When trying to donate from coffers, its only adding 10% of whats on the slider, try to add 690 from coffers, it adds 69.
on next attempt will allow to add 620, but only adds 62, it also says we have 10x the actual amount stored in coffers.
i have reported this to a gm and even he was suprized to hear of it. the credits earned should show in your total and the leaderboard. he is reporting it to the devs to see if its something we can get rectified. for now i have disabled donations to my fleet coffers
i have reported this to a gm and even he was suprized to hear of it. the credits earned should show in your total and the leaderboard. he is reporting it to the devs to see if its something we can get rectified. for now i have disabled donations to my fleet coffers
I actually would like it to stay that way. If you 'simply' contribute to the coffers you do not have to pay attention to which projects are running or show up on time to fill them. It's not like whoever moves the provisions from coffer to actual projects steals your contribution on the leaderboard, it just doesn't get counted. So if you really need that contribution to show on the wall of construction I suggest you contribute directly to the projects.
when you have a fleet that's multinational, when projects end/start it may be 2 am for some and 11am for others, so to wake up at 2 am to donate....no,
You're farming the provisions, your contributing them to the growth of the fleet, therefore i think it should be included, I wish they would expand the coffers for EC/FM/Expertise/dil. then people wouldn't have to be on the exact time to donate, the fleet leaders can just fill the projects from the coffer. as peoples lives do not revolve around flee holding projects
I actually would like it to stay that way. If you 'simply' contribute to the coffers you do not have to pay attention to which projects are running or show up on time to fill them. It's not like whoever moves the provisions from coffer to actual projects steals your contribution on the leaderboard, it just doesn't get counted. So if you really need that contribution to show on the wall of construction I suggest you contribute directly to the projects.
You're farming the provisions, your contributing them to the growth of the fleet, therefore i think it should be included, I wish they would expand the coffers for EC/FM/Expertise/dil. then people wouldn't have to be on the exact time to donate, the fleet leaders can just fill the projects from the coffer. as peoples lives do not revolve around flee holding projects
(Private correspodence removed. - BMR)