The one big glaring problem in PVP is that people join both sides to see one side to kill them. If this were removed and people had to live with whatever loss from healing their allies can give them.(unless some special console was made.) then it might help fix PVP matches and get rid of some of the blatant cheating and gaming going on. I'm surprised they added this to start. without it the game balances itself out. Players cloaking loose support and are alone. If they uncloak they get allies heals and support if they are coordinated.
There are far more than one glaring problems with PVP. In my opinion they should just remove PVP altogether, like they did with the Foundry and everything else they deemed unfixable.
'Unfixable' is perhaps too strong of a word. But they would need to make some radical changes to buffs, debuffs, and stat bonuses in PVP. Disable all console active abilities. Disable Endeavor bonuses. Cap equipment at MKXII. Those sorts of things. Bring player damage back down to more manageable levels.
Not that I care. PVP has never been fun to me. Not in this or any other game. But overwhelming spike damage pretty much eliminates anything resembling meaningful pvp content. It's as true now as it was in WoW 10+ years ago.
With the right builds reasonable spike damage is no longer a problem in PvP. Sure 5 v 1 and your going to pretty much die to spike damage but Vape builds no longer have free rain to go around solo spike damage killing everything.
OP does PVP, and has a request to fix to what they experience there, which is exploiting a game mechanic.
I'm not sure where one would submit this, but as with another PVP game I play, developers usually want a description of the events, player name and cheaters/exploiters, time and server/map, and a link of video evidence of this clearly taking place, so that hopefully they can understand the issue, evaluate how serious it is, and hopefully correct it in some way.
On the PVE side of the game, I would take no issue if my cloaked ships vanish completely from allies, leaving only basic indications of not having disconnected (no distance to target, no targeting ability). It probably will not be easy to implement considering every new item or power and unexpected interaction will cause bugs and not function as intended leaving room for more exploits.
I still support this, even if I don't PVP here (for reasons irrelevant to this topic). It is very nice to have that ability and all benefits that come with it, such as testing equipment, making screenshots, and so on.
There are far more than one glaring problems with PVP. In my opinion they should just remove PVP altogether, like they did with the Foundry and everything else they deemed unfixable.
It's definitely not unfixable, the devs just don't want to fix it because it would affect their pocket book
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
In PVE since many players don't use chat this would mess up TFOs where you need to spread out to defend or attack different points. No one could see which point the cloaked player is handling.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,971Community Moderator
I hate to say it but... there are just so many ways this can be used to troll in TFOs if implimented. It makes sense that ships with cloaks would have a way to identify where allied cloaked ships are so they don't run into each other. In STO that is represnted as being able to see a ghost of an allied cloaked ship.
And honestly I don't see how this impacts PvP as, to my knowledge, there is no fast way to switch teams. How can you exploit that? The second you switch teams, even if that was possible, you would no longer be able to see them, and they're moving. On top of that, you'd need to be able to target a cloaked ship, which means you'd need an appropriate amount of stealth detection on top of remembering where they are if they aren't moving. And if you're not cloaked, pretty good change they'd see you coming and move, rendering that team switch intel useless.
So... I don't see a reason to change anything for PvP, and a ton of problems for PvE.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
the main place I see this problem is in open PVP maps. It's constant in the one with borg stuff all over. The one south of drozana. There is always a full load of players(or player) multiboxing so he can see your stuff with your allies(presumabley his/their multiboxes) and then attack at will to farm you for whatever reason. It's there almost all day also.
I was assuming this could be done in other PVP.
Maybe it just needs to be applied to open PVP maps.
Maybe that could develop into more open pvp later if it is balancable.
That's a good point, it would cause a lot of problems in PvE, so would have to be specific to PvP maps only, and even there, perhaps having a selectable option whether you want to appear visible to friendly players or not, for the purpose of coordinating and so on.
In PVE since many players don't use chat this would mess up TFOs where you need to spread out to defend or attack different points. No one could see which point the cloaked player is handling.
exactly. there is no way to visually coordinate. even if chat was used properly, it's not enough. to not SEE that there are 3 cloaked BOPs sitting on one of 4 points to be guarded (rura Penthe TFO) would be just downright stupid.
Not that many people in the grand scheme of things multibox and even if you have people multiboxing in a pvp map, if they have a toon on the other side to spot people while multiboxing on the other side, there's not really a way to stop that without rewriting large parts of the game as it's working as intended mechanically. Mechanically speaking the game sees Account A on Fed side, and 5 other accounts on the KDF side. It's not an exploit for Account A to be able to see its allies. While I would agree it's definitely cheap, it's not exactly illegal per say. Now if you have people swapping teams mid match and using some kind of exploit, that's a different story. However you would need to demonstrate somehow what they are doing to swap. Otherwise they're not going to rewrite large portions of the game just to fix something with such a niche issue.
'Unfixable' is perhaps too strong of a word. But they would need to make some radical changes to buffs, debuffs, and stat bonuses in PVP. Disable all console active abilities. Disable Endeavor bonuses. Cap equipment at MKXII. Those sorts of things. Bring player damage back down to more manageable levels.
Not that I care. PVP has never been fun to me. Not in this or any other game. But overwhelming spike damage pretty much eliminates anything resembling meaningful pvp content. It's as true now as it was in WoW 10+ years ago.
None of what you have named will actually solve anything and punishes people for taking the time to actually upgrade their equipment, acquire gear, and so on. Simply having all maxed out equipment and gear means absolutely if one doesn't know what they're doing or how to use said equipment, be it in pvp or pve. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people go into a TFO thinking they're going to be top of the damage charts because they've got the flavor of the month ship and build, only to do less than 20k DPS and then complain about it. Or someone thinking that just because they have all maxed out equipment means they're going to win in a pvp. Doesn't work that way. I don't find vape builds particularly fun either. In fact I think they're one of the laziest builds one can do that take absolutely no skill to operate. However that's a completely different debate entirely. You can't just make large sweeping changes like you've mentioned without effecting pve, and changes made for pvp reasons should NEVER be allowed to effect pvp and vice versa. You can easily limit or alter interactions by adding modifiers to the code that change certain interactions based on whether the target hit is a player or NPC. Code would look a little something like this: "If target = player, do (X); if target = NPC do (y)". Obviously that's not an exact thing but you get the idea. That's how WoW solved alot of their pvp issues with some more contentious abilities.
With all of that said you're also trying to compare two different systems that are radically different and largely incompatible. While we can borrow inspiration in certain areas, the problem you're going to have in alot of this is that WoW has predefined classes with predefined toolkits, with the variations only being quality of equipment and some minor differences in overall stats. With STO there are no predefined classes or roles like there is in WoW. There is no "this is a tank ship and can only be a tank ship" situations or "this is a healer and can only be a healer" situations. The pool of abilities one can pick from in STO is massive compared to WoW and there are so many more interactions that can take place that it's not even funny. It's unreasonable to expect them to be able to account for every possible interaction imaginable. Unless there is some ridiculous interaction going on that automatically guarantees victory on its own, demanding equipment caps and certain consoles/traits not be allowed is a crutch. If one wants to have certain stipulations then take it to a private match with terms agreed to in advance.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
I'm not sure where one would submit this, but as with another PVP game I play, developers usually want a description of the events, player name and cheaters/exploiters, time and server/map, and a link of video evidence of this clearly taking place, so that hopefully they can understand the issue, evaluate how serious it is, and hopefully correct it in some way.
On the PVE side of the game, I would take no issue if my cloaked ships vanish completely from allies, leaving only basic indications of not having disconnected (no distance to target, no targeting ability). It probably will not be easy to implement considering every new item or power and unexpected interaction will cause bugs and not function as intended leaving room for more exploits.
I still support this, even if I don't PVP here (for reasons irrelevant to this topic). It is very nice to have that ability and all benefits that come with it, such as testing equipment, making screenshots, and so on.
It's definitely not unfixable, the devs just don't want to fix it because it would affect their pocket book
And honestly I don't see how this impacts PvP as, to my knowledge, there is no fast way to switch teams. How can you exploit that? The second you switch teams, even if that was possible, you would no longer be able to see them, and they're moving. On top of that, you'd need to be able to target a cloaked ship, which means you'd need an appropriate amount of stealth detection on top of remembering where they are if they aren't moving. And if you're not cloaked, pretty good change they'd see you coming and move, rendering that team switch intel useless.
So... I don't see a reason to change anything for PvP, and a ton of problems for PvE.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I was assuming this could be done in other PVP.
Maybe it just needs to be applied to open PVP maps.
Maybe that could develop into more open pvp later if it is balancable.
exactly. there is no way to visually coordinate. even if chat was used properly, it's not enough. to not SEE that there are 3 cloaked BOPs sitting on one of 4 points to be guarded (rura Penthe TFO) would be just downright stupid.
None of what you have named will actually solve anything and punishes people for taking the time to actually upgrade their equipment, acquire gear, and so on. Simply having all maxed out equipment and gear means absolutely if one doesn't know what they're doing or how to use said equipment, be it in pvp or pve. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people go into a TFO thinking they're going to be top of the damage charts because they've got the flavor of the month ship and build, only to do less than 20k DPS and then complain about it. Or someone thinking that just because they have all maxed out equipment means they're going to win in a pvp. Doesn't work that way. I don't find vape builds particularly fun either. In fact I think they're one of the laziest builds one can do that take absolutely no skill to operate. However that's a completely different debate entirely. You can't just make large sweeping changes like you've mentioned without effecting pve, and changes made for pvp reasons should NEVER be allowed to effect pvp and vice versa. You can easily limit or alter interactions by adding modifiers to the code that change certain interactions based on whether the target hit is a player or NPC. Code would look a little something like this: "If target = player, do (X); if target = NPC do (y)". Obviously that's not an exact thing but you get the idea. That's how WoW solved alot of their pvp issues with some more contentious abilities.
With all of that said you're also trying to compare two different systems that are radically different and largely incompatible. While we can borrow inspiration in certain areas, the problem you're going to have in alot of this is that WoW has predefined classes with predefined toolkits, with the variations only being quality of equipment and some minor differences in overall stats. With STO there are no predefined classes or roles like there is in WoW. There is no "this is a tank ship and can only be a tank ship" situations or "this is a healer and can only be a healer" situations. The pool of abilities one can pick from in STO is massive compared to WoW and there are so many more interactions that can take place that it's not even funny. It's unreasonable to expect them to be able to account for every possible interaction imaginable. Unless there is some ridiculous interaction going on that automatically guarantees victory on its own, demanding equipment caps and certain consoles/traits not be allowed is a crutch. If one wants to have certain stipulations then take it to a private match with terms agreed to in advance.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator