The Gamma Task Force T6 omni (phaser variant) is using the light purple graphic for its beam while under the effects of Beam: Overload. During Beam: Fire At Will, Energy Weapons: Surgical Strikes and normal, unenhanced firing the beam appears yellow/orange as expected for a phaser weapon. This occurs persistently across all three ranks of abilities.
The specific version I am using is the Ultra Rare Advanced Inhibiting Phaser Omni-Directional Beam Array Mk XIII [Acc] [Arc] [Dmg]x2.
"Hakeev is too badly injured to speak. He struggles only for a moment before he is finally still...Hakeev's end comes without any desperate speech or furious diatribe. As his plans collapse around him, only silence follows him into oblivion." -The original ending to Cutting the Cord