Post patch of 7/27/23
Agony redistributor is supposed to do 33% of damage when the target takes 17.5k dmg, in one second, per second, to nearby enemies. This scales down to 10% when dealing 175k dmg, in one second, per second.
It seems to be inverted at the moment, where the damage agony deals is 33% and going to 175k damage/s and beyond, it scales to 56% instead, instead of 33>10, its 33>56.
Video above shows:
First test, photon torpedo doing 22419 dmg to cube with agony redistributor, agony does 8678 (38%) damage to sphere.
Second test, maelstrom does 277882 dmg to transformer with agony redistributor, agony does 143875 (51%) damage to sphere.
3rd test, dual beam bank does 81807 dmg to cube with agony redistributor, agony does (51%) to sphere.
As seen in the video, the damage that agony does to nearby enemy when the main target has not absorbed any amount of damage, is 5. When the console first launched it was doing 1 dmg to enemy in the same scenario. Its possible that the damage has simply been multiplied by a certain amount instead of scaling at all.
Regardless of how, the console is basically doing almost double the damage of when agony redistributor first launched and in an unbugged scenario, and its easy to deal enough damage to constantly make it spread at least 50% around.
I don't think I need to emphasize on how ridiculous it is at the moment.
I think if the console was at 10% (since 175k is very easy to hit per second), the console would be extremely weak for use in no more than in very niche scenarios, as it currently is, its seems to be fine.
As it works currently, due to some other issues (seemingly, there seems to be a max number of damage lines or damage the console can store per second, or some other time frame or constraint, instead of no limit), which is why it still does not perform as good as when the console just came out ( I still cannot replicate this: ), it is fine in my opinion.
Otherwise, if still unintended do change it as needed in a timely manner.