thank you dear ambassadorkael for the 5 bulletpoint patchnotes in the size of 10 gigabyte.
may i humbly ask if there is a chance that we get something like public informations about that loadout-saving bug (loadouts not working, which makes switching ships a hassle beyond reason). we player feel a little bit unheard regarding that well and neutral/friendly documented and often (proven to be) reported issue.
what exactly is the status here? is it known to you? do the charming devs know? is it somewehre on the agenda? does it feel important for you that this key feature is not working properly as intended?
Thank you to the people responsible for fixing the Romulans sitting outside the courthouse on the PC version. Hopefully that will be done for console as well. It's the little things visual and presentation bugs like that, that ruin the game for some of us that like playing to pretend we're in Star Trek.
may i humbly ask if there is a chance that we get something like public informations about that loadout-saving bug (loadouts not working, which makes switching ships a hassle beyond reason). we player feel a little bit unheard regarding that well and neutral/friendly documented and often (proven to be) reported issue.
what exactly is the status here? is it known to you? do the charming devs know? is it somewehre on the agenda? does it feel important for you that this key feature is not working properly as intended?