As per title.
New Romulus is supposed to be a homeworld like Earth or Qo'nos, yet it is still missing Academy services. An easy fix for this would be to simply add an Academy Liaison inside New Romulus Command. See the picture below (this back room console would be perfect for the Academy questions). The single Liaison could be coded for both Federation and KDF aligned characters to use (or if not, simply have two officers for each standing here, just like the Security Officers on DS9 - one Fed, one KDF).
Clicking on the 'Talk' button shown above would lead into Academy dialog box stating, "Would you like to speak with Commander Viala about today's lessons?" Yes/No (the name and portrait changes to Loresinger Ch'toh for KDF aligned Romulans). This would then open up the standard Academy interface shown below. Connecting this way would prevent any sort of 'double dipping' by Romulan characters because it's the SAME interface (only accessed from New Romulus).
This would be a HUGE quality of life fix for Romulan characters with very little effort from the Dev Team. They would no longer have to schlep all over the galaxy to get these things accomplished everyday - something their Federation and Klingon counterparts don't have to do.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Another of Crypic's self-fulfilling metric prophecies.
So true. The sad thing is to correct this 'metric' would require next to no time development-wise. As an ex-Foundry author, I can tell you it would take me all of 10 minutes to place that NPC and hook up the dialog window. And that includes testing time to see that it works.
> Except that "the Alliance" is not a full merge of all the factions.
I don't see how a KDF officer on ESD would be any different from a Republic officer on ESD. They are both allies of the Federation.
Bank and exchange right next to each other, relatively condensed area so everything else is nearby and it's nice aesthetically too.
Just missing one thing, academy contact.
I agree with you, but do you remember what happened when they released the Titan? Klingon characters would get attacked by every NPC on board. Now, imagine if they were to open ESD/Earth and Qo'Nos/The Starbase to everyone...
I'd love for the Alliance to be more than an excuse to do away with the flying restrictions - though I'm grateful we're not yet at the point in the story when the Klingons will be fully assimilated (yes, assimilated) by the Federation - but as far as technicalities go I don't trust them to implement something of this scale with any modicum of efficiency and competence.
As for the OP's suggestion: I support you, just as I support moving Subcommander Kail to NR, but I'm afraid we'll wait a long time for each ideas to get through.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
no one? all my Romulan captains use new Romulus command, mostly because it's chat isn't full of TRIBBLE. and there are more thana few players there when I am.
Shall we talk about Commander Rojal?
For people wondering, Rojal was supposed to be a NPC granting you a free DOff during the original version of the Junior Appreciation Event.
He was supposed to give RR players a unique Doff counterpart to the Exocomp (Fed) and Kazan (KDF). He even had his own RR-themed flavor dialogue and the Doff, T'Ress had her own unique portrait. So both were all set to allow RR to have their unique DOff.
Except... Rojal was bugged and never spawned in New Romulus Command. The quest was here, the unique reward was here, the dialogue was here and a "Personnel Officer" NPC who was around the location where Rojal was supposed to spawn was here, but a bug prevented him to spawn.
So what did Cryptic do?
Nope, not just not fix him on time, they not only never fixed him ever but pretty much Trotsky'd him and the DOff, saying it was a bug and that there never was a RR DOff, despite the fact the only problem was the spawn, with everything else made.
So, if they couldn't fix something that was almost complete, don't expect them to actually ADD something to New Romulus Command.
That might make an interesting Romulan arc for a character who's reached level cap - now you need to gather resources and teachers to start your own officer's academy for your fleet, instead of letting your most promising young men, women, and others wander off to Federation or Empire...
All true. But canonically speaking, you can't die and respawn endlessly either (without a very specific time loop story explanation). But since this is a game, some things are QOL and fun > canon. Having an NPC academy contact on NR would be one of those things, regardless of whether they "technically" have an academy or not. And if you really wanted to make it "fit" canon, just say they are only representing the Fed/KDF academies. Either way, have the NPC at NR for convenience.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Yeah, it doesn't really matter. The point is: it's a game, and it's a reasonable QOL request.
Join Date: Sep 2008