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N'Kaam Build suggestions?

vedauwoovedauwoo Member Posts: 215 Arc User
Just got a cool little flying saucer......beams are fun, but, the maneuverability make me thing cannons.....? Any ideas, suggestions, builds to point me to?



  • edited July 2021
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  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,711 Arc User
    can sci ships even mount dual cannons? unless you are talking the single cannons that shoot 180 degrees
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • edited August 2021
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  • chiperionchiperion Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Just to make things clear, the N'Kaam does come with a secondary deflector slot, as do all scout ships, can mount dual cannons and has built-in (basic) raider flanking, so a captain running Temporal as a main spec can still flank both with their weapons and a number of science boff abilities. A full list of the latter comes to us via Eph289, on /r/stobuilds:
    Can Flank

    *Note that some of these are a good guess based on how similar powers work

    Very Cold in Space (confirmed)

    Destabilizing Resonance Beam (confirmed)

    Delayed Overload Cascade (confirmed)

    Chronometric Inversion Field (confirmed)

    Delphic Tear Generator (confirmed)

    Temporal Vortex Probe (confirmed)

    Photonic Shockwave (unconfirmed)

    Tractor Beam (unconfirmed)

    Tractor Beam Repulsors (unconfirmed)

    Aceton Beam (unconfirmed)

    Channeled Deconstruction (unconfirmed)

    Entropic Cascade (unconfirmed)

    Entropic Redistribution (unconfirmed)

    Spore-Infused Anomalies (confirmed)

    Cannot Flank

    Deteriorating Secondary Deflector (confirmed)

    Gravity Well (confirmed)

    Tyken's Rift (confirmed)

    Subspace Vortex (confirmed)

    Neutronic Eddy Generator (confirmed)

    Multi-Target Tractor Arrays (unconfirmed)

    To my knowledge, the Tholian Web Cannon can't be slotted on a ship that has flanking.

    Mycelial Spore Burst (unconfirmed)

    Neutronic Eddy Generator (unconfirmed)

    Eject Warp Plasma (unconfirmed)

    Structural Integrity Collapse (unconfirmed)

    Rapid Decay (unconfirmed)

    Timeline Collapse (unconfirmed)

    Gravimetric torpedo rifts and Plasma Clouds (confirmed)

    Drain Infection (confirmed)

    Anti-Time Bubble (confirmed)

    Electrified Anomalies (unconfirmed)

    Anyone who hasn't read the Revisiting Exotics series from there should definitely do so when they have the time.

    @vedauwoo: What is your budget?
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,261 Arc User
    chiperion wrote: »
    Just to make things clear, the N'Kaam does come with a secondary deflector slot, as do all scout ships, can mount dual cannons and has built-in (basic) raider flanking, so a captain running Temporal as a main spec can still flank both with their weapons and a number of science boff abilities.

    Apparently the wiki is incorrect in showing the Lukari N'Kaam Scout Ship not having a secondary deflector in the ship's overview to the right even though it's mentioned in the text overview portion. Had to check mine in-game for a definitive answer.
  • edited August 2021
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  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,261 Arc User
    vedauwoo wrote: »
    Just got a cool little flying saucer......beams are fun, but, the maneuverability make me thing cannons.....? Any ideas, suggestions, builds to point me to?


    I'd agree with @westmetals that exotic science is probably the way to go. I hear ya about cannons coming to mind with a turn rate like that but the ship is really set up for and better supports science + flanking.

    Another ship option would be the T6 Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship from a Tier 5 Colony holding which can also wear the N'Kaam skin <-- because flying saucers are cool.

    Even these are being built as exotic sci-torp boats.

    You're probably going to have something like Ensign and Lieutenant tac bridge officer slots, Commander and LtC science boff slots, and a Lt engineer. So lot's of science :smile:

    What do you think now that your fully buffed set of cannons and turrets might find better use on a different ship?
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  • vedauwoovedauwoo Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    Just an update....

    Here's where I am with my experiment so far: https://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/ba1ab1ab00867a2fac908cca8938af56#starship

    I still need to load ship parts and their modifiers.....but its AP BA/DBB/BA on front and AP BA/Quantum Mines/BA on rear....

    In my skills, I redid them to be able to teach FAW3....and thought the science would help....but that kept me from completing TAC tree.....not sure if that was a good idea....

    More updates to come....
  • edited August 2021
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  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,261 Arc User
    vedauwoo wrote: »
    Just an update....

    Here's where I am with my experiment so far: https://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/ba1ab1ab00867a2fac908cca8938af56#starship

    I still need to load ship parts and their modifiers.....but its AP BA/DBB/BA on front and AP BA/Quantum Mines/BA on rear....

    In my skills, I redid them to be able to teach FAW3....and thought the science would help....but that kept me from completing TAC tree.....not sure if that was a good idea....

    More updates to come....

    I think you might be trying to do too many things with your skill tree. It is possible to go 27 points into tactical for the ultimate and have full points into EPS and long range targeting sensors and full science but my own usual approach is to try to focus on going 27 points with 'some' science for a mixed build that still relies primarily upon energy weapon damage or go full exotic without any emphasis on EPS and targeting.

    Check out this skill tree for a rough idea. It's still possible to go heavier into science by taking points from shield hardness, capacity, and healing for more control X, control amplification, and drain but final choices would probably depend upon what you're trying to achieve.

    The main areas that I think might need re-arranging in your skill tree are too many points into things power related (4 total should suffice - 2 captain & 2 admiral level), lacking a point in hull plating, having one additional point each into weapons amplification and specialization, perhaps dropping shield mastery, and keeping the lieutenant skills for hull/shield capacity and healing to one point each (possibly less on some). Additional EPS and targeting sensors might be needed for energy weapon damage also.

    Keep in mind that a 3/3 ship with a secondary deflector and lots of science consoles is always going to be wanting a bit as far as energy weapon damage is concerned so it might make sense to squeeze in something exotic based such as a torpedo, a gravity well for your commander science, and a boff ability to proc your secdef on a regular basis (huge damage is available here).
  • edrickvellorinedrickvellorin Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    Not a build expert so can't offer much advice, but I will note something that I realized a while ago: The T6 and Fleet T6 ships (Ho'kuun and Dranuur respectively) both have Mastery tier 5 traits, and they are different. And all three Lukari ships can use the skins of the others you own. (And if you are KDF aligned or just like black and red, the Section 31 shield looks good on the N'Kaam skin in my opinion.)
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