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Some Love for the Orions 2011

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited April 2024 in Klingon Discussion
A remaking of my Some Love for the Orions thread, here are some of my new requests for the Orion race:

1. PLEASE add the Pirate trait to the list of choosable traits for both M/F Orions.
Your introduction mentions that Orions are pirates (raiders=pirates). So I believe that Pirate should be a choosable trait for Orions. With Klingon’s Warrior giving 5% more to Melee and Gorn’s Reptillian Strength giving 7.5% more to Melee than Physical Strength, it feels like giving male Orions Physical Strength as their Racial trait is a horrible joke. Naussicans are NOT the ONLY pirates in the Star Trek universe, and I believe that you should correct this for our Race ASAP!!!

2. Please make Orion Leather Boots available to women as well.
I like to have my Orion wear pants. Unfortunately, I hate the boot options we currently have, and the 2 sandal options with pants looks rather stupid, IMO. I realize that those boots were designed for male Orions, and that’s why they’re ONLY available to males, right now. But, I was hoping that I could ask that you take time to make them available to females as well.

3. Please make an Orion Fighter available as a shuttlecraft for missions like The Vault.
Sorry, I’m rather unimpressed with the Klingon shuttles and was hoping you guys could make an Orion type shuttle possibly based on the fighter you have in Fed mission availabe for Vault-type missions.

4. PLEEEEEASE remove Seduce as a choosable trait for both M/F Orions, and make Seduce a skill available to ALL female Orions.
I REALLY believe that skills specific to a particular race should be innate skills available to ALL members of that race (i.e. Mind Meld & Neck Pinch to Vulcans, Seduce to Orions, Bite to Gorn, etc.), rather than choosable “traits”. By proper English, Seductive is an adjective, and Seduce is a verb. This means that, while Seductive CAN be a trait, Seduce CANNOT be a trait.
Post edited by rattler2 on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. I can agree with that... although I don't know about a strength enhancement to female orions. They never demonstrated a superior physical strength in any movie or show I have seen.

    2. Or just allow the knee-high/thigh-high boots as a general option for Orion females... or all KDF females.

    3. That would be neat, but really with the captains yacht... thats pretty much the only shuttle I use. LOL

    4. Seduce is an Orion staple... but just because they have the ability to pump out enough pharamones to placate a charging rhino... doesn't mean they HAVE to. Just as every human has the ability to consume and digest meat... but we as sentient beings have the option to resist our baser instincts.

    Also, male Orions have the ability to seduce females... they have the 'sexy-scent' as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. I can agree with that... although I don't know about a strength enhancement to female orions. They never demonstrated a superior physical strength in any movie or show I have seen.

    2. Or just allow the knee-high/thigh-high boots as a general option for Orion females... or all KDF females.

    3. That would be neat, but really with the captains yacht... thats pretty much the only shuttle I use. LOL

    4. Seduce is an Orion staple... but just because they have the ability to pump out enough pharamones to placate a charging rhino... doesn't mean they HAVE to. Just as every human has the ability to consume and digest meat... but we as sentient beings have the option to resist our baser instincts.

    Also, male Orions have the ability to seduce females... they have the 'sexy-scent' as well.

    1. The racial trait for MALE Orions is Physical Strength, which is rather lackluster when compared to Klingon's Warrior and Gorn's Reptillian Strength traits. Where Naussican's get Pirate as a racial trait, I believe both M/F Orions should be able to choose Pirate as one of their 4 traits.

    4. People who don't want to use the skill don't have to. But since ALL Orion females CAN, they should ALL have the ablity to do so.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Danacetia wrote:
    A remaking of my Some Love for the Orions thread, here are some of my new requests for the Orion race:

    1. PLEASE add the Pirate trait to the list of choosable traits for both M/F Orions.

    2. Please make Orion Leather Boots available to women as well.

    3. Please make an Orion Fighter available as a shuttlecraft for missions like The Vault.

    4. PLEEEEEASE remove Seduce as a choosable trait for both M/F Orions, and make Seduce a skill available to ALL female Orions.
    Danacetia wrote:
    4. People who don't want to use the skill don't have to. But since ALL Orion females CAN, they should ALL have the ablity to do so.
    1. Certainly makes sense for this to be open to male orions... not 100% about females but I'm not against it.

    2. Gotta go with Treagersama 's idea of making knee-high boots open to all KDF females.

    3. I agree with this. In fact think that Orion, Nausican and Gorn should all three have their own shuttle-sized ships in game. If not a shuttle then the respective fighter craft.

    4. Technically it was never explicitly stated in cannon that ALL female orions produce those pheromones, only Navaar, D'nesh & Maras from "Bound".

    Ok, all orion women probably produce pheromones that make them more attractive but it's entirely possible that most can't produce pheromones powerful enough to actually override normal mental processes like that. Could be that those ladies on ENT were the super-dominate alpha-males ... or rather alpha-females of orion society.

    -- The above gives a perfectly viable reason why not every orion female should not have the Seduce trait by default.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Danacetia wrote:
    1. The racial trait for MALE Orions is Physical Strength, which is rather lackluster when compared to Klingon's Warrior and Gorn's Reptillian Strength traits. Where Naussican's get Pirate as a racial trait, I believe both M/F Orions should be able to choose Pirate as one of their 4 traits.

    4. People who don't want to use the skill don't have to. But since ALL Orion females CAN, they should ALL have the ablity to do so.

    How do you know? Just because the 5 or 6 Orion women we've seen in canon had the ability doesn't mean all Orion women possess it. That'd be like landing in a village in the jungle of Africa and assuming all humans have dark skin and spend their days hunting animals.

    And even if the majority have it, that still doesn't mean every single one does. Ever heard of albinos? They lack skin coloration that most humans have in abundance. They make up a fairly low percentage of the global population, but they do exist. The same may be true of Orions. Five people are hardly an example of what comprises the entire Orion genetic makeup.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Cuatela ... actually to date I think only the 3 from ENT "Bound" have been specifically said to have the mind affecting pheromones as I mentioned above.

    Actually I've been thinking about it and playing off the idea of the pheromones not being universal ... you could have a "noble class" (or alpha-females as I called them) with the super Seduction pheromones and a class of "common women" (would they be bets-females?) who don't.

    What's everyone think of that? Or am I getting to off-topic?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Cuatela ... actually to date I think only the 3 from ENT "Bound" have been specifically said to have the mind affecting pheromones as I mentioned above.

    Actually I've been thinking about it and playing off the idea of the pheromones not being universal ... you could have a "noble class" (or alpha-females as I called them) with the super Seduction pheromones and a class of "common women" (would they be bets-females?) who don't.

    What's everyone think of that? Or am I getting to off-topic?

    Alpha Female = Top cat
    Beta female = Alpha's minions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just wanted to pop in and say that having an Orion ship with a fully Klingon interior is weeeeird.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I would like to see the interiors for racial ships be different, or even affording us some other unique qualities we could add to the ship to make them feel more akin to the race primarily using them. (I'd still like to see a Lethean vessel).

    As for giving the Pirate trait to Orions? Fine. Give Nausicaans their own version of Honorable, and more of the 'toughness' oriented Traits. For goodness sake they play a game involved throwing sharp objects at each other... for fun.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Alpha Female = Top cat
    Beta female = Alpha's minions.

    Exactly what I had in mind.

    Well more precisely,
    Alpha-Female = Heads of the "family"
    Beta-Female = Low ranks n "associates"
    Give Nausicaans their own version of Honorable, and more of the 'toughness' oriented Traits. For goodness sake they play a game involved throwing sharp objects at each other... for fun.

    Which raises an excellent question. Why don't Nausicans have eyepatches?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Cuatela ... actually to date I think only the 3 from ENT "Bound" have been specifically said to have the mind affecting pheromones as I mentioned above.

    Actually I've been thinking about it and playing off the idea of the pheromones not being universal ... you could have a "noble class" (or alpha-females as I called them) with the super Seduction pheromones and a class of "common women" (would they be bets-females?) who don't.

    What's everyone think of that? Or am I getting to off-topic?

    Memory Alpha's Betazoids are pretty much based on Deanna and Lwaxana Troi relationship in TNG. Also, many people have said in my Federation Deltan thread that Ilia defines the Deltans. So, If the 3 Orions from ENT are the most visable representations of the Orions then, by precedent, they define the Orions as a whole.

    I like to think of the Orions as being similar to Lion Prides, and I feel that, where Klingons have Houses, Orions communal structure should be classified as Prides. Lionesses are ambush predators and the Orions are pirates. To me, comparing Orions to Lions is fairly accurate.

    Anyway, It's not just about Seduce for me. First, my Traits are Seductive, Seduce, Stubborn, and Sure Footed. I'd give anything to have some REAL traits to choose from like Pirate and not have so many "s"es. Second, I REALLY don't believe that Seduce should be a choosable trait on the basis that Seduce is a verb not an adjective which means that Seduce CANNOT be a trait.

    This belief was actually not started by creating my Orion. It started from creating a Gorn captain and wanting Bite. With 3 of the 4 traits being Racial my interest in Bite isn't enough to take it. Then I thought, "How is Bite a Trait?" which lead to "why are ANY of these Usable Traits classified as Traits when they aren't adjectives?"

    P.S. Also FYI it's pheromones.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just because they are...it doesn't make sense to me either....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Why is Pirate not also a Space trait?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    Why is Pirate not also a Space trait?

    That's one of the first things I thought aloud when I first got this game!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Danacetia wrote:
    Memory Alpha's Betazoids are pretty much based on Deanna and Lwaxana Troi relationship in TNG. Also, many people have said in my Federation Deltan thread that Ilia defines the Deltans. So, If the 3 Orions from ENT are the most visable representations of the Orions then, by precedent, they define the Orions as a whole.

    Well there were orion women in TOS, one of them being a semi-major villain in one episode. On at least two separate occasions these ladies actively tried to the seduce Cpts Pike and Kirk. Neither to any effect... I mean really nothing at all. Pike right out mentions his thing for green-skinned women and Kirk ... well he's Kirk. But yet no effect. So no pheromones there... or at least none with any real affect.

    Whereas in ENT we have guys who are clearly incapable of resisting... even after they know the orion women are a clear danger to the ship. Clearly there are very powerful pheromones at work.

    I was trying to retcon in such a way that allows for both sets of orion interactions (TOS & ENT) to remain valid ... as well as synching up with STO's rule set.

    Each to their own of course. I just wanted to put my reasoning out there.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Danacetia wrote:
    A remaking of my Some Love for the Orion's thread, here are some of my new requests for the Orion race:

    1. PLEASE add the Pirate trait to the list of choosable traits for both M/F Orion's.
    Your introduction mentions that Orion's are pirates (raiders=pirates). So I believe that Pirate should be a choosable trait for Orion's. With Klingon’s Warrior giving 5% more to Melee and Gorn’s Reptillian Strength giving 7.5% more to Melee than Physical Strength, it feels like giving male Orion's Physical Strength as their Racial trait is a horrible joke. Naussicans are NOT the ONLY pirates in the Star Trek universe, and I believe that you should correct this for our Race ASAP!!!

    2. Please make Orion Leather Boots available to women as well.
    I like to have my Orion wear pants. Unfortunately, I hate the boot options we currently have, and the 2 sandal options with pants looks rather stupid, IMO. I realize that those boots were designed for male Orion's, and that’s why they’re ONLY available to males, right now. But, I was hoping that I could ask that you take time to make them available to females as well.

    3. Please make an Orion Fighter available as a shuttlecraft for missions like The Vault.
    Sorry, I’m rather unimpressed with the Klingon shuttles and was hoping you guys could make an Orion type shuttle possibly based on the fighter you have in Fed mission available for Vault-type missions.

    4. PLEEEEEASE remove Seduce as a choosable trait for both M/F Orion's, and make Seduce a skill available to ALL female Orion's.
    I REALLY believe that skills specific to a particular race should be innate skills available to ALL members of that race (i.e. Mind Meld & Neck Pinch to Vulcan's, Seduce to Orion's, Bite to Gorn, etc.), rather than choosable “traits”. By proper English, Seductive is an adjective, and Seduce is a verb. This means that, while Seductive CAN be a trait, Seduce CANNOT be a trait.

    Seduce is a female Orion trait and needs to stay. I can see were it needs to be removed from the male Orion thou.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    AnnonSeek wrote: »
    Seduce is a female Orion trait and needs to stay. I can see were it needs to be removed from the male Orion thou.

    Then again it is pretty funny to see this on an Orion male.....yup...odd indeed...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Danacetia wrote:
    4. PLEEEEEASE remove Seduce as a choosable trait for both M/F Orions, and make Seduce a skill available to ALL female Orions.
    I REALLY believe that skills specific to a particular race should be innate skills available to ALL members of that race (i.e. Mind Meld & Neck Pinch to Vulcans, Seduce to Orions, Bite to Gorn, etc.), rather than choosable “traits”. By proper English, Seductive is an adjective, and Seduce is a verb. This means that, while Seductive CAN be a trait, Seduce CANNOT be a trait.

    I'm okay with all of this except forcing the selection of Seduce onto Orion females or making it free. As lame as ground combat is, there still needs to be balance and asking that Vulcans, Orions and Gorn be given free powers flies in the face of that.

    No, seduce, neck pinch, bite and mind meld need to cost something and the current system of allowing a player to choose whether they pay that cost or not is best.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well there were orion women in TOS, one of them being a semi-major villain in one episode. On at least two separate occasions these ladies actively tried to the seduce Cpts Pike and Kirk. Neither to any effect... I mean really nothing at all. Pike right out mentions his thing for green-skinned women and Kirk ... well he's Kirk. But yet no effect. So no pheromones there... or at least none with any real affect.

    Whereas in ENT we have guys who are clearly incapable of resisting... even after they know the orion women are a clear danger to the ship. Clearly there are very powerful pheromones at work.

    I was trying to retcon in such a way that allows for both sets of orion interactions (TOS & ENT) to remain valid ... as well as synching up with STO's rule set.

    Each to their own of course. I just wanted to put my reasoning out there.

    Well, I would counter and say that this could be because on a first encounter, Starfleet was completely unprepared, no human had encountered this trait from other species, and that its possible that they developed a counter to it, something like a vaccine. Or it could have been a part of their simple training and conditioning they all go through at some point, when serving in starfleet.

    To justify how that is possible and then people are vulnerable in 2409, the Orion women have developed ways of enhancing their pheromones, so that they are much more potent, or they cannot be countered by what the federation has done. This might be done by taking a drug, genetic manipulation, or unnatural pheromones combined with the natural ones. Possibly, these women simply possess a slightly different and new genetic makeup, caused by a mutation, just as any species changes over time, so that the federation safeguard no longer works.

    And also, there is no evidence to support that males have the ability, and we have a male who says that females dominate the society, in the episode with the super seduction pheromones. So letting males take this is, questionable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    … it could have been a part of their simple training and conditioning they all go through at some point, when serving in starfleet.

    "Alright cadet, you're going to set there and ogle these gyrating Orion women until there's absolutely nothing new for you to see. I don't care how long it takes. We'll be here all week if we have to."

    Well, I think I've figured out why morale is always so high in Starfleet. LOL
    To justify how that is possible and then people are vulnerable in 2409, the Orion women have developed ways of enhancing their pheromones, so that they are much more potent, or they cannot be countered by what the federation has done. This might be done by taking a drug, genetic manipulation, or unnatural pheromones combined with the natural ones. Possibly, these women simply possess a slightly different and new genetic makeup, caused by a mutation, just as any species changes over time, so that the federation safeguard no longer works.

    So in short it's the result of technology or natural variation that allows some to have the "super" pheromones and others not to. I can see that. What I was saying was pretty much this, except instead of it being in response to Starfleet developing an immunity it's natural, same way there's natural variation in strength or musical talent.
    And also, there is no evidence to support that males have the ability, and we have a male who says that females dominate the society, in the episode with the super seduction pheromones. So letting males take this is, questionable.

    Got to agree with this. It just doesn't fit ENT or TOS versions of the male orion. They should have some type of stealth or combat related feat instead.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Cuatela wrote:
    How do you know? Just because the 5 or 6 Orion women we've seen in canon had the ability doesn't mean all Orion women possess it. That'd be like landing in a village in the jungle of Africa and assuming all humans have dark skin and spend their days hunting animals.

    Of course all the women have the ability.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Destinii wrote:

    but of course they do...it wouldn't be right if they didn't now would it?...lol
  • lillen80lillen80 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    We are in 2024 now and Orions still really need a remake. They feel old in comparison to Klingons after their rework and newer species
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,916 Community Moderator
    Please avoid posting in threads over 30 DAYS old. In order to keep information relevant to the CURRENT state of the game, you can reference old threads but please make new ones on the subject if it is over 30 days old.

    *Casts Holy Photon Torpedo*
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
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