Just a couple of ideas to make the Game feel a bit more like Star Trek, instead of Starship troopers.
- Instead of making enemy ships explode, can we please have a toggle to just disable them? (at least in solo missions)
Similar like in the early AoY missions where you disable infected Starfleet ships.
It feels really tireing to annihilate that many NPC crews in a STAR TREK game, whereas we could just diable their ships without killing all of them.
Isn't this what Star Trek was once about in the first place?
- Add a slider to change the amount of Visual FX in Space AND ground, or make them at least less visible. To say amount of Visual FX, especially in Battlezones was excessive would be an understatement. There's so much going on, even in Ground Missions, (like Arena of Sompek for ex.) you cometimes can't see anything at all. That's not fun at all.
- Add a toggle to reduce the visual Ship Energy weapons to one single beam (one fore/aft). This would reduce the visual clutter and enhance the feel like in the shows. This could maybe be done via visual slot at the Ship Status swindow, where you can put other visuals for the ships shields for example.
All things considered, the game feels and looks much more Star Trek in early stage of the game, especially after the tutorial until Captain imo.
After that, the visuals slowly gets more and more to a point where the visual overload becomes so excessive, its overwhelming and tiring to be honest.
Again, less is more.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
A tale of two Picards
(also applies to Star Trek in general)
Even so, the reduction of FX is not justified.
Also beam weapons feels a bit weak/funky with that '3-burst' fire. A long beam would make more sense...?
@darkbladejk @rattler2 @wingedhussar#7584
put simply NECROOOOOO
*casts Holy Photon Torpedo*
Please remember to watch when the thread was last posted in.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode