looking for a active kdf armada to put my kdf fleet... the one im in now is pretty much dead and does not help with things. u folks have room for a kdf fleet?
You are looking for an active, friendly and helpful community?
You are interested in regular ingame events and tons of fun?
You want to meet new friends and explore the galaxy together?
You are looking for an active, friendly and helpful community?
You are interested in regular ingame events and tons of fun?
You want to meet new friends and explore the galaxy together?
Please contact us at https://ufplanets.com/contact.php if you can answer these questions with a "YES!"
Join the UFP armada and fleets! We are looking forward to meet you! LLAP!
Id luv to join ur armada however other folks r saying its full up so im confused. r there ny open slots in ur armada?