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[BUG] Showstopper: Mission Revelations will not progress past Defense Grid Repairs after Voth come

damocles2209damocles2209 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
Per topic title, the mission will not progress past the phase in the ground section where the Voth show up.


  • haiggy23haiggy23 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I don't use combat pets and still can't complete either. - Tried it twice now.... very frustrating
  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 588 Arc User
    Getting the same problem with the mission. It looks like one of my BOffs is able to shoot down one of the Vaaduar transport pods on its way in, which I don't recall being able to do before. I go through the final battle and then it just ends. Nobody to talk to, nothing.
  • amleth125amleth125 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    Confirmed, seems to be happening to all characters, all factions, all levels, three threads about this problem so far...
  • admiralrhaladmiralrhal Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    If you actively don't attack until all pods drop and npcs spawn you should be fine, otherwise you screwed untill the bug is fixed.
  • squirrelgirl#9643 squirrelgirl Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    If you actively don't attack until all pods drop and npcs spawn you should be fine, otherwise you screwed untill the bug is fixed.

    Just tried to do that, doesn't work. Trouble is the Taurei npcs attack straight away. I put my peeps on passive and then watched the Taurei blast two of the drop-pods as they landed. DOH! hehe
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