Love TOS but hate Discovery? Can't get enough Discovery but loathe TOS? Think TNG is awesome? Think Picard is overated and want to see more Kirk? Wish Enterprise would do a movie? Wish Enterprise had never been made? Whatever your take on Star Trek is, there's room for you in the UFP! Take a look HERE!
If you're looking for an active fleet which boasts members from around the globe, you've found it here. Check out the UFP and see what we're all about!
We had recently hosted our quarterly award ceremony - UFPAC September 2024. The award ceremony are a way of recognizing community members for their participation and interaction, awarding them with promotions, medals and commendations.
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who continues to participate in the UFPlanets Community! The forum thread can be seen on the forums, HERE
The UFPAC September 2024 YouTube video can he seen. HERE
Big props to our production team for the amazing production quality, which they ensure to put efforts into every quarterly UFPAC!
Love TOS but hate Discovery? Can't get enough Discovery but loathe TOS? Think TNG is awesome? Think Picard is overated and want to see more Kirk? Wish Enterprise would do a movie? Wish Enterprise had never been made? Whatever your take on Star Trek is, there's room for you in the UFP! Take a look HERE!
If you're looking for an active fleet which boasts members from around the globe, you've found it here. Check out the UFP and see what we're all about!
Despite being a rather active fleet with active members and community members, we keep thinking of ways to update and keep things exciting. Our graphics team members have been working to re-do all our Bureau, division and member team graphics.
The latest graphics to be re-done are for the Federation Executive Office, The Office of Fleet Admiral and the Starfleet Command . You can see these new graphics : HERE.
Feel free to join our active discord community, which you can remain part of regardless if you join our fleets or not!
Love TOS but hate Discovery? Can't get enough Discovery but loathe TOS? Think TNG is awesome? Think Picard is overated and want to see more Kirk? Wish Enterprise would do a movie? Wish Enterprise had never been made? Whatever your take on Star Trek is, there's room for you in the UFP! Take a look HERE!
If you're looking for an active fleet which boasts members from around the globe, you've found it here. Check out the UFP and see what we're all about!
Winter is coming. No, I'm not confused about which forum I am posting in. I realize this isn't Game of Thrones. The annual Winter Event is coming soon to STO and you will likely want to be a part of it. Why not do so with friends. Check out the UFP and see what we have to offer!
Are you looking for a fleet that includes all factions, is on Discord, and is always looking for ways to improve the member experience? Check out the UFP! You won't be disappointed.
You do not have to sit there and talk to yourself. OK, I admit I do that sometime, but you can also talk to other STO fans on our Discord channel. You can find us HERE!
The UFPlanets Community current mood is definitely festive!
We've changed our forum banner to be holiday'ish and Christmassy! Along with that, we are also using the holidays as an excuse to host some giveaway for our community members! You can follow these activities via this post!
And regardless of being a community/armada member or not - feel free to join our discord. We have regular events and build gurus to enjoy the game and fly with!
Are you playing the Winter Event? Have you earned enough items to purchase the Snowman effect? Do you plan to? I have it and it's pretty cool. Pun intended!
Check us out at and hang out on our Discord channels.
The staff at want to with everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season! If you're looking for a place to call home for the holidays, check us out HERE! We have a first-class website, a large membership, a Discord channel and a very active presences on Star Trek Online.
At the UFP, we're always working on things to improve our member experience. We've recently updated the way we are doing our awards ceremony and will be adding podcasts in 2025. There's still more to come.
Check us out here:
We also have a Discord channel:
It's a new year! Is it time for a new fleet? UFPlanets could make that New Years Resolution actually be a success. We have a strong fleet, a website, a Discord channel, and in-game events. Check us out at or visit our Discord channel!
The 15th Anniversary is just around the corner. Celebrate with a fleet that boasts 500+ members, a website and a Discord channel. Check out what UFPlanets has to offer today.
The new Event Campaign has begun with No Win Scenario. Have you already got your eyes on a ship once you complete the event? Let us know on our forums at or on our Discord channel.
Section 31 is being released today. Our Discord channel would be a great place to discuss this. Check it out at UFPlanets or visit our website at
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who continues to participate in the UFPlanets Community! The forum thread can be seen on the forums, HERE
The UFPAC September 2024 YouTube video can he seen. HERE
Big props to our production team for the amazing production quality, which they ensure to put efforts into every quarterly UFPAC!
EPG builds / SCI ground enthusiast
The latest graphics to be re-done are for the Federation Executive Office, The Office of Fleet Admiral and the Starfleet Command . You can see these new graphics : HERE.
Feel free to join our active discord community, which you can remain part of regardless if you join our fleets or not!
EPG builds / SCI ground enthusiast
Find out more about the UFP HERE!
We've changed our forum banner to be holiday'ish and Christmassy! Along with that, we are also using the holidays as an excuse to host some giveaway for our community members! You can follow these activities via this post!
And regardless of being a community/armada member or not - feel free to join our discord. We have regular events and build gurus to enjoy the game and fly with!
EPG builds / SCI ground enthusiast
Check us out at and hang out on our Discord channels.
Check us out here:
We also have a Discord channel:
We have an active fleet with 500+ members.
We have a top-notch website:
We have Discord: UFPlanets
Check it out today!
We have an active fleet with 500+ members.
We have a top-notch website:
We have Discord: UFPlanets
Check it out today!
We have an active fleet with 500+ members.
We have a top-notch website:
We have Discord: UFPlanets
Check it out today!
We have an active fleet with 500+ members.
We have a top-notch website:
We have Discord: UFPlanets
Check it out today!
We have an active fleet with 500+ members.
We have a top-notch website:
We have Discord: UFPlanets
Check it out today!