I am adding that the brightness makes this mission nearly unplayable an you have to navigate by mini map. The lighting on the EV suit looks superb when your in a darker room but the Lava flow areas are TOO much. The light saturation is too high. https://gyazo.com/11e645ed0d158a700d35af6564ff588c
Same. I went in and poked around - with bloom on the screen is comically bright. Turn bloom off and it is still unplayable, but not as bright. Turn Lighting 2.0 off and the map looks OK and is probably playable as expected.
Something about yesterday's patch changed bloom/lighting 2.0 - the other thread I am in, having bloom on causes black boxes when the new ship explosion animations play.
We were able to live with the Fleet Bar being blinding after 2.0, but this definitely deserves a quick fix, and with any luck - things are related.
Power Source is definitely unplayable with the bloom. Can't see anything at all because of it. Just trying to find the stairs down is impossible. No point in continuing this mission until it gets fixed.
I can confirm this is still an issue. A workaround I found is to go to Options, Graphics, lighting 2.0 and switch this off. Game definitely looks less good overall, but I've managed to play Power Source
Someone posted a similar thread regarding Sphere of Influence... I'm wondering if it's a side effect of the EV suit changes to related missions that were mentioned in the blog. As both are EV suit missions.
Something about yesterday's patch changed bloom/lighting 2.0 - the other thread I am in, having bloom on causes black boxes when the new ship explosion animations play.
We were able to live with the Fleet Bar being blinding after 2.0, but this definitely deserves a quick fix, and with any luck - things are related.
However, both of those and "Blood of Ancients" use the same map and all 3 have the same issue, which isn't surprising.
Multiple threads exist on this issue:
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264297/sphere-of-influence
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264341/pc-too-much-bloom-sphere-of-influence
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264374/sphere-of-influence-lighting-2-0-messed-up-i-feel-like-slamek
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264433/blood-of-ancients-the-new-romulus-gateway-tunnels-and-the-flotilla-ending
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264706/the-poer-source-brightness