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Return MES to former strength



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    mythran wrote:
    Nonsense. Evasive maneuvers saves me more than it saves you...


    Its about the same, i have to run also in escort...now just wait a bit, till whole FEDball starts running after you all decloak :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I just want the **** to allow me to stay in stealth until the enemy opens up on my team. If I'm the first one to be targetted in a pug, chances are my team's going to get smashed. I've carefully observed people in those games throughout the last week of OB. 90% of the fed player base is incapable of reaching their damage potential, nor do they pick the pro PVP BO abilities, and most of them don't even pick up the heals for themselves, let alone use them on other people.

    I should have the option of stealthing permanently on sheer principle that I should not be forced to die with terribles like that. At worst, I should be allowed to remain unscathed in stealth, and watch those losers fail, while I mock and ridicule them in chat for all to see. This provides me entertainment in an otherwise bleak situation.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Played several pvp games today as a fed ( tactical escort ) and MES doesn't work at all. I have MES I maxed out on by science BO and the klinks see me 20 kms away every single time, even when i have aux power on 100%. This will quickly become a big showstopper in pvp for escorts and science ships if its not fixed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Tuxedo wrote:
    Played several pvp games today as a fed ( tactical escort ) and MES doesn't work at all. I have MES I maxed out on by science BO and the klinks see me 20 kms away every single time, even when i have aux power on 100%. This will quickly become a big showstopper in pvp for escorts and science ships if its not fixed.

    tactical escort is like T4 ? ehm...dont you people sleep ? :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Tuxedo wrote:
    Played several pvp games today as a fed ( tactical escort ) and MES doesn't work at all. I have MES I maxed out on by science BO and the klinks see me 20 kms away every single time, even when i have aux power on 100%. This will quickly become a big showstopper in pvp for escorts and science ships if its not fixed.

    Er...... if MES is the big showstopper for you, you really neglected your survival abilities.

    By T4 there were a few matches where I had stopped bothering with cloak because RSP made the opening shots little more than going through the motions.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    jesus f.... christ i meant tactical officer in an escort ><
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    MES seems like it should work only at a distance. Probably around 5k+. It shouldn't have been working as it did before, which by the way was actually more of an advantage for Klingons with the skill.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Tuxedo wrote:
    jesus f.... christ i meant tactical officer in an escort ><

    Dude, huuuuuge difference.

    By T4 RSP makes taking the opening hits laughable.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Riyx wrote:
    No the majority did not ask for a change, the klings did. MES did need some changes, like being able to capture points in pvp with it on. But other then that it was fine. They whined about it because they didnt want to have to take skills that would allow them to pop MES. You were able to pop MES if you took the science skills to do it and they whined because they all want to max dps and not have to play smart/

    With the changes escorts are useless now.

    Okay first of all most Klingon players in space PVP now have become very smart. As a Klingon you can go into a space PVP ground and be invited into a group and go 15 to 6 easily. We have learned which targets to focus and have maxed our ships to perform at their best ability. Most fleets use vent to communicate and switch targets easy. Learn other tactics and stop Fed balling it up.

    Note: I didn't really have a problem with MES but others seem to have. The whole capturing a point while in it was broken and the fact that you could be right next to a Klingon and they couldn't see you was broken. I noticed a few post up MES should not work if you're within 5km. I think thats a great idea and that should definately be looked at as a possible fix.

    Go klingons.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If MES was the only thing that kept Fed escorts alive, then you know how hard it is for Klingons to stay alive, ah no, its even harder for Klingons because MES did not have any of the Cloack drawbacks.........
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    hacXL wrote: »
    If MES was the only thing that kept Fed escorts alive, then you know how hard it is for Klingons to stay alive, ah no, its even harder for Klingons because MES did not have any of the Cloack drawbacks.........

    MES was used as a tactic to NOT get the alpha strike, which happens EVERYTIME now, when you can be seen 18km or better away the skill is useless.

    Without MES escorts have no ability to do what they are supposed to do and that is create dps, escorts hulls can not sustain 4 or 5 klinks at once and that is what happens with the new MES.

    So not only do we get the alpha strike now but we get it with our shields down.

    so lets see, klinks can see us at 18km or better, they run up on us cloaked and fire almost point blank on us with our shields down. There is nothing that can save an escort from that.

    Point being escorts are useless now.......
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Riyx wrote:
    MES was used as a tactic to NOT get the alpha strike, which happens EVERYTIME now, when you can be seen 18km or better away the skill is useless.

    Without MES escorts have no ability to do what they are supposed to do and that is create dps, escorts hulls can not sustain 4 or 5 klinks at once and that is what happens with the new MES.

    So not only do we get the alpha strike now but we get it with our shields down.

    so lets see, klinks can see us at 18km or better, they run up on us cloaked and fire almost point blank on us with our shields down. There is nothing that can save an escort from that.

    Point being escorts are useless now.......

    Thank you for writing this, finally someone who understands the problem.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Riyx wrote:
    MES was used as a tactic to NOT get the alpha strike, which happens EVERYTIME now, when you can be seen 18km or better away the skill is useless.

    Without MES escorts have no ability to do what they are supposed to do and that is create dps, escorts hulls can not sustain 4 or 5 klinks at once and that is what happens with the new MES.

    So not only do we get the alpha strike now but we get it with our shields down.

    so lets see, klinks can see us at 18km or better, they run up on us cloaked and fire almost point blank on us with our shields down. There is nothing that can save an escort from that.

    Point being escorts are useless now.......

    ********. Nearly all of our ships are escorts, and we always take alpha with our escorts ships.

    Who do you think decloacks and takes your Fedblob alpha in T2 battles? Ah yes, its our Escorts who have NO shields because of cloacks...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Riyx wrote:
    No the majority did not ask for a change, the klings did. MES did need some changes, like being able to capture points in pvp with it on. But other then that it was fine. They whined about it because they didnt want to have to take skills that would allow them to pop MES. You were able to pop MES if you took the science skills to do it and they whined because they all want to max dps and not have to play smart/

    With the changes escorts are useless now.

    no we did...as a fed player i know we did

    MES was a cloak with zero drawbacks

    klingons have ships with lower hp and a cloak with drawbacks

    feds have ships with higher hp and a cloak that lets you still use shields...

    i won EVERY. SINGLE. CAP-BASED space battle I joined, and have the pics to prove this if anyone is interested... im sorry but fed players who just want it to be easy mode for them can go suck a ####, im not about to fight a gimped opponent.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Pavement0 wrote:
    no we did...as a fed player i know we did

    MES was a cloak with zero drawbacks

    klingons have ships with lower hp and a cloak with drawbacks

    feds have ships with higher hp and a cloak that lets you still use shields...

    i won EVERY. SINGLE. CAP-BASED space battle I joined, and have the pics to prove this if anyone is interested... im sorry but fed players who just want it to be easy mode for them can go suck a ####, im not about to fight a gimped opponent.


    Exactly - it WAS with zero drawbacks and it was way overpowered we all agree on that but now it simply doesnt work at all in pvp. I just want it to work like it should - weaker version on klink cloak.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Pavement0 wrote:
    feds have ships with higher hp and a cloak that lets you still use shields...

    More like fed's "had" a cloak that let you keep shields, no longer is that the case.

    Personally I'm giving the whole MES thing a few days to see if anything changes. If anything changes to make it slightly worth using I'll continue on my path of using an escort again. If nothing changes, science or cruiser here I come, that should be fun....

    Also people are missing the point of why MES is needed on an escort. It's not a get out of jail free card. It just keeps you from taking the first hits. Any decent klingon group is still going to target the escort after it uncloaks to engage. All MES did was buy you alittle time and make klingons have to work alittle to take out an escort. Gasp... you mean klingons had to think and retarget? That's unheard of and unfair!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Fed Escorts are focused fired. When I received my T3 Escort and entered a PvP queue, I was usually the 1st or 2nd (literally) 90% of the time. Where I use to have several kills per game, I rare made 1-2 if that many. I'm not stretching that by any means. And no, you didn't see me whining about it on the forums.

    My counter was MES. It gave me the ability to not be the initial pick off from the Klingon uncloaking pack. It also allowed me to position myself and choose my target.

    I haven't officially tried MES yet as I'm not PvPing until I get to Captain or even Admiral. I admit, being able to pass with 1 KM of a Klingon ship was a bit overpowering, however, I believe it should have it's true benefits. Fed Escorts can do awesome DPS, however, you can't do any DPS when you can't keep a shield facing up from being multi-targeted. If I were Klingons, I would be focus firing the Escorts as well so I don't blame them there, however, there needs to be a viable tactic to counter.

    I would be in favor of having this ability to being effective all the from 10 KM (firing range). That's a nice round number and it would help satisfy everyone within reason.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Tuxedo wrote:
    Played several pvp games today as a fed ( tactical escort ) and MES doesn't work at all. I have MES I maxed out on by science BO and the klinks see me 20 kms away every single time, even when i have aux power on 100%. This will quickly become a big showstopper in pvp for escorts and science ships if its not fixed.

    Did you want cloak? KDF gets cloak. If that's your playstyle, play kdf.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Did you want cloak? KDF gets cloak. If that's your playstyle, play kdf.

    That's not a solution, all you're saying is "hey fed's don't use an escort in pvp, I want to shoot at a nice beefy cruiser, everyone go pick up a cruiser!" Cause that's all you'll see soon enough.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Pavement0 wrote:
    no we did...as a fed player i know we did

    MES was a cloak with zero drawbacks

    klingons have ships with lower hp and a cloak with drawbacks

    feds have ships with higher hp and a cloak that lets you still use shields...

    i won EVERY. SINGLE. CAP-BASED space battle I joined, and have the pics to prove this if anyone is interested... im sorry but fed players who just want it to be easy mode for them can go suck a ####, im not about to fight a gimped opponent.


    Nobody cares about your epeen so no screenies are needed, the point is wihtout MES you take a class out of the game. Escorts get alpha strike EVERYTIME now, the class is almost unplayable.

    Yes MES had issues, as in capping bases with it on, that aside if you klinks set yourself up to pop it or hell even used mines MES was nulified. But no its too much work to load a mine launcher on your ship, it cuts down on your DPS and thats all you worry about.....being able to drop on a target tear it to pieces and then cloaking out.

    For an escort to be able to survive it is required to have MES period. When you guys start running up against 3 to 4 science vessels in a pvp match you will wish they had not changed MES............ Just wait till you have Viral chained on you then we will see....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Denron wrote: »
    More like fed's "had" a cloak that let you keep shields, no longer is that the case.

    Personally I'm giving the whole MES thing a few days to see if anything changes. If anything changes to make it slightly worth using I'll continue on my path of using an escort again. If nothing changes, science or cruiser here I come, that should be fun....

    Also people are missing the point of why MES is needed on an escort. It's not a get out of jail free card. It just keeps you from taking the first hits. Any decent klingon group is still going to target the escort after it uncloaks to engage. All MES did was buy you alittle time and make klingons have to work alittle to take out an escort. Gasp... you mean klingons had to think and retarget? That's unheard of and unfair!

    Now you lose your shields and you have to drop it before you can attack also you cna be seen from 18 km plus with it on, its totally useless in its current form. Whats the use of having it when you can be seen from so far off and the enemy can sit on your tailpie and hit you with full guns with you not having one shield up.....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Wrong. Again, and for the last time - the error was yours for relying on a skill that you shouldn't have had, and we warned you was getting removed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Do fed escorts not have access to reverse shield polarity, science team, emergency power to shields, extend shields, or any of the other numerous buffs and resists us BoP captains have to use to stay alive? It's no walk in a park for us either after we decloak.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Do fed escorts not have access to reverse shield polarity, science team, emergency power to shields, extend shields, or any of the other numerous buffs and resists us BoP captains have to use to stay alive? It's no walk in a park for us either after we decloak.

    theres better stuff than science team for an escort, like jam targetting sensors. and I was under the impression that extend shields was only on another player...

    but your arguing a different subject than what I believe hes talking about. MES served a fundamentally different purpose than all that stuff you mentioned. It prevented the alpha strike from hitting the escort 100% of the time because they couldnt see them (even in that case, bad escorts can't use it properly). Not survive the alpha strike, the MES made it so they didn't take the alpha strike in the first place. That was why it got popular, and then people learned that you could do some pretty stupidly overpowered stuff with it (which everyone can agree was bad for the game)

    If you try a fed escort without mes you would notice that your going to get focus fired first alot of the time and that is why people are extremely upset, not because they can't survive it (well some of them cant :rolleyes:) but because taking it up the *** every minute or so starts to get TRIBBLE really fast.

    quick edit: and at higher tiers, Klinks can avoid getting the alpha strike by generally NOT being the first person to uncloak (get a battlecruiser to do it). This comment addresses tier3+ only.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Wrong. Again, and for the last time - the error was yours for relying on a skill that you shouldn't have had, and we warned you was getting removed.

    Hate to break the news to you, but it wasn't removed. All that was done was turn it into a death trap. You use it now so you can drop your shields and get blown up. Clearly that is broken, had they removed it completely that'd be a different story.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    faithborn wrote:
    theres better stuff than science team for an escort, like jam targetting sensors. and I was under the impression that extend shields was only on another player...

    but your arguing a different subject than what I believe hes talking about. MES served a fundamentally different purpose than all that stuff you mentioned. It prevented the alpha strike from hitting the escort 100% of the time because they couldnt see them (even in that case, bad escorts can't use it properly). Not survive the alpha strike, the MES made it so they didn't take the alpha strike in the first place. That was why it got popular, and then people learned that you could do some pretty stupidly overpowered stuff with it (which everyone can agree was bad for the game)

    If you try a fed escort without mes you would notice that your going to get focus fired first alot of the time and that is why people are extremely upset, not because they can't survive it (well some of them cant :rolleyes:) but because taking it up the *** every minute or so starts to get TRIBBLE really fast.

    quick edit: and at higher tiers, Klinks can avoid getting the alpha strike by generally NOT being the first person to uncloak (get a battlecruiser to do it). This comment addresses tier3+ only.

    Against a competent Fed group I always got focus fired in my BoP once they noticed me. I'm not saying MES is perfect now, but it should not be returned to the way it was, not even close.

    You guys can use the same tactic we did to save our alpha strikes for the weak escorts: Don't alpha strike cruisers, wait for the escorts to decloak, and then alpha strike them. That's how we did it as Klingons against the MES escorts. At least as a fed you know there's more than likely at least 1-2 BoP pilots on the kling side, imagine how screwed we are when we face 4 cruisers and a science vessel. Cruisers being so tough to take down even with a focus fired alpha is the reason Science ships and escorts are always targeted first. It has nothing to do with MES.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Against a competent Fed group I always got focus fired in my BoP once they noticed me. I'm not saying MES is perfect now, but it should not be returned to the way it was, not even close.

    You guys can use the same tactic we did to save our alpha strikes for the weak escorts: Don't alpha strike cruisers, wait for the escorts to decloak, and then alpha strike them. That's how we did it as Klingons against the MES escorts. At least as a fed you know there's more than likely at least 1-2 BoP pilots on the kling side, imagine how screwed we are when we face 4 cruisers and a science vessel. Cruisers being so tough to take down even with a focus fired alpha is the reason Science ships and escorts are always targeted first. It has nothing to do with MES.

    Thats pretty much what you are going to be seeing if MES isnt fixed to a useable state......
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Against a competent Fed group I always got focus fired in my BoP once they noticed me. I'm not saying MES is perfect now, but it should not be returned to the way it was, not even close.

    You guys can use the same tactic we did to save our alpha strikes for the weak escorts: Don't alpha strike cruisers, wait for the escorts to decloak, and then alpha strike them. That's how we did it as Klingons against the MES escorts. At least as a fed you know there's more than likely at least 1-2 BoP pilots on the kling side, imagine how screwed we are when we face 4 cruisers and a science vessel. Cruisers being so tough to take down even with a focus fired alpha is the reason Science ships and escorts are always targeted first. It has nothing to do with MES.

    theres a reason why cruisers are one of the most common ships in pvp... because its nearly impossible to alpha-strike them without multiple people. And I already covered about bad players using cloaks.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Riyx wrote:
    Thats pretty much what you are going to be seeing if MES isnt fixed to a useable state......

    You're asking for it to be returned to its former strength, not for it to be balanced and fair to klingons. Actually if MES ever goes back to the way it was, it'll favor Klingons more. Feds are crying that they need cloaks to survive as an escort, and that's simply untrue. Teamplay is key, as well as fitting survivability in your escort. Whether you have MES or not you'll always be targeted first as an escort. Stay near cruisers/science ships that have defense/support. If you have none, then you're just as screwed as any BoP pilot.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    So I was fighting a fed escort and his science ship buddy today. The science ship had good shields and so was hard to kill. He was buffing the escort with shield repair and I couldn't get through his shields before he had me damaged enough that I had to hit cloak and evasive. It is very possible to survive as an escort, it just isnt the solopwnmobile that you seem to think that it should be.
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