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No game content after RA2???



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Another thing, where are the Commodore ranks? Those should be between Captain and Admiral. Maybe Cryptic should rename Admiral to Commodore and re-add Admiral for levels above 50. Rear Admiral from lvl 51-60, and Admiral from 61-70?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    raduque wrote: »
    Another thing, where are the Commodore ranks? Those should be between Captain and Admiral. Maybe Cryptic should rename Admiral to Commodore and re-add Admiral for levels above 50. Rear Admiral from lvl 51-60, and Admiral from 61-70?

    I thought of this as well.

    But Commodore isn't used that often as a rank, even in Trek.

    In this case tho, I would say more like this

    Commodore: 51-60
    Rear Admiral: 61-70
    Vice Admiral: 71-80
    Admiral: 81-90
    Fleet Admiral: 91-100 (Since it is a Wartime situation, with the Klingons...the rank would be activated...)

    But after that, there are no more ranks....so not sure where leveling would go from there.. :/
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Was looking through this thread and the amount of "bleep bleep" saying "he leveled too fast" or "how can you expect there to be end content already" is beyond me.

    An mmo usually STARTS with the end game. That is what EVERYONE will reach within weeks no matter how fast or slow they go and it is where the major content always should be.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    syberghost wrote: »
    Well, yeah; 'cause nobody can BE up there yet without having bypassed the whole game. That content will be added soon.

    If you bypassed the whole game to get past the content; mission accomplished, you're past the content. Well done.

    Your choices now are:

    1) PvP with the other 200 people who did this. But some used exploits, so they'll get deleted soon.
    2) Stop playing for a couple of months.
    3) Play another character, and this time, do the content.

    Uh, I have a RA 5 and I didn't do anything to exploit anything. I have done very non-repeatable mission in the game and have done pvp and exploration missions....

    To say that we exploited something is just faulty logic on your part.... In fact.. remove the "logic" from that statement.

    Stop inferring that if somebody is higher than you...they cheated.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    TallBear wrote:
    I hit RA2.. finished my missions... and nothing....

    I get no more missions.... and all contacts but repeatable NPCs have dropped me....

    Once I hit RA3, I got a new purple con BO, but still no new missions.

    Is there just no missions, no content for anything RA3-RA5?

    I was kinda surprised about this as well, I hit RA4,5 now and ran out of missions, so I only have to 'grind' 2 exploration missions to max out (missions which I was planning on doing anyways), but it's a pity there is no more storyline. I expected at least something of an epic episode after reaching RA5.

    I won't be bored for the coming time though, still have several ships to fully deck out, the craft system to explore and fleet mates who can use a hand in leveling. After that I'm thinking of making an engineer alt and before that one is maxed out there will be more content available, considering I always level slow on alts. :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Uh, I have a RA 5 and I didn't do anything to exploit anything. I have done very non-repeatable mission in the game and have done pvp and exploration missions....

    To say that we exploited something is just faulty logic on your part.... In fact.. remove the "logic" from that statement.

    Stop inferring that if somebody is higher than you...they cheated.




    Seriously tho...It's totally plausible if people take a step back.

    The content isn't hard, and pretty much everything can be soloed (tho I wouldn't know for sure about the Crystaline Entity..doubtful it is) and can all be completed in a couple days if you don't take too many breaks...18 hours a day...Could probably do it in a 3-4 day block tops.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yeaaahhh... 5 kids? thats BS.

    im pregnant with my 3rd and i dont get that kind of time to blow to get 4days playtime. ive got 1day 22hrs in. mind you i started over from headstart as i wanted my joined trill, i got lt 5 there. im lt cmd 1 now. so maybe 2 days 10hrs id guess since headstart opened. and im a house wife.

    so again, i call BS on you.
    assuming 4 days is the min to hit admiral. yeah. if she isnt a avid gamer, i mean hardcore like you which i doubt if you actually have 5 kids, then i doubt your seeing anyone atm. i could see you having kids, but i doubt their living with you.

    no woman unless she's like a mindless slave wife is going to stay with a man who plays that much a day when there is 5 kids in the house. no way. not to mention that means no one is bring in money which means no internet or power. as someone said, 4days is about 10hrs a day at least. that means you have no job or between one, and i doubt she's going to let you sit there jobless and play all day long while she slaves over with the kids. no. im sorry.

    I don't even know where to begin with this ad hominem attack that you launched at me.

    I am the father of five children by the same women to whom I have been married for 15 spectacular years. We all live in the same house, I'm happy, my wife is happy and our children are happy. We are financially secure, the house is paid off and clean and the food is good. The children are well dressed, well behaved and educated. I'm sorry you are unable to comprehend our lifestyle, but if I was interested in the approval of strangers I certainly wouldn't have five children.

    I, like you, am an adult: I don't "let" my wife do things and she doesn't "let" me do things. I'm not her boss and she isn't mine, we aren't in charge of each other... we're in love with each other. I bought her a gaming laptop so she could play sims3 and City of Heroes because I know she enjoys playing those games and she encouraged me to buy a lifetime sub to STO because she knows I would have fun playing it. She also knew that the first couple of weeks would involve a lot of late nights, that doesn't bother her so I have no idea why it should bother you.

    Now with that out of the way, a secret: MES. You don't HAVE to kill absolutely everything in EVERY mission. MES can turn a 20 minute mission into a 5 minute mission. I haven't played for four solid days, I've played a lot but that's just not in the realm of the possible.

    Beyond that, don't assume people are liars when they describe things you don't understand. That can't be a path to happiness.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ruivo wrote:
    Sorry, i don't have a clue on what you have just said.

    Three separate but related complaints:
    • Exploration gear is good, but extremely lacking in 'completeness'. There are multiple item types that simply have no presence in the exploration (or PvP) vendors, including heavy phaser cannons. There is no way in the game at any level for a Federation escort captain to equip their ship with heavy phaser cannons save through battlefield salvage. That's not the only example, but it's the most glaring from a lore perspective.
    • There's little gear to grind for. The skill cap is such that you can spec out a single ship armament and BO loadout to about 90% effectiveness (100% or the ability to make small switchouts if in an escort, due to tactical BO effectiveness basing off weapon skills rather than separate ones). Using exploration or PvP tokens to do so gets you the maximum you can reliably get in the game in your first pass.
    • Once you grind for said gear, all that's left to do with it is the same PvP or clusters you've used to acquire said gear, with a completely static character until the skill cap raises or respecs come into the game. I prefer the clusters to the static raid system of WoW, but still.

    I know several admirals already (Commander 4 myself, and I've been intentionally 'wasting' time with RP and such) who by no means have been poopsocking or powerleveling to get there, just playing 3-4 times more often than the average 'casual' player. I worry that all but the most infrequent players will hit the wall well before the 45 day patch, and the TRIBBLE-backwards flow of the game (annoyingly slow advancement to start, WTF rapid advancement starting around Commander) and teensy number of character slots severely discourages alting.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    im impressed, a thought out non-flaming reply to a near personal attack. most impressive for a gaming forum. im guessing your in your mid 40's. im sorry.

    sometimes the best way to judge if a person is lying and/or is really a mature adult is by judging their reply to a personal attack. its not the best way no, there are others, most specifically a logical challenge. but with alot of children running around claiming to be 30 the best way to test that is an attack, teen kids cant reply in an adult manner to a personal attack ive noticed. well a few can, but not many.

    anyway ill take your word on these things, because i just cant see how you could live like that and still get the playtime in to reach admiral so quickly. so for all intents and purposes yes, its beyond my comprehension.

    but if your wife is happy (and your not missing any hints) then congrats, you have one of the few understanding women in the world. true it helps she's a casual gamer herself that opens up a huge world of better understanding of points and principles of online gaming. so congrats on that in itself^^

    but i treated you as lying because i find it implausible for you to have a happy wife, 5 kids and a big enough house and money for them and still be able to play to such a degree your capped in less then 5 days. well maybe a few more depending on if you were in headstart or not. regardless of your family situation, you still have no life. from headstart thats about 10hrs a day given 8hrs sleep, spending an hr or 2 with the kids, eating, personal care and an hr with the wife. thats alot of play time.

    im a precise, systematic type of player. if i goto a job it gets done completely and totally.
    if i enter a system with enemy ships in sight, every one of them is going to go boom. side from the skill points and chance at loot, its fun and just how i play. so that takes me alot longer to do some missions then it does others.

    I don't even know where to begin with this ad hominem attack that you launched at me.

    I am the father of five children by the same women to whom I have been married for 15 spectacular years. We all live in the same house, I'm happy, my wife is happy and our children are happy. We are financially secure, the house is paid off and clean and the food is good. The children are well dressed, well behaved and educated. I'm sorry you are unable to comprehend our lifestyle, but if I was interested in the approval of strangers I certainly wouldn't have five children.

    I, like you, am an adult: I don't "let" my wife do things and she doesn't "let" me do things. I'm not her boss and she isn't mine, we aren't in charge of each other... we're in love with each other. I bought her a gaming laptop so she could play sims3 and City of Heroes because I know she enjoys playing those games and she encouraged me to buy a lifetime sub to STO because she knows I would have fun playing it. She also knew that the first couple of weeks would involve a lot of late nights, that doesn't bother her so I have no idea why it should bother you.

    Now with that out of the way, a secret: MES. You don't HAVE to kill absolutely everything in EVERY mission. MES can turn a 20 minute mission into a 5 minute mission. I haven't played for four solid days, I've played a lot but that's just not in the realm of the possible.

    Beyond that, don't assume people are liars when they describe things you don't understand. That can't be a path to happiness.

    i disagree. if an MMO content starts at end game, its a boring game. why i left ffxi, all the content was end game, and though i spent an absurd amount of time in ffxi over the years it started to rapidly grow boring each time i'd come back from a break and it wasnt until i approached my 6th of ffxi, i figured out why:: all there was to do was endgame. sure there was alot to do when you got there but until you did, all your jobs were just a grind. that on top of having to pt to get anywhere or you were screwed put me off over the years.

    as now i just dont have the time needed to party for 2-3hrs straight with no break like i used to.

    STO i like because so far, there's things to do, and with a few friends their amazingly fun things going on. but i want content before i hit admiral, it keeps me going and keeps things fun. another thing i like is you get different ships as you go rather then being stuck with 1 ship the entire game, so the staleness dies down a bit.

    plus i can do things solo, abit more bland and not alot of challenge but you can. and that helps me alot as i often have to go afk for 5-10mins every hr, sometimes less.
    Verus76 wrote:
    An mmo usually STARTS with the end game. That is what EVERYONE will reach within weeks no matter how fast or slow they go and it is where the major content always should be.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    congratulations....you have no life! :eek:

    alas i am still stuck between lt cmd 2 and 3......:(

    So you are flaming OP for playing, and bragging that you either dont play, or suck ><?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    8hrs sleep

    What is this "sleep" of which you write? From the beginning of headstart until the middle of last week I think I averaged about 4 hours each night and I've only got about 7 hours more than you in /played.

    Mid 40s indeed... I'm in my EARLY 40s and have no intention of hitting my mid 40s for another 10 years, maybe 20 if I can get away with it.

    I saw my wife at lunch and she asked if there had been any developments in the thread where people were complaining about adms having no life from last night, so I showed her... for her part she said I was "much too gentle, I would have scratched her eyes out". It seems someone once came up to her in a store and after saying how well behaved the children were proceeded to ask her if they all had the same father so she's rather touchy on the whole subject.

    Regardless, headstart was on the 29th of January wasn't it? I think I hit radm on the night of the 6th of February. Given the content and the depth of the story lines combined with the amount of skill points earned per mission I'm surprised I didn't get to radm sooner. Eventually (next month) Cryptic needs to double or triple the number of quests/story arcs/episodes and drastically reduce the skill points given for each.

    My first mmorpg was Anarchy Online and it took me 9 months to hit the level 220 cap and I played that game like it was a full time job. I realize that STO isn't nearly as old of a game, I have no problem with that, I have high hopes and expectations for the future though, Cryptic has a lot of work to do. I hope they're up to the job.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I remember in CB reading on the forums about the slow leveling. There were many complaints that it took too long to increase a level. Someone said they played 4 hours and only gained 2 levels in the lt com levels. I guess they got what they wanted. :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Skylan wrote:
    I remember in CB reading on the forums about the slow leveling. There were many complaints that it took too long to increase a level. Someone said they played 4 hours and only gained 2 levels in the lt com levels. I guess they got what they wanted. :p

    Actually, they didn't. They simply learned how to play the game. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    boredoftheworld, it sounds like both you and your wife are easily offended. You should both mellow out a bit.

    In any case, I agree with you - this game levels way too fast.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    raduque wrote: »
    boredoftheworld, it sounds like both you and your wife are easily offended. You should both mellow out a bit.


    Look at my avatar and try saying that again with a straight face.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    all i gotta say is hurry up everyone and get to 1m credits and radm5 before they nerf it. then dominate the game, gear and money in 1 year when console players start and everything is a ******* to acquire.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ruivo wrote:
    Actually, they didn't. They simply learned how to play the game. :D

    Actually, the early levels do go by a bit faster now. The Alpha Centauri block used to cap at about 16, now it reaches 20. And the only extra missions added there are exploration, which aren't needed to level properly to it.

    Unfortunately, they still don't go any faster than the later levels. There's not even enough content in the game to support a sanely slow late leveling rate.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The Alpha Centauri block used to cap at about 16, now it reaches 20.


    I didn't even get missions for Alpha Centauri until around 16, and then the NPCs were +2/+3 higher.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »

    I didn't even get missions for Alpha Centauri until around 16, and then the NPCs were +2/+3 higher.

    Yes, i am curious to know how Cryptic will fit additional episodes in the future. I don't think that they will just keep on adding episodes of RA difficulty.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »

    I didn't even get missions for Alpha Centauri until around 16, and then the NPCs were +2/+3 higher.

    Now you don't, correct. The block used to average around 15 and I started getting missions there around 12 and 13, in late Closed Beta.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    all i gotta say is hurry up everyone and get to 1m credits and radm5 before they nerf it. then dominate the game, gear and money in 1 year when console players start and everything is a ******* to acquire.

    you are a bit special aren't you
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    syberghost wrote: »
    Well, yeah; 'cause nobody can BE up there yet without having bypassed the whole game. That content will be added soon.

    If you bypassed the whole game to get past the content; mission accomplished, you're past the content. Well done.

    Your choices now are:

    1) PvP with the other 200 people who did this. But some used exploits, so they'll get deleted soon.
    2) Stop playing for a couple of months.
    3) Play another character, and this time, do the content.

    Sounds like its time to roll a Klingon character too me. * shrugs*

    Thats what I'll be doing to pass some time after I hit Admiral. But Im taking my sweet sweet time with the game. I hit Commander recently and Im just taking it easy as I can. I want to actually enjoy my ship and my rank for awhile before I go stampeding towards end game. End game, which probably doesnt really exist yet. :o
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