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[BUILD] Legendary Pilot Warship T6

winters83winters83 Member Posts: 518 Media Corps
Greetings, Admirals!

Welcome to Winters Budget Builds Series.

This series is intended to be a guide on how to effectively, efficiently and more importantly, build Starships on a “budget”. This is not intended to be a “min max” series by any means. The builds you will see here will show you how to create an effective build on a budget. Each video will cover all aspects of the build, Weapons, Equipment, Consoles, Skill Tree, Traits, Boff Abilities, Doffs, Specializations, etc. For each video I will also have the build replicated on STO Academy so that players can view the builds in detail and review them when needed. You can find this link in the description when viewing on YouTube.

Near the end of each video I will also demonstrate the builds in a Patrol so that viewers can see the build in action. I have chosen this over “Infected: The Conduit - Advanced” as the outcome of that TFO can be affected by the team that you are with. Whereas playing a patrol, you can see how the build performs in a single player environment. Every player, new and veteran, will find this series a valuable source of information. You may even learn something new!

If you have any requests for a particular ship that you would like to see, please leave a comment stating the request and “if” I have the ship, I will endeavor to do a video for that ship.

Legendary Pilot Warship T6
P.S. Let the outrage begin! :wink: lol

Subscribe to channel: Winters Gaming
Twitter: @P1Winters83
Twitch Channel: Winters1983
Armada Website: www.priorityonearmada.com​​
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast


  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,859 Arc User
    Very nice! This reflects my quick build I was flying around with last night, with a couple of small exceptions. I don't use the KCB or the Borg Console. In place of those, I use the Trilithium Enhanced Phaser Turret with the Ordnance Accelerator because I run the Dark Matter Quantum and Phaser Wide-Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank up front to get the 3-piece set bonus with the Lorca console.
  • winters83winters83 Member Posts: 518 Media Corps
    jcsww wrote: »
    Very nice! This reflects my quick build I was flying around with last night, with a couple of small exceptions. I don't use the KCB or the Borg Console. In place of those, I use the Trilithium Enhanced Phaser Turret with the Ordnance Accelerator because I run the Dark Matter Quantum and Phaser Wide-Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank up front to get the 3-piece set bonus with the Lorca console.

    Niiiice, I would probably use the Trilithium Enhanced Phaser Turret too and the Reinforced Armaments console if I wasn't using the Borg 2 piece. If I was to put a torp on the build I would most likely use the Dark Matter one too. Thanks for trekking out my video and for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your support! :smile:

    Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
    U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
  • redwren89redwren89 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    I could swear you build using the most random items just to attempt to cause uproar. I think nothing of this build, or it's price of ship in your weird definition of budget.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,859 Arc User
    redwren89 wrote: »
    I could swear you build using the most random items just to attempt to cause uproar. I think nothing of this build, or it's price of ship in your weird definition of budget.

    Although the ship isn't technically a budget buy, unless you take into account the value of the ship bundle as a whole. The weapon the person chose to use were mostly mission and sets, because they are a lot cheaper than outfitting your ship with Targeting-Linked or something better off of the Exchange where weapons are 20+ million each. And then you have the Lobi Consoles... Those aren't cheap either for the most part and the good Lobi sets are Bind-On-Pickup. You criticize but you also didn't offer up a build for comparison to illustrate your attempt at a point.
  • winters83winters83 Member Posts: 518 Media Corps
    jcsww wrote: »
    redwren89 wrote: »
    I could swear you build using the most random items just to attempt to cause uproar. I think nothing of this build, or it's price of ship in your weird definition of budget.

    Although the ship isn't technically a budget buy, unless you take into account the value of the ship bundle as a whole. The weapon the person chose to use were mostly mission and sets, because they are a lot cheaper than outfitting your ship with Targeting-Linked or something better off of the Exchange where weapons are 20+ million each. And then you have the Lobi Consoles... Those aren't cheap either for the most part and the good Lobi sets are Bind-On-Pickup. You criticize but you also didn't offer up a build for comparison to illustrate your attempt at a point.

    I could not have put this any better myself. Thank you @jcsww for recognizing and articulating what this series is about. :smile:

    Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
    U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,859 Arc User
    winters83 wrote: »
    jcsww wrote: »
    redwren89 wrote: »
    I could swear you build using the most random items just to attempt to cause uproar. I think nothing of this build, or it's price of ship in your weird definition of budget.

    Although the ship isn't technically a budget buy, unless you take into account the value of the ship bundle as a whole. The weapon the person chose to use were mostly mission and sets, because they are a lot cheaper than outfitting your ship with Targeting-Linked or something better off of the Exchange where weapons are 20+ million each. And then you have the Lobi Consoles... Those aren't cheap either for the most part and the good Lobi sets are Bind-On-Pickup. You criticize but you also didn't offer up a build for comparison to illustrate your attempt at a point.

    I could not have put this any better myself. Thank you @jcsww for recognizing and articulating what this series is about. :smile:


    Any time!
  • kelly21#4177 kelly21 Member Posts: 5 New User
    Thanks for sharing this article with us.
  • winters83winters83 Member Posts: 518 Media Corps
    Thanks for sharing this article with us.

    Thank you for trekking it out and taking the time to comment! :smile:

    Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
    U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    Hey @winters83 As i commented in the closed topic, i was thinking that you restarted your STO series which have been on a hiatus for a long time. Any plans on doing so?
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • winters83winters83 Member Posts: 518 Media Corps
    questerius wrote: »
    Hey @winters83 As i commented in the closed topic, i was thinking that you restarted your STO series which have been on a hiatus for a long time. Any plans on doing so?

    Hey @questerius,

    So believe it or not, but I've actually been working on my next series over the last month or two. But all this time I've been trying to complete the Specialization System on as many toons as I can so that I can get back into the Budget Build Series. That, and the fact that we undertook a pretty major project within the Priority One Armada that literally has taken the whole year to complete. That did take up a lot of my time too. But yes, I do hope to start releasing more content in the New Year. :smile:

    Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
    U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    winters83 wrote: »
    questerius wrote: »
    Hey @winters83 As i commented in the closed topic, i was thinking that you restarted your STO series which have been on a hiatus for a long time. Any plans on doing so?

    Hey @questerius,

    So believe it or not, but I've actually been working on my next series over the last month or two. But all this time I've been trying to complete the Specialization System on as many toons as I can so that I can get back into the Budget Build Series. That, and the fact that we undertook a pretty major project within the Priority One Armada that literally has taken the whole year to complete. That did take up a lot of my time too. But yes, I do hope to start releasing more content in the New Year. :smile:


    That's good to hear.
    I may have been critical of some of the builds in the past, but i always appreciated the effort.

    There have been a lot of new sets and consoles from events so a new take on things should be possible.

    Looking forward to the next release. (goes to check if the subscription is still there)
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,859 Arc User
    edited December 2021
    winters83 wrote: »
    questerius wrote: »
    Hey @winters83 As i commented in the closed topic, i was thinking that you restarted your STO series which have been on a hiatus for a long time. Any plans on doing so?

    Hey @questerius,

    So believe it or not, but I've actually been working on my next series over the last month or two. But all this time I've been trying to complete the Specialization System on as many toons as I can so that I can get back into the Budget Build Series. That, and the fact that we undertook a pretty major project within the Priority One Armada that literally has taken the whole year to complete. That did take up a lot of my time too. But yes, I do hope to start releasing more content in the New Year. :smile:


  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,714 Arc User
    Interesting build, but the KCB is the last thing I would put on a Defiant, but then I put torpedoes on mine. the spike damage of TS3 and gravimetric torpedo is too hard to ignore, and I'm planning on trying the Kelvin torpedo, they seem to have a much higher base damage without the gw proc., and since I do use torpedos I'd swap out the engines and deflector for the MACO, which boosts projectile damage
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    Interesting build, but the KCB is the last thing I would put on a Defiant, but then I put torpedoes on mine. the spike damage of TS3 and gravimetric torpedo is too hard to ignore, and I'm planning on trying the Kelvin torpedo, they seem to have a much higher base damage without the gw proc., and since I do use torpedos I'd swap out the engines and deflector for the MACO, which boosts projectile damage

    One of the old comment was that Winters often made builds based upon the old meta.
    This is one such example. At one time having the KCB for power management was meta, but power creep has caught up with that.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,631 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    winters83 wrote: »
    Welcome to Winters Budget Builds Series.
    Legendary Pilot Warship T6​​
    The irony of a 'budget' build on a ship available only from a £300+ pack! :smiley:
    Interesting build, but the KCB is the last thing I would put on a Defiant...
    I find the KCB very useful on an escort ship due to the ability for it to act like a laser sight, pointing you in the direction of the ship you currently have as your target. Not so useful for fighting smaller groups of ships, but definitely useful in the missions/tfo's/patrols where you just get eleventy-four enemies dropped on top of you.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    Interesting build, but the KCB is the last thing I would put on a Defiant...
    I find the KCB very useful on an escort ship due to the ability for it to act like a laser sight, pointing you in the direction of the ship you currently have as your target. Not so useful for fighting smaller groups of ships, but definitely useful in the missions/tfo's/patrols where you just get eleventy-four enemies dropped on top of you.

    Cannot say i have thought about using the KCB as a laser sight, but i guess it is an option.
    From a build/mechanics point of view use of the borg two piece (KCB/console) can still work for energy management, but better options have become available since that was the meta.

    For the same reason that the two piece maco can still work, but that it is not recommended since better options have become available.

    All that aside, @winters83 mentioned that he was working on a new video so let us all look forward to that.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • winters83winters83 Member Posts: 518 Media Corps
    questerius wrote: »
    Interesting build, but the KCB is the last thing I would put on a Defiant, but then I put torpedoes on mine. the spike damage of TS3 and gravimetric torpedo is too hard to ignore, and I'm planning on trying the Kelvin torpedo, they seem to have a much higher base damage without the gw proc., and since I do use torpedos I'd swap out the engines and deflector for the MACO, which boosts projectile damage

    One of the old comment was that Winters often made builds based upon the old meta.
    This is one such example. At one time having the KCB for power management was meta, but power creep has caught up with that.

    I don't think this is quite accurate, I've never claimed that my builds were "meta" either old or new. I'm simply trying to put builds together with gear that is relatively easy or "free to obtain". Yes, I do use the KCB in a lot of my builds but not all. Believe it or not I do sometimes use Torps. When I do, I don't use the KCB. I do think it is important not to be 100% reliant on 1 type of damage. I've often given the example of coming up against Aceton Assimilators, or having the Kinetic Damage Endeavor.

    At the end of the day, it's only 1 weapon, it is by far, "crippling" as others have tried to claim in the past. Yes, I might be able to get slightly better numbers if I was 100% focused but like I have said in each of my builds, this is "not" a min-max build and nor am I trying to make it one. I'm just trying to show a good build that will work for most content in game with the least amount of resources for the gear. :smile:

    P.S. Sorry for the slow reply to this conversation! I have been totally swamped getting merch together that we are sending our Patreon supporters in the Priority One Armada for our 10 Year Anniversary celebrations. :smile:

    Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
    U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    Congrats in advance for the Priority One Armada 10th anniversary.

    Not picking a fight, but i never mentioned that YOU said it was meta. I merely stated that it was once meta similar to the two piece borg/maco shield combo. Now that i think about it i mentioned it wrong previously in the topic.

    The use of a torpedo or KCB has its use (heck i use them myself on some chars) but newer sets tend to have better benefits

    To keep a KCB on in case you run into an aceton assimilator ( it's been months since i saw one) or for a kinetic endeavor which is more easily dispatched with either a Tyken Rift or Gravity Well may not be the most efficient.

    As someone who plays pugs and random TFO my preferences for gear point to less situational items.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • winters83winters83 Member Posts: 518 Media Corps
    edited January 2022
    questerius wrote: »
    Congrats in advance for the Priority One Armada 10th anniversary.

    Not picking a fight, but i never mentioned that YOU said it was meta. I merely stated that it was once meta similar to the two piece borg/maco shield combo. Now that i think about it i mentioned it wrong previously in the topic.

    The use of a torpedo or KCB has its use (heck i use them myself on some chars) but newer sets tend to have better benefits

    To keep a KCB on in case you run into an aceton assimilator ( it's been months since i saw one) or for a kinetic endeavor which is more easily dispatched with either a Tyken Rift or Gravity Well may not be the most efficient.

    As someone who plays pugs and random TFO my preferences for gear point to less situational items.

    Oh I am so sorry @questerius! That is totally my bad! Completely read that wrong dude! Ya see, this is the sort of thing that can happen when you rush and don't take the time to read something properly! :tongue: lol Anyway, reading your response I can see that now that "playstyle" or "habits" can be a big factor here that I haven't taken into account before.

    Like, you give the example of Tyken's Rift or Gravity Wells, those are simply not an option for me for a number of reasons. 1) is that Sci builds is my weakest area, I have no problem putting my hand up there and admitting that. 2) is that because Sci is my weakest area, I don't often use those abilities. Yes I do use them sometimes, just not often. 3) you say that "it's been months since you saw one" (aceton assimilators that is), I come across those all the time because I often go to the "Contested Zone" in the "Solenae Dyson Sphere" in order to complete Space Endeavors so I see them all the time.

    So I just think it's interesting how playstyles can vary from player to player, ya know. It does get on the end of my shuttle pod though when someone tries to suggest that a build is "crippled" because of one item. I mean, "exaggerate much buddy"?? :lol: lol

    Thank you for the nice words regarding our 10th Anniversary! :smile: It's still like a year and a half away but we are just starting the celebrations early by sending merch to members who have supported us down through the years, ya know. :smile:

    And once again, my sincere apologies for reading your previous message wrong! :disappointed:

    Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
    U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
    =/\= ========================================== =/\=
    Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    I hardly ever follow meta builds, mostly because those meta builds tend to be focused on tactical players and premade teams.
    One thing which can be said is that most of my builds feel lacking without science playing a significant part.

    In any build a player should not look for meta, but for synergy.

    For example i often use an aceton assimilator on enhanced battle cloak bomber builds. For one it acts like a decoy and second it gets rid of annoying fighter pets which can force you out of cloak.

    Some science powers can lift a play style to a higher level. take for example https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Ability:_Scramble_Sensors

    It is not the powerhouse it was a long (admittedly very long) time ago, but while it is almost useless for a non cloaking play style it can be beneficial for a bomber build.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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