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qsthap#2521 qsthap Member Posts: 20 Arc User
edited September 2021 in PS4 Gameplay Bug Reports
Why are the bugs and errors not fixed that have been in the game for more than 3 years and are getting worse with every update ???

1. Visual Effect Bugs in "Undine Assault" and "The Breach".
2. The Breach: It happens always more often, that enemy ships spawn and stuck in the walls in the first large room after broken through the fortress wall. This ships can only be damaged with area damage. If none of the players has such area damage, the only option is to cancel the current mission.
3. The character creation menu has now mutated into a real nerve-wracking ordeal.
It begins with switching through the setting options. A permanent stagnation, freeze and immobility of character must be combated there. The isseu with the non movable character there, can only be remedied by completely restarting the game. In addition, the proportions of some species no longer even match the setting options. Often the extremities are too long or too short and can hardly be adjusted. Because the setting bar is already set to minimum or maximum.
4. The loading times of the game are meanwhile also a torture. The loading blockade at the beginning and/or at the end of the bar also worsens from update to update.
5. The fleet emblem creation menu inGame has been buged for over 2 years now. If you try to insert a second symbol in your emblem, the first symbol changes the color to pink.
6. First attack in ground combat does not make any damage. Rather, ranged weapons seem to go crazy with weapon effect animations. Only when this visual effect is after 1-3 seconds over, can I produce damage. If I go over to the next fight at short intervals, it runs normally for a short time until there is a longer break between the fights. From then is the same error presented again. It seems that my character always has to do a crazy weapon shoot in before he does make any damage.
7. Many of the large, area-covering special attacks have a visual effect that is far too opaque. Especially when several of them concentrate on almost one and the same area. Some of these visual effect mix stay for a longer period and it's almost impossible to see anything yet. I have often noticed that in connection with several such effects, the entire screen get shines into a very bright, unpleasant white tone. In this short period nothing more can be seen and this short bright period is at least a little to stressful for the eyes.
8. And why is the shuttle bug still not fixed in the character menu? This error has been in STO since the game was released in 2016. I currently having massive problems with it again. There is a possibility to fix this error with the help of a Zen-Store shuttle, but with 9 Chars it's really exhausting. Especially when the shuttle bug always keeps up again, if i change the main ship. :-(
9. In general, game mechanics rarely run smoothly in STO. There are always recurring problems that can usually only be resolved by completely restarting the game. That in itself is nothing world-changing, if this would happen only SOMETIMES. However, this accumulates more and more from update to update.

A game should be fun, right ?! I don't understand why it is not possible to fix such serious and aggravating bugs and errors with the countless STO updates. What is going wrong there ???
Post edited by qsthap#2521 on


  • qsthap#2521 qsthap Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Why are the bugs and errors not fixed that have been in the game for more than 3 years and are getting worse with every update ???

    1. Visual Effect Bugs in "Undine Assault" and "The Breach".
    2. The character creation menu is now a nervous ordeal. Not only that the menu in the creation window constantly stuck and the character often can only be moved after a new login, it happend more often, does not even save the changed details.
    3. The loading times of the game are meanwhile also a torture. The loading blockade at the beginning and/or at the end of the bar also worsens from update to update.
    4. The fleet emblem creation menu inGame has been buged for over 2 years now. If you try to insert a second symbol in your emblem, the first symbol changes the color to pink.
    5. First attack in ground combat does not make any damage. Rather, ranged weapons seem to go crazy with weapon effect animations. Only when this visual effect is after 1-3 seconds over, can I produce damage. If I go over to the next fight at short intervals, it runs normally for a short time until there is a longer break between the fights. From then is the same error presented again. It seems that my character always has to do a weapon shoot in before he does make any damage.
    6. And why is the shuttle bug still not fixed in the character menu? This error has been in STO since the game was released in 2016. I currently having massive problems with it again. There is a possibility to fix this error with the help of a Zen-Store shuttle, but with 9 Chars it's really exhausting. Especially when the shuttle bug always keeps up again, if i change the main ship. :-(
    7. In general, game mechanics rarely run smoothly in STO. There are always recurring problems that can usually only be resolved by completely restarting the game. That in itself is nothing world-changing, if it happens SOMETIMES. However, this accumulates more and more from update to update.

    A game should be fun, right ?! I don't understand why it is not possible to fix such serious and aggravating bugs and errors with the countless STO updates. What is going wrong there ???

  • qsthap#2521 qsthap Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    New patch / update and not a single one of these bugs / errors has been fixed. Since 6 years!!!...
  • This content has been removed.
  • qsthap#2521 qsthap Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    westmetals wrote: »
    New patch / update and not a single one of these bugs / errors has been fixed. Since 6 years!!!...

    Well, first of all... do the developers think they are bugs / errors? If not, they are not going to fix them ever.

    Well first of all, this is an Bug / Error / Issue Report Thread, right? So i report these. No matter what the developers think about it or not!^^
  • edited December 2021
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  • qsthap#2521 qsthap Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2021
    (flame/troll post removed) - darkbladejk
    Post edited by darkbladejk on
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,854 Community Moderator
    First, dial it back with the attitude as that's not going to help you here. Simply because your specific bug doesn't get fixed when you think it should doesn't mean they don't fix bugs. To properly fix a bug they must first know what is causing the bug and be able to reproduce it consistently. Once they know what's causing the bug they must they formulate a fix to the bug without making things even worse than they already are. Fixing bugs isn't as simple as flipping switches, as much as we all wish it was.

    With this in mind I'm going to go through the list of items you have posted here and address some of them.

    1 & 2 - Breach and Undine Assault: do you have anything that can document these issues? What specific parts of the mission are they occurring in? What kind of enemy is it? Are there particular combinations of abilities that seem to trigger this more than others? There's not enough info here for me to fire a report up the chain without knowing more specifics.

    3 - character creation: Again I'm going to ask, what do you have to document this? It's also only meant for characters to be between certain measurements as it can cause issues with targeting, visual glitches and other effects. Does this trigger when you try to edit a particular setting? Does it do it with certain outfits? When do you see this the most?

    4 - load times: there is a thousand and one different things that can effect load times and there is generally no one size fits all answer to these things. It's possible for your console to be fine, as well as their servers to be fine, but something between you and them is causing an issue. There's usually hundreds of miles of cable between you and them along the route your console takes to communicate with them. If something is wonky in that line or in one of the data centers your console is passing through, you will experience lag. Stuff like that is completely out of their control and out of your ISP's control. Best that you can hope for here is to try to verify your console isn't having issues any other time, nor is your net, and we can go from there to determine if it's their servers or something between you. Not all internet connections are the same.

    5 - fleet emblem: does it do this with all symbols or only certain ones? I will ask some console folks about this.

    6 - First attack no damage: There's several reasons this could be happening. If you're firing specific weapons at specific foes they could be immune to that type of damage, such as Tholians healing from radiation damage. To know if this is the game or something else I would need to know more about what you're running with for your gear to eliminate possible mechanic interactions as a culprit.

    8 - shuttle bug: so the shuttle shows up on the menu instead of the ship? Or does it keep you in your shuttle if you switch and not let you go back to your starship? I'm not understanding what the issue is here. Can you elaborate a bit more on this one?

    9 - mechanics running smooth: there is a thousand and one different things that can cause this yet again. With as many calculations that have to take place for certain abilities it can cause alot of lag, especially when trying to animate the visuals on top of that. Disabling visuals would solve the visual component of it, but not the calculation component of it. While you can certainly report that certain things seems to not run as smooth, that alone does not make it a bug.

    7 - AoE special effects: I saved this one for last because you're not going to like my answer. This is NOT a bug but is working as intended. I wish we could tone some of the effects back as well but right now that's not an option. Unfortunately your only ways to avoid this are to do runs with folks who don't use so many spammy abilities. Otherwise results can't be guaranteed.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • qsthap#2521 qsthap Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2021
    Once they know what's causing the bug they must they formulate a fix to the bug without making things even worse than they already are. Fixing bugs isn't as simple as flipping switches, as much as we all wish it was.

    I see? That's why these things worked fine in the beginning? They are now to complex to fix it? LMFAO! ^^
    At some point after an update, these things start to make problems and they get worse with every update. Some bugs, errors, issues or what EVER you guys wanna call it are just a graphical problem, others just a problem of the collision query. ... and the problems with the character editor are simple scaling issues. Oooooh. ... and to fix the Color problem with the Fleet Emblem creation, you have to develop a new "Game Engine" of course. --- W - T - F Dude. ºº¬
    After all this years these cannot be fixed? A game released on PC back in 2010, although they worked at the beginning?
    Oh hey That make sense and sounds very logical. LOFL
    There is just the Bug Thread here. I haven't found an "almost Bug", "almost Error" or "almost Issue" Thread here yet. Also no "Let's see if we want to fix it" Thread. As a ComMode you can start such threads, right?! ;)

    Are you really trying to tell me THIS nonsense? Try it again!^^
  • qsthap#2521 qsthap Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    (discussion of moderation redacted) - darkbladejk
    Post edited by darkbladejk on
  • qsthap#2521 qsthap Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    (flame/troll/rant redacted) - darkbladejk
    Post edited by darkbladejk on
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,854 Community Moderator
    I gave this a chance to stay open but since I see that's not an option we're not going to keep going down this road. /closed
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
This discussion has been closed.