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Tilly's Review-Pending Modified Shield XIII disappeared on equip

justincase#6638 justincase Member Posts: 20 Arc User
edited June 2022 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Directed to post here by support.

I crafted a Tilly's Review-Pending Modified Shield XIII from the Discovery Reputation. I set the protection status ON. When I double clicked the shield to equip it in my active ship, the crafted shield disappeared, was not exchanged with the installed shield, and was not transferred to any of the inactive ships, small craft, or bank inventories.

Support identified this as a bug. I’d appreciate restoration of either the crafted discovery reputation shield item, or the resources to create another. Due to other characters on the account having achieved tier 6, the crafted level is XIII (13), and I believe the quality was ‘ultra-rare’.


  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    Did you check your vanity slots?
  • justincase#6638 justincase Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    > @chrian#9670 said:
    > Did you check your vanity slots?

    Hmm. No, I think I did not. Unfortunately, I will be unable to check until mid next week. Thanks for the suggestion.

    I believe I did try to equip the shield on another ship by clicking the shield icon on the other ship. Tilly’s was not listed, which I would still expect if it was spotted as a vanity shield.

    Regardless, i’ll take a look when i’m able.
  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    edited June 2022
    Which character of yours crafted the shield and is missing it.
  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    Found a [Tilly's Review-Pending Modified Shield Mk XIII [Cap]x4] on M'Kiaee in the visual slots section of your I.S.S. Adamantine Terran Adamant Heavy Raider [T6]. Is that the one you are missing?
  • justincase#6638 justincase Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    > @chrian#9670 said:
    > Found a [Tilly's Review-Pending Modified Shield Mk XIII [Cap]x4] on M'Kiaee in the visual slots section of your I.S.S. Adamantine Terran Adamant Heavy Raider [T6]. Is that the one you are missing?

    That is the character and ship. So, yes, that would be the ‘missing’ shield in the vanity spot.

    So mostly a user bug. PEBKAC. (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair)

    I didn’t think to check there as I normally don’t acquire/use vanity items. I have some, but don’t commonly use many.

    Is there a setting that would enforce vanity items must be manually slotted or only slot when the vanity tab is open?

    Regardless, thank you for tracking it down!
  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    Some Items with visuals might be set to go straight to Vanity slots when attempting to be equipped. But I'll check the intended functionality On a normal working day.
  • justincase#6638 justincase Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    @chrian#9670 I believe we can mark this as answered/complete. You located the 'missing' shield while I was away from my game computer unable to access STO. Support replaced the 'missing' shield, so I now have two of them (wasn't my intent!). One is now the main shield on the character's Alliance Battlecruiser, and the other remains in the vanity slot on the Terran Adamant Raider.

    If the Game Master desires that I remove the spare, I am happy to do so as I was only seeking to replace what I thought had vanished into the ether.

  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    Dont worry about it, you got an item. So thats neat.
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