Like the Corrosive Plasma Torpedo the new Digitizer Plasma Torpedo looks to have an incorrect and effectively broken proc as the damage is so low its ineffective. Plasma Torpedos should have a 100% Plasma DoT burn chance.
The Corrosive and Digitizer Plasma both for some reason only have a 10% Burn DoT chance which look like they should be 100% chance. This low chance on a torpedo which is making them extremely low damage compared to basic Plasma or any other Torpedo. Plasma normally lose a large % of raw damage to gain a 100% Burn. These two torpedoes lose a large % of raw damage to gain a 10% burn.
On top of the proc chance being tiny. A normal Plasma torpedo does approx 500 to 600 damage per second for the Plasma burn on my build. The Corrosive and Digitizer Plasma Torpdeo do 42 damage per second. This is a tiny damage for space combat.
In short
The proc is 10% instead of 100%
The proc is doing 42damage instead of 600 damage.
The two combined together is making the Plasma burn ineffective for use.
Both the Corrosive Torpedo and Digitizer Plasma Torpedo look like they need the Plasma burn fixing to 100% chance and a damage boost to the Burn DoT to bring them in line with every other Plasma torpedo.
Just noticed these have a 30second cooldown. Which amplifies the problem with burn DoT. They are doing something like 0.1% the Burn damage that a normal plasma torpedo does over a typical combat timeframe.
Like all Targetable torpedoes Digitizer Plasma seem to have a very high miss chance far higher then normal torpedoes. So on top of all the other problems what feels like 10% to 20% of shots miss.
The new torpedo are still near unusable due to the super long cooldown and only doing an estimated 1% of normal plasma damage. There doesn't appear to be any player reason or advantage to use the new torpedoes. The new torps have all the disadvantages of Plasma and Tricobalt but have none of the advantages of Plasma or Tricobalt making them the worst of both worlds.
Not only has this not been fixed but it appears as though Digitizer Plasma Torpedo have had a stealth nerf making them even worse. They now have a 15 second shared cooldown meaning they now do approx. 0.2% the plasma damage that a normal plasma torpedo does. Given how terrible this torpedo performed a further nerf seems massively uncalled for.
Tested a digitizer torp when they first came out, performance was some of the lowest I've seen from a torpedo, this explains a lot. Adding the 15 second shared cd seems odd, why nerf an already broken torpedo.
If you've ever tried the Breen Cryotorp from the latest winter event you'll notice that under HY1 it does less damage than an unbuffed Cryotorp. This massively hurts any potential it has since free HY's under CF are all HY1.
Like all Targetable torpedoes Digitizer Plasma seem to have a very high miss chance far higher then normal torpedoes. So on top of all the other problems what feels like 10% to 20% of shots miss.
If you've ever tried the Breen Cryotorp from the latest winter event you'll notice that under HY1 it does less damage than an unbuffed Cryotorp. This massively hurts any potential it has since free HY's under CF are all HY1.