I was unlucky to have finished T5 reps just shortly after the patch, and the result could be seen from a mile away: I already was sponsored with every reputation discount, which means after purchasing the rep items that I want I'm now sitting on 328k of utterly worthless reputation vouchers.
Who could've though that this is a very possible outcome, right?
Additionally Cryptic didn't even bother to lift a finger to also adjust the tooltip of the dil section in the asset tab, because now there's a line for the reputation vouchers, but no corresponding tooltip explaining them.
they don't think. I have seen other devs for other games. they come up with an idea, think it's perfect. put it in and disater happenes and now they have to try to fix it.
what is worse herer that unlike other games they gave no warning. they gave us just 2 days warnign that they were even doing this. Bad move and bad customer serivce. you think after this I am goign to by zen? with real money. HA! NO!
Devs NEED to play this game from a player perspective
they don't think. I have seen other devs for other games. they come up with an idea, think it's perfect. put it in and disater happenes and now they have to try to fix it.
what is worse herer that unlike other games they gave no warning. they gave us just 2 days warnign that they were even doing this. Bad move and bad customer serivce. you think after this I am goign to by zen? with real money. HA! NO!
Devs NEED to play this game from a player perspective
That decision doesn't even fulfill even the most basic amounts of critical thinking or even common sense:
A currency with plenty of use-cases like e.g. fleet projects, reputations, buying in various shops, dilEx etc. is now limited to a single use-case: only being able to spend for reputation projects or rep items
The amount of dil you get per T5 reputation is an evident fact
Account sponsorship + rep discount is an evident fact
Despite all that someone still went: "Yeah, it's totally fine when the end-user is sitting on hundreds of thousands of worthless reputation vouchers after having exhausted all possibilities he deemed worthy after we neutered the previous dil reward and transformed it into a reputation-only currency".
they don't think. I have seen other devs for other games. they come up with an idea, think it's perfect. put it in and disater happenes and now they have to try to fix it.
what is worse herer that unlike other games they gave no warning. they gave us just 2 days warnign that they were even doing this. Bad move and bad customer serivce. you think after this I am goign to by zen? with real money. HA! NO!
Devs NEED to play this game from a player perspective
That decision doesn't even fulfill even the most basic amounts of critical thinking or even common sense:
A currency with plenty of use-cases like e.g. fleet projects, reputations, buying in various shops, dilEx etc. is now limited to a single use-case: only being able to spend for reputation projects or rep items
The amount of dil you get per T5 reputation is an evident fact
Account sponsorship + rep discount is an evident fact
Despite all that someone still went: "Yeah, it's totally fine when the end-user is sitting on hundreds of thousands of worthless reputation vouchers after having exhausted all possibilities he deemed worthy after we neutered the previous dil reward and transformed it into a reputation-only currency".
Well your probably right they probably should have set the T5 reward to 10k or so per rep.
I am half joking... they probably should have done that but they didn't. You are now set if you decide you want to get T6 gear, or if you want to get a different set or a ground set or module ect. Better to have some spare sitting around then not.
And remember, it was *always* intended to be that way, they just never implemented it in 10+ years or so. There is your 'warning': It's just common sense!
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
And remember, it was *always* intended to be that way, they just never implemented it in 10+ years or so. There is your 'warning': It's just common sense!
"Genius", if that was the intention: "Change the dil reward from various activities to single-use-case currencies with a very high chance of the end-user having to sit on hundreds of thousands of worthless currencies which can't be used for DilEx".
It's the most low effort thing they could come up with.
All this does is result in a zero sum change, it will result in the dil ex staying exactly the same.
It's not even needed on console and won't be.
They're up to something else, but this is the beginning of a series of nerfs THEN they introduce more sinks. F2P games always get less F2P as time goes on, the status quo has been shifted by the change of ownership which is why it took a decade.
This is already being discussed in the GNN announcement thread. Please have your discussion there with the rest of the community. /Thread
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
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what is worse herer that unlike other games they gave no warning. they gave us just 2 days warnign that they were even doing this. Bad move and bad customer serivce. you think after this I am goign to by zen? with real money. HA! NO!
Devs NEED to play this game from a player perspective
That decision doesn't even fulfill even the most basic amounts of critical thinking or even common sense:
Despite all that someone still went: "Yeah, it's totally fine when the end-user is sitting on hundreds of thousands of worthless reputation vouchers after having exhausted all possibilities he deemed worthy after we neutered the previous dil reward and transformed it into a reputation-only currency".
Well your probably right they probably should have set the T5 reward to 10k or so per rep.
I am half joking... they probably should have done that but they didn't. You are now set if you decide you want to get T6 gear, or if you want to get a different set or a ground set or module ect. Better to have some spare sitting around then not.
And remember, it was *always* intended to be that way, they just never implemented it in 10+ years or so. There is your 'warning': It's just common sense!
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"Genius", if that was the intention: "Change the dil reward from various activities to single-use-case currencies with a very high chance of the end-user having to sit on hundreds of thousands of worthless currencies which can't be used for DilEx".
All this does is result in a zero sum change, it will result in the dil ex staying exactly the same.
It's not even needed on console and won't be.
They're up to something else, but this is the beginning of a series of nerfs THEN they introduce more sinks. F2P games always get less F2P as time goes on, the status quo has been shifted by the change of ownership which is why it took a decade.
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