay for it one way or another.

    Its just like paying a contractor to build your house. Even though you paid him a 100k to build it doens't mean you get additions for free. You want a new pool? Pay for it.

    This game will last a lot longer than you will at this point.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you don't want to pay monthly, but like the game, just buy a lifetime subscription.

    Better than a movie subscription. Cheaper than a girlfriend.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    speaking on grammer it's button's and not botton's....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fire wrote: »
    I agree with the idea that this game should be f2p, because it's an instanced world, they already have a cash shop, and free new content is going to be rare (you can tell by the way they have handled CO so far).

    Yes, you're right.

    Wolf912 wrote: »
    Is he Serious??

    Tell me he's joking. PLEASE!!!

    And being in Australia is no excuse. I'm Aussie and have no qualms of a monthly sub.

    Lol Australian.

    Teelow wrote: »
    Isn't this the same guy that claims this will be the "Wow killer" lol classic. You should stop while you are ahead. You are making Kiwi's look bad.

    What are you talking about?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I really told my self I should stay away from this thread but I can't I just can't.

    There is no such thing as a free to play MMO. Even the so-called free ones charge you for premium items or to get to upper level content. Sure you can play for free but only the early stuff for example. Lets take a look at Dungeon and Dragons online. I played that game for 3 years. It started as a monthly fee. It then went to free to play last year. However, its not really free. You can still have a montly sub and get everything for free including content up dates. If you choose the free to play option then you only get a limited amount of content for free want the high level raids? Pay for them. Want more than 2 character slots? Pay for them. You see its not really free.

    You paid for the last 2 years that Cryptic spent developing the game. Spending millions and getting nothing in return till now. If you want future updates, bug fixes, more factions, and a server to play on then the money has to come from somewhere. Guess where? Yep us the paying customers. Customers who understand that if we want more we are going to have to pay for it one way or another.

    Its just like paying a contractor to build your house. Even though you paid him a 100k to build it doens't mean you get additions for free. You want a new pool? Pay for it.

    This game will last a lot longer than you will at this point.

    This game will last alot longer than I will at this point?

    You trying to say i'm going to get banned? What the hell for? All I see all over these forums is complaints, when I complain, I get reported, by one of the other fellas in the first few pages, all you guys needa stop being so easily offended, i'm not aiming this thread at ANY of yous, only ASKING peoples opinions.
    Arakim wrote: »
    If you don't want to pay monthly, but like the game, just buy a lifetime subscription.

    Better than a movie subscription. Cheaper than a girlfriend.

    $300 Ameriacn, is like $500 New Zealand, theres no way I have that kinda money.

    Sorry to not be as well off as you maybe.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fire wrote: »
    I agree with the idea that this game should be f2p, because it's an instanced world, they already have a cash shop, and free new content is going to be rare (you can tell by the way they have handled CO so far).

    Exactly what does instanced world have to do with free to play? That makes no sense.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    Paying a fee of $15 bucks a month is not a rule, it's a payment?

    I bought the data? Well maybe $50 of what I paid should be the data, and the other $50 should be what from me goes towards paying for the server?

    When you purchased the game it was with the knowledge that you would have to pay a monthly sub. This isn't something new Cryptic came up with; the box clearly says monthly subscription needed, the FAQ said so, the website said so, and it was talked about ad nauseum on the forum. You made the conscious decision to purchase this game WITH the understanding that you would need to purchase a monthly subscription plan. If you did not know this, the fault is yours for failing to do due dilligence upon an item you purchased. It was hardly a secret.

    The bottom line is this is a game you MUST pay for a monthly sub. You can complain about it all you like but that is the bottom line. Either you believe the game is worth a monthly sub and you will pay it, or it's not and at the end of your free month you will go on your way. There is no other option.

    What Teelow is talking about is the post you made the other day claiming STO was going to be a WoW killer. Have you already forgotten the only other post you made?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    This game will last alot longer than I will at this point?

    You trying to say i'm going to get banned? What the hell for? All I see all over these forums is complaints, when I complain, I get reported, by one of the other fellas in the first few pages, all you guys needa stop being so easily offended, i'm not aiming this thread at ANY of yous, only ASKING peoples opinions.

    $300 Ameriacn, is like $500 New Zealand, theres no way I have that kinda money.

    *a lot
    *need to
    *peoples' (or people's is an alternative, though not my preferred)

    And New Zealand is basically just a territory of Australia anyway.
  • Options
    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    *a lot
    *need to
    *peoples' (or people's is an alternative, though not my preferred)

    And New Zealand is basically just a territory of Australia anyway.

    You're either trolling, or you're seriously TRIBBLE.
    New Zealand is NOT apart of Australia......
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    You're either trolling, or you're seriously TRIBBLE.
    New Zealand is NOT apart of Australia......

    I said it basically is, because it might as well be. It's not even a proper country.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Y'know, I probably wasted a lot of typing breaking down the costs of running an MMO two pages ago.

    I'll simplify.




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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    You're either trolling, or you're seriously TRIBBLE.
    New Zealand is NOT apart of Australia......

    *a part...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    This game will last alot longer than I will at this point?

    You trying to say i'm going to get banned? What the hell for? All I see all over these forums is complaints, when I complain, I get reported, by one of the other fellas in the first few pages, all you guys needa stop being so easily offended, i'm not aiming this thread at ANY of yous, only ASKING peoples opinions.

    Sorry poor choice of words. Not banned but that this game will last longer than you may choose to play it. It was my way disagreeing with you that this game will not last long.

    Word to the wise don't belittle everyone who tries to constuctively disagree with you. A few have posted very literate posts and all you did in response was belittle them.

    This is a good game. The monthly fee helps developemt which is sorely needed in this game. if you like it as you claim then pay the montly fee.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I said it basically is, because it might as well be. It's not even a proper country.

    Where are you from?

    You're probably an Australian, whoms family were once convicts, how is my country not even "proper"
    At least the land in New Zealand is used, and is useable, 70% of your country is desert, filled with roo rooting people who can't even talk properly.

    Please tell me how New Zealand isn't a "proper" country.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    *a part...

    I am an American that lived in NZ for several years. It actually is a commonwealth of England and is a "proper" country, and quite a beautiful one...at that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    Where are you from?

    You're probably an Australian, whoms family were once convicts, how is my country not even "proper"
    At least the land in New Zealand is used, and is useable, 70% of your country is desert, filled with roo rooting people who can't even talk properly.

    Please tell me how New Zealand isn't a "proper" country.

    Wow, I never knew we had deserts in England. Thanks for that.

    Now go and put another shrimp on the barbie, Aussie.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    *a lot
    *need to
    *peoples' (or people's is an alternative, though not my preferred)

    And New Zealand is basically just a territory of Australia anyway.


    That cracked me up.

    But simply you don't wanna pay don't play. As was stated you know what you were dealing with from the word go.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    I'm sorry I have to make this thread Cryptic, but yes, you have made a decent game, but might not last as long as you may think. I believe having a fee on this game is kinda, you know.... Horrible, considering the fact that it's not the biggest game out there, stupid reason but yeah, i'm sure most of yous can think of better reasons.

    But really, heh... Please remove the monthly fee.


    and the international most stupid thread of the world award is for.... *drumb rolls*.... Dustywood!


    you win a prize too! me wasting my time posting this :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This thread makes as much sense as arguing with your girlfriend, and her reason, her logic behind her argument, is "...just 'cause". Brilliant.

    I'm all for people voicing an opinion when they feel strongly about it, but if you can't make a real argument for your point of view, especially when the majority opinion is against you, no one cares other than beingly slightly annoyed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Teelow wrote: »
    I am an American that lived in NZ for several years. It actually is a commonwealth of England and is a "proper" country, and quite a beautiful one...at that.

    And Australia isnt?


    Whoops, wrong person haha now I made a fool of myself!

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Seadgir
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    And Australia isnt? You're TRIBBLE.

    Lol typical coming from an American who knows nothing of anything else in the world but there own country, Canadian.

    I like how you're insulting the one person in this thread who was actually supporting you. And you're calling him a TRIBBLE.


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Official petition = not allowed.

    Please take all of your petition and protest items, put them in a large pile, use at least 1 gallon of gasoline to evenly coat pile. light pile and lay in it.

    In before lock.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    I'm sorry I have to make this thread Cryptic, but yes, you have made a decent game, but might not last as long as you may think. I believe having a fee on this game is kinda, you know.... Horrible, considering the fact that it's not the biggest game out there, stupid reason but yeah, i'm sure most of yous can think of better reasons.

    But really, heh... Please remove the monthly fee.


    Since you want to play for free. I say sure. Once you've paid the standard $50 fee for a game then you get to enjoy it for what? a week, or month maybe before you grow tired of it? So since you don't want to pay anymore then it's only reasonable that ALL you get is what is included at the start just like any console game you buy. So enjoy your first month then. It's just like a console game for now. And then don't subscribe. You got your money's worth.

    But please don't expect these devs to continue to work for free. This company has bills to pay. Employees need a checks to pay THEIR bills and put food on the table as well.

    What you're really asking for is for is for these devs to ignore paying their bills and continue to give you free content on their dime. Do you not see how unfair you are being to these hard working people?

    I'll tell you what. Where do you work? Because I want YOUR company to just give me whatever service they provide or goods they provide for FREE. Now seriously, how long do you think you'd draw a paycheck if that were the case with every customer who came in? Not long huh? So why do you expect this company to just provide you this game for free and continue to update it with new content for free?

    You see, this is not a console game. It is not a one shot deal where it is produced and the company makes their one time money off it and then walks away. MMO's constantly have content added to them. Devs are constantly working on it to make your play time more enjoyable.

    And by the way Cryptic was nice enough to give you even MORE content than what you initially paid for. Check the"What's coming" link on the front page of the website. Yep they're doing it for you for FREE. But please don't expect for them to continue to do so. That's what the monthly service charge is for so that these people don't go broke working for nothing.

    I think you're being unreasonable and inconsiderate of just exactly what these devs are providing and will provide for your enjoyment in the future. If you wanted a console game you came to the wrong place.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    And Australia isnt? You're TRIBBLE.

    Lol typical coming from an American who knows nothing of anything else in the world but there own country, Canadian.

    Um, I think the poster you quoted actually was pointing out that New Zealand is in fact a proper country as you previously pointed out. They went on to compliment its natural beauty and you used a highly derogatory word to describe them.

    2 things, 1, use of defamatory or derogatory terms in reference to another poster is against the EULA. 2, really bad form to beat on someone who agreed with you,
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I like how you're insulting the one person in this thread who was actually supporting you. And you're calling him a TRIBBLE.



    Yeah, I didn't mean to qoute him, mistaked what he said for you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Mr.Psy wrote:
    Um, I think the poster you quoted actually was pointing out that New Zealand is in fact a proper country as you previously pointed out. They went on to compliment its natural beauty and you used a highly derogatory word to describe them.

    2 things, 1, use of defamatory or derogatory terms in reference to another poster is against the EULA. 2, really bad form to beat on someone who agreed with you,

    Believe I edited my post as soon as it was posted.

    Was a mistake. Please continue to feed me though with these walls of text!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dustywood wrote:
    And Australia isnt? You're TRIBBLE.

    Lol typical coming from an American who knows nothing of anything else in the world but there own country, Canadian.

    Whoops, wrong person haha now I made a fool of myself!

    You do know America and Canada are 2 different countries, don't you?
This discussion has been closed.