The launcher is giving me a DirectX error about unsupported video card even though my video card is on DirectX 11.1. Image links below are the error window and my video card's description.
And if you are wondering if I have the d3d9 in the command line, no, I've checked the command line as it's empty.
EDIT: Looks like the Windows 10 fall update didn't like my previous video driver. Installed the latest nVidia driver (released today) and now everything is working again. Phew.
I can launch the game if I disable the Intel Graphics Adapter but it effects the performance of the game, as it defaults to using the Microsoft Basic Display Driver.
Assuming you have a recent version of nVidia drivers installed on your laptop, you only need to do the following steps:
1. Right click on the desktop.
2. Click on nVidia Control Panel.
3. In the control panel window click on Manage 3D settings.
4. You should be defaulted to the Global Settings tab. In the Preferred graphics processor drop down list select "High performance NVIDIA processor".
5. Click the "Apply" button and you should be set.
The game seems to ignores it and checks the hardware, using DXDIAG it lists the Intel Chipset as the Display and the Geforce Chipset on a tab called Render (I have seen other newer machines list the Intel Chipset as Display 1 and the Geforce Chipset as Display 2.
Maybe it is just checking the Display adapters?
EDIT: found a (voodoo-y) fix when a similar problem developed with Overwatch. Setting the desktop resolution to it's minimum (800x600 for me) and back to it's recommended value has fixed the problem, although it reset my graphics options to default the first time I loaded the game back up.
Resolution Switch, Force Verify, and Computer Reset have not worked.