STO is currently running a giveaway (see:
Stormfall Giveaway) which includes the Emperor's Sword and an elite services pack. But there are unanswered questions that the giveaway does not make clear from the promo page in the zen store after claiming the giveaway code.
It's a single entry. It says it can only be claimed once. But does that mean the *giveaway* itself can only be claimed once, same with the elite services pack, and the blade can be claimed by all of your captains, or is it one and done for whichever captain claims it? In which case, can you claim the blade separately from the elite services pack, or is it altogether? I have a captain I'd like to have the blade, but a different captain I'd rather get the elite services pack.
Any information from someone else who has claimed it would be appreciated. The 'description' for it is as clear as mud.
Intel Games: Emperors Sword and elite service pack
SteelSeries: Terran Agony Phaser Pistol (and yes it can be upgraded) and elite service pack
Alienware: Agony Universal Console and elite service pack
The weapons are bound to character only so make sure u open it on the character u want it on. The console is account bound. The elite service pack comes in a box which is account bound. I didn't have any problems activating any of the codes and finding them in the promotions tab in game. Make sure u read each selection in the promotions tab as the icons for the Stormfall giveaways look the same. Just make sure u open the one u want on the correct character u want it on.
Good luck
Intel Games: Emperors Sword and elite service pack. elite pack is bound to account, sword to character
SteelSeries: Terran Agony Phaser Pistol (and yes it can be upgraded) and elite service pack. elite pack is bound to account, gun to character
Alienware: Agony Universal Console and elite service pack. elite pack is bound to character, console to account
Especially when they are character bound.
The packs do NOT stack and can be transferred to other characters on your account through your Account Bank. They are NOT character bound. Only the unique items (sword, console, gun) are character bound to the character that claims them.
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