Give me a Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser over any of those ships any day of the week.
Agreed. I actually fly that once in awhile. It's one of my go-tos that I keep loaded out for one of the energy damage personal endeavors.
Working on that, actually. Loading out several ships with separate energy types to use for the energy damage endeavors. Since I like to keep at least one torpedo per ship I can choose whichever one I like for kinetic damage.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
But from the list I'd say the maquis ship is probably the most dangerous.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Well it can be interesting to see how other people choose ships and it can give ideas we might not have thought about before. Sometimes I see other people’s choices and think if I take that persons idea, change x,y,x I have a new unique build to try.
Give me a Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser over any of those ships any day of the week.
Agreed. I actually fly that once in awhile. It's one of my go-tos that I keep loaded out for one of the energy damage personal endeavors.
Working on that, actually. Loading out several ships with separate energy types to use for the energy damage endeavors. Since I like to keep at least one torpedo per ship I can choose whichever one I like for kinetic damage.
While its not a ship for breaking records, it is a fun unique ship. While it can be a little tricky to make use of that 5th rear slot it can still be a good ship to fly. It took me a very long time but I now have a build I am happy with for the Ytijara, one that is ok for PvP as well as PvE.
Give me a Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser over any of those ships any day of the week.
Agreed. I actually fly that once in awhile. It's one of my go-tos that I keep loaded out for one of the energy damage personal endeavors.
Working on that, actually. Loading out several ships with separate energy types to use for the energy damage endeavors. Since I like to keep at least one torpedo per ship I can choose whichever one I like for kinetic damage.
While its not a ship for breaking records, it is a fun unique ship. While it can be a little tricky to make use of that 5th rear slot it can still be a good ship to fly. It took me a very long time but I now have a build I am happy with for the Ytijara, one that is ok for PvP as well as PvE.
Give me a Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser over any of those ships any day of the week.
Agreed. I actually fly that once in awhile. It's one of my go-tos that I keep loaded out for one of the energy damage personal endeavors.
Working on that, actually. Loading out several ships with separate energy types to use for the energy damage endeavors. Since I like to keep at least one torpedo per ship I can choose whichever one I like for kinetic damage.
While its not a ship for breaking records, it is a fun unique ship. While it can be a little tricky to make use of that 5th rear slot it can still be a good ship to fly. It took me a very long time but I now have a build I am happy with for the Ytijara, one that is ok for PvP as well as PvE.
Thanks. I'm glad you found a build you're satisfied with. I'm still playing with mine. I don't try to break any records, I just like to outlast my opponents and contribute to team stuff.
It does that. As does the Rezreth I've happily built up. No, it doesn't break any records either, but it holds its own in the FTFO. I've put the Chronometric cannon set on it and the Morphogenic set, along with rep/regular single cannons/turrets. Almost the whole set of breen consoles and other assorted consoles. Can't afford the elite pets, but the ones that come with it do nicely for distractions.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Also if you're facing a Megawell build, the Gravity Well can pull you OUT of cloak long before you're in a striking position, AND not even a Pilot Escort can escape from it. Especially if their engines keep getting offlined. And yes, one of the spec trees actually augments anomalies like Gravity Well with mobility and even the ability to knock engines offline.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Agreed. That is a very limited poll and also biased.
Not that I've ever participated in PvP, Nor will I. I don't go online in any game to fight other players, I go in to have fun playing the game.
Well, I don't either. But when the PvP is actually balanced, it can be extremely fun. Take Galactic Starfighter in SWTOR, the only thing that separates the balance there is time spent playing it, to work on your ships, and player skill. Sure there are some cash shop fighters. But they aren't any more powerful than the other ships you can get.
Where as here, the more you spend, the stronger you are, and there isn't really any balance at all. Makes it a worthless piece of the game.
Also if you're facing a Megawell build, the Gravity Well can pull you OUT of cloak long before you're in a striking position, AND not even a Pilot Escort can escape from it. Especially if their engines keep getting offlined. And yes, one of the spec trees actually augments anomalies like Gravity Well with mobility and even the ability to knock engines offline.
Attack Pattern: Omega, takes care of the control effects of even the mega-well builds. But, PvP has been on the ignore list since 2013. So, it's only broken 8 ways from Sunday.
Which is one of the reasons I figured STO wouldn't do to well on console. Since a lot more of the pvp oriented players tend to play on them.
But PvP can still have it's uses. For example, doing a 1v1 against friends to test out build ideas. This is how I built a One Shot, One Kill Ground Stealth build, that doesn't have a use anywhere else in the game. Outside of this, yeah, the best ship for it, is the one that you use to move away from it.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Again... can't escape if your engines get offlined.
Anyways... testing builds, testing certain things to see if they are worth using (like starship traits), and other things, yea... 1v1 is better as it is a controlled environment. PvP in its current form is a total free for all with no means of matching players with others of equivelent skill/gear, leading to quite a few curbstomps from veteran players with certain builds geared towards nuking NPCs, which have a lot more HP than players.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Surely a poll such as this is and the enthusiastic discussion that's followed are an indicator that player engagement in PvP is rising and that more people than ever are embracing a quick round between TFO's and loving it?
Surely a poll such as this is and the enthusiastic discussion that's followed are an indicator that player engagement in PvP is rising and that more people than ever are embracing a quick round between TFO's and loving it?
..or perhaps not.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Surely a poll such as this is and the enthusiastic discussion that's followed are an indicator that player engagement in PvP is rising and that more people than ever are embracing a quick round between TFO's and loving it?
..or perhaps not.
Alas since nobody aside from Cryptic has access to internal statistics nobody here can really state anything with complete certainty aside from whether or not they like it... similar to any statements made with respect to PvE queue or game population. Forum users are nothing but a very small fragment of total players.
Surely a poll such as this is and the enthusiastic discussion that's followed are an indicator that player engagement in PvP is rising and that more people than ever are embracing a quick round between TFO's and loving it?
..or perhaps not.
Alas since nobody aside from Cryptic has access to internal statistics nobody here can really state anything with complete certainty aside from whether or not they like it... similar to any statements made with respect to PvE queue or game population. Forum users are nothing but a very small fragment of total players.
The forums are only a small part of the community, but the state of PVP and the amount of dislike is easy to see.
Without having a premade team queue for a PVP match, any PVP match. If it pops within 15 minutes (being generous here) it would be a small miracle ingame. Even competitive TFO have difficulties filling up if there is not an universal endeavor supporting it.
Would you say that the sheer lack of activity is a sign of a healthy and vibrant PVP community?
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Surely a poll such as this is and the enthusiastic discussion that's followed are an indicator that player engagement in PvP is rising and that more people than ever are embracing a quick round between TFO's and loving it?
..or perhaps not.
Alas since nobody aside from Cryptic has access to internal statistics nobody here can really state anything with complete certainty aside from whether or not they like it... similar to any statements made with respect to PvE queue or game population. Forum users are nothing but a very small fragment of total players.
The forums are only a small part of the community, but the state of PVP and the amount of dislike is easy to see.
Without having a premade team queue for a PVP match, any PVP match. If it pops within 15 minutes (being generous here) it would be a small miracle ingame. Even competitive TFO have difficulties filling up if there is not an universal endeavor supporting it.
Would you say that the sheer lack of activity is a sign of a healthy and vibrant PVP community?
I was just having a little fun in my original post tbh. Not trying to start a fire.
If I were serious I would ask you to cite your source for numbers no matter what your personal observations are in the same manner I was once asked for a source when pondering another part of STO's level of activity prior to the random TFO system being put in place - the PvE queues. But I won't because I'm not
Regardless of whether or not anybody here likes or dislikes PvP I'll bow out by saying I'd rather not see STO become smaller in any way, whether it be PvP, PvE, Exploration, Foundry, or anything else
lol love the nx refit and my miradorn as a human tac officer pvp and you play what you play pve,ground,pvp,,its a game and reading this just tells me there is so much miss understanding about pvp yet again, ow it takes time to build a good build ,,but is basically the same as building high dps ,only you build for survival first ,and after that you put dps and in the end your little escort can tank 6 mill incoming dmg wile ripping apart a 6 mill hull dread ..anyone that has seen pvp ship shoot knows what i mean
away with ye foul zombieness (white lantern ring blast) /necro
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
Choice is VERY limited and you will get biased results. Why bother anyways nobody PvPs these days and DEVs dont care fixing it.
Original STO beta tester.
Not that I've ever participated in PvP, Nor will I. I don't go online in any game to fight other players, I go in to have fun playing the game.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Agreed. I actually fly that once in awhile. It's one of my go-tos that I keep loaded out for one of the energy damage personal endeavors.
Working on that, actually. Loading out several ships with separate energy types to use for the energy damage endeavors. Since I like to keep at least one torpedo per ship I can choose whichever one I like for kinetic damage.
You know, it is a talent to leave out the most deserving candidates.
I would go for an Icarus Pilot escort or the science pilot war bird:
But from the list I'd say the maquis ship is probably the most dangerous.
Indeed. How about a nice game of chess?
.. Good morning Dave.. should i open the bay doors for you?
Thanks. I'm glad you found a build you're satisfied with. I'm still playing with mine. I don't try to break any records, I just like to outlast my opponents and contribute to team stuff.
It does that. As does the Rezreth I've happily built up. No, it doesn't break any records either, but it holds its own in the FTFO. I've put the Chronometric cannon set on it and the Morphogenic set, along with rep/regular single cannons/turrets. Almost the whole set of breen consoles and other assorted consoles. Can't afford the elite pets, but the ones that come with it do nicely for distractions.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Well, I don't either. But when the PvP is actually balanced, it can be extremely fun. Take Galactic Starfighter in SWTOR, the only thing that separates the balance there is time spent playing it, to work on your ships, and player skill. Sure there are some cash shop fighters. But they aren't any more powerful than the other ships you can get.
Where as here, the more you spend, the stronger you are, and there isn't really any balance at all. Makes it a worthless piece of the game.
Attack Pattern: Omega, takes care of the control effects of even the mega-well builds. But, PvP has been on the ignore list since 2013. So, it's only broken 8 ways from Sunday.
Which is one of the reasons I figured STO wouldn't do to well on console. Since a lot more of the pvp oriented players tend to play on them.
But PvP can still have it's uses. For example, doing a 1v1 against friends to test out build ideas. This is how I built a One Shot, One Kill Ground Stealth build, that doesn't have a use anywhere else in the game. Outside of this, yeah, the best ship for it, is the one that you use to move away from it.
Anyways... testing builds, testing certain things to see if they are worth using (like starship traits), and other things, yea... 1v1 is better as it is a controlled environment. PvP in its current form is a total free for all with no means of matching players with others of equivelent skill/gear, leading to quite a few curbstomps from veteran players with certain builds geared towards nuking NPCs, which have a lot more HP than players.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
..or perhaps not.
The forums are only a small part of the community, but the state of PVP and the amount of dislike is easy to see.
Without having a premade team queue for a PVP match, any PVP match. If it pops within 15 minutes (being generous here) it would be a small miracle ingame. Even competitive TFO have difficulties filling up if there is not an universal endeavor supporting it.
Would you say that the sheer lack of activity is a sign of a healthy and vibrant PVP community?
i will take a look for. Ty for help
If I were serious I would ask you to cite your source for numbers no matter what your personal observations are in the same manner I was once asked for a source when pondering another part of STO's level of activity prior to the random TFO system being put in place - the PvE queues. But I won't because I'm not
Regardless of whether or not anybody here likes or dislikes PvP I'll bow out by saying I'd rather not see STO become smaller in any way, whether it be PvP, PvE, Exploration, Foundry, or anything else
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator