You can play a Kobali already, there are even uniforms in the phoenix store for them and all the stuff for doing the race is in the "alien" tab of the character generators of all except the Dominion faction (since it does not have an "alien" tab).
I get the feeling that the Kobali were meant to be an official playable race before necrophobes raised a storm of protest and caterwauling and dug out the pitchforks and torches.
The only difficulty is getting ships for them since there is only one playable Kobali ship, the Samsar, and it is just short of impossible to get since it is locked behind an epic phoenix token and those have the worst drop odds in the game (or they did, I have not seen a comprehensive analysis of it since the phoenix token changes so it may have changed).
It would be nice if STO brought out the Kobali cruiser and frigate as c-store ships but that is not likely to happen with all the NuTrek ships and whatnot coming out (also, they said they were going to bring out "all the player favorite ships" in T6 and have not gotten very far along with that either though they have brought out some really good (and a few not so good) ones so far).
In Voyager the Kazon were depicted as useless idiots that the Borg would not even assimilate, and they look incredibly silly, especially in STO, so I don't think there would be much of a demand for them. I think they would be at least as underutilized as player captains as the Pakled and the Talaxians and probably more so since Lower Decks made the Pakled almost cool in an offbeat way.
I have a Kobali character and an Enaran character so far (they look a lot like Trills except their spots are slightly redder and they are telepaths). There are also parts for a number of other Delta quadrant races in the alien generator though I am not sure offhand which ones they are at the moment.
> @phoenixc#0738 said: > You can play a Kobali already, there are even uniforms in the phoenix store for them and all the stuff for doing the race is in the "alien" tab of the character generators of all except the Dominion faction (since it does not have an "alien" tab). > > I get the feeling that the Kobali were meant to be an official playable race before necrophobes raised a storm of protest and caterwauling and dug out the pitchforks and torches. > > The only difficulty is getting ships for them since there is only one playable Kobali ship, the Samsar, and it is just short of impossible to get since it is locked behind an epic phoenix token and those have the worst drop odds in the game (or they did, I have not seen a comprehensive analysis of it since the phoenix token changes so it may have changed). > > It would be nice if STO brought out the Kobali cruiser and frigate as c-store ships but that is not likely to happen with all the NuTrek ships and whatnot coming out (also, they said they were going to bring out "all the player favorite ships" in T6 and have not gotten very far along with that either though they have brought out some really good (and a few not so good) ones so far). > > In Voyager the Kazon were depicted as useless idiots that the Borg would not even assimilate, and they look incredibly silly, especially in STO, so I don't think there would be much of a demand for them. I think they would be at least as underutilized as player captains as the Pakled and the Talaxians and probably more so since Lower Decks made the Pakled almost cool in an offbeat way. > > I have a Kobali character and an Enaran character so far (they look a lot like Trills except their spots are slightly redder and they are telepaths). There are also parts for a number of other Delta quadrant races in the alien generator though I am not sure offhand which ones they are at the moment.
A Delta Alliance f(r)action would be nice, but I'd wait for other updates before anything like that happens; I reckon Borg-Romulan stuff after the current arc is concluded.
I get the feeling that the Kobali were meant to be an official playable race before necrophobes raised a storm of protest and caterwauling and dug out the pitchforks and torches.
The only difficulty is getting ships for them since there is only one playable Kobali ship, the Samsar, and it is just short of impossible to get since it is locked behind an epic phoenix token and those have the worst drop odds in the game (or they did, I have not seen a comprehensive analysis of it since the phoenix token changes so it may have changed).
It would be nice if STO brought out the Kobali cruiser and frigate as c-store ships but that is not likely to happen with all the NuTrek ships and whatnot coming out (also, they said they were going to bring out "all the player favorite ships" in T6 and have not gotten very far along with that either though they have brought out some really good (and a few not so good) ones so far).
In Voyager the Kazon were depicted as useless idiots that the Borg would not even assimilate, and they look incredibly silly, especially in STO, so I don't think there would be much of a demand for them. I think they would be at least as underutilized as player captains as the Pakled and the Talaxians and probably more so since Lower Decks made the Pakled almost cool in an offbeat way.
I have a Kobali character and an Enaran character so far (they look a lot like Trills except their spots are slightly redder and they are telepaths). There are also parts for a number of other Delta quadrant races in the alien generator though I am not sure offhand which ones they are at the moment.
> You can play a Kobali already, there are even uniforms in the phoenix store for them and all the stuff for doing the race is in the "alien" tab of the character generators of all except the Dominion faction (since it does not have an "alien" tab).
> I get the feeling that the Kobali were meant to be an official playable race before necrophobes raised a storm of protest and caterwauling and dug out the pitchforks and torches.
> The only difficulty is getting ships for them since there is only one playable Kobali ship, the Samsar, and it is just short of impossible to get since it is locked behind an epic phoenix token and those have the worst drop odds in the game (or they did, I have not seen a comprehensive analysis of it since the phoenix token changes so it may have changed).
> It would be nice if STO brought out the Kobali cruiser and frigate as c-store ships but that is not likely to happen with all the NuTrek ships and whatnot coming out (also, they said they were going to bring out "all the player favorite ships" in T6 and have not gotten very far along with that either though they have brought out some really good (and a few not so good) ones so far).
> In Voyager the Kazon were depicted as useless idiots that the Borg would not even assimilate, and they look incredibly silly, especially in STO, so I don't think there would be much of a demand for them. I think they would be at least as underutilized as player captains as the Pakled and the Talaxians and probably more so since Lower Decks made the Pakled almost cool in an offbeat way.
> I have a Kobali character and an Enaran character so far (they look a lot like Trills except their spots are slightly redder and they are telepaths). There are also parts for a number of other Delta quadrant races in the alien generator though I am not sure offhand which ones they are at the moment.
I see thank you
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.