Issue - I have a Gamma Recruit with level 65, over 80 hours played. He has 40 of 42 missions completed with this transponder including the one that gives the Gold DOFF for damage.
Prior to the patch of 10ish days ago. I could claim rewards on all my characters from the Temporal agent under the Gamma Recruit Tab. I was able to get some of my characters this Gold DOFF which is account wide. All my characters are level 65 with well over 40 hours each played.
When I go to the Temporal AGent on ESD or Free City, I will click on the Gamma Tab and will get a blank screen that says "No results Found"
At first I thought I had no more rewards to claim but I have characters that don't have this Gold DOFF yet and I'm not able to claim it.
I have uninstalled the game fully and reinstalled in a new directory, then reverfied the files with no good result.
I'm really not sure what to do. All my characters have claimed Gamma Recruit rewards before and suddenly I'm not able to see the rewards now available to me on some of my characters, both Klingon and Starfleet. I'd really like some Dev help here!
I have included screen shots below. It is interesting cause I will click on the Temporal agent and the message changes after about 1 second, not sure why. The message reads the same but it is differently formatted.
I've looked in their DOFFs to see if there are any Gold Doffs waiting to go. There aren't any. Checked their inventory to see if I have to USE them. They aren't there. Nothing is there.